Linking patron name to patron record
I have noticed there are several ideas suggested in the ideas exchange regarding linking a patron's name and/or ID to their record in Alma.
These include:
- 'Link patron loan to patron record' (posted 25/05/2016)
- 'Hyperlinking from request queue/holdshelf to patron record' (posted 21/09/2017)
- Ability to view patron data via patron ID link in resource sharing' (posted 11/01/2018)
I have one more to add to the list - linking within 'Manage item returns'.
When an item is returned, the patron returning the item is displayed in the 'Patron' column, with a hyperlink to their record, and the option of pop-up information. In the attached example, our next step is to post the item to the next patron, displayed in the 'Next step' column. Unfortunately this column does not have a hyperlink to the patron record, or the option of pop-up information. As it does not link through to the record or display address information, we then have to exit out of 'Manage item returns' and do a separate search for the patron in either Admin > Manage users, or Fulfillment > Manage patron services.
Linking from the patron name to the patron record would assist workflow significantly in many areas of Alma. It seems to be an ongoing theme in the ideas exchange and I hope ExLibris will consider this enhancement in the near future.
The solution approach will be to add a link from the user contact info pop up to the user record. This link will be available for users that have a role that allows viewing a full user record.
By having this link added to the user information pop up we will have added to the many places where user information is displayed.
Florence Lanz (UBE, SLSP) commented
In lieu of a vote we would like to express our support for the implementation for this idea in this form. A link from the contact info pop up to the user record would be a great help.
Best regards
Naomi commented
Any news regarding this enhancement?
Best regards
Naomi Galor -
Christiane Hansel (UB Duisburg-Essen) commented
Dear Moshe,
when will the enhancement take place ?
best regards from Germany
Manu Schwendener commented
Iain Gray commented
IT would be useful if the Primary Identifier was a hyperlink in the Contact Information Pop-Up of a user, so that the user details screen was displayed in just one click instead of havign to copy, paste search and then click.
Zena Mulligan commented
We agree, linking to the entire record from the loan would be ideal.
Anonymous commented
Thank you for linking patron to a record when looking up item and looking up the loan, however, it needs to go to the entire record which includes all the tabs such as fees, contact information, notes, etc.
Also it would be nice to link the email to outlook, so that there is no need to copy and paste the patron email into outlook once in the patron record, as of now when clicking on the email in the contact information it will link to another page and then the email can be copied and pasted, just a wasted step. -
Rosie commented
I have noticed there are several ideas suggested in the ideas exchange regarding linking a patron's name and/or ID to their record in Alma.
These include:
- 'Link patron loan to patron record' (posted 25/05/2016)
- 'Hyperlinking from request queue/holdshelf to patron record' (posted 21/09/2017)
- Ability to view patron data via patron ID link in resource sharing' (posted 11/01/2018)
- Linking patron name to patron record (posted 29/01/2018)
Linking from the patron name to the patron record would assist workflow significantly in many areas of Alma. It seems to be an ongoing theme in the ideas exchange and I hope ExLibris will consider this enhancement in the near future. -
Rosie commented
I have noticed there are several ideas suggested in the ideas exchange regarding linking a patron's name and/or ID to their record in Alma.
These include:
- 'Link patron loan to patron record' (posted 25/05/2016)
- 'Hyperlinking from request queue/holdshelf to patron record' (posted 21/09/2017)
- Ability to view patron data via patron ID link in resource sharing' (posted 11/01/2018)
- Linking patron name to patron record (posted 29/01/2018)
Linking from the patron name to the patron record would assist workflow significantly in many areas of Alma. It seems to be an ongoing theme in the ideas exchange and I hope ExLibris will consider this enhancement in the near future. -
Rosie commented
I have noticed there are several ideas suggested in the ideas exchange regarding linking a patron's name and/or ID to their record in Alma.
These include:
- 'Link patron loan to patron record' (posted 25/05/2016)
- 'Hyperlinking from request queue/holdshelf to patron record' (posted 21/09/2017)
- Ability to view patron data via patron ID link in resource sharing' (posted 11/01/2018)
- Linking patron name to patron record (posted 29/01/2018)
Linking from the patron name to the patron record would assist workflow significantly in many areas of Alma. It seems to be an ongoing theme in the ideas exchange and I hope ExLibris will consider this enhancement in the near future. -
Lucy Oakley commented
In Resource Sharing Borrowing it would be very useful to have a hyper link from Patron ID through to the patron information screen (currently we have to copy and paste the Patron ID into Management Patron Services search box).
Rosie commented
When an item is returned in Alma, the screen displays the patron name, which is hyperlinked through to their patron record.
I wondered whether this feature could be incorporated into the Active Hold Shelf and/or the Resource Request Monitoring list and/or the Request Queue as well. Currently these pages display the patron name, but the name is not hyperlinked to their record (see examples attached). It would be extremely useful to be able to go directly from the Request Queue to the patron record, or the Active Hold Shelf to the patron record in order to loan the requested item without going through the ‘manage patron services’ search.
Hyperlinking the patron name so we could go directly from one page to the other would significantly improve workflow for us.
Anonymous commented
Patron complete record should be linked once you click loan in catalog. Loan is linked to the patron and it tells me who has the item, however it does not allow me to access the patron's complete record. The student ID is available but at this time I have to copy and paste the ID# into Patron Management before I get the complete record which then allows me to get into contact information, fees, etc. Is it possible to have the entire record linked once you click on Loan or 2nd solution would be to have the ID# linked.