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168 results found

  1. Improve General Electronic Service

    In each General Electronic Service, the Service Details page has a section marked "Disable Service," with radio button options for
    Never, When resource is owned by the campus, When resource is owned by the campus and available, When resource is owned by the institution, and When resource is owned by the institution and available. These controls do not work. I have been told that making them work would be an enhancement. I suggest that they be hidden or removed in order to avoid wasting the time of library staff in trying to make them work.

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  2. Make it easier to create sets of courses

    The only way to create a set of courses is to get the course IDs from analytics.

    This is a problem for Sandbox where we have no access to analytics - especially for those of us with generic data.

    1. Include the course ID when downloading a list of courses to Excel with All Fields selected (and make the course ID an option to view in the table.
    2. Enable save and create set when viewing a list of courses
    3. Enable course code to be used when creating a set

    This would be very helpful now that we…

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  3. Material types not sorted and not searchable at the title level

    The item-level search for specific material types is not sorted alphabetically. This is the case in the English user interface.
    A title-level search for this parameter would also be desirable.

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  4. Expand Course Reserves Facet/Advanced Search Functionality

    When working in Reading Lists and Courses the facet filtering limits staff to a single selection in a category at time. However, many institutions have multiple terms or staff liaisons serving more than one academic department. In such cases, it would be quite helpful to allow staff to select multiple facets. The inability to multi-select prevents staff and their managers from being able view the whole picture and effectively managing the work.

    If that’s not possible, we’d like to request that you expand the advanced search options for reading lists, courses, and citations to make all of the facet options…

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  5. Enable Alma to add to the letters a "Reply to" in the email message header

    reply to can only be added as a text line, it would be much better if it was added in the header

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  6. —-—-—-— Marlise Daum commented: Lieber Moritz Eigensatz Ach so… Du weisst ja sicher, dass man über “View title in Search” das Exemplar find

    Barcode of item visible under requests

    Marlise Daum commented:
    Lieber Moritz Eigensatz
    Ach so…
    Du weisst ja sicher, dass man über “View title in Search” das Exemplar findet.

    Aber direkt anzeigen bei den Requests lässt es sich (momentan) nicht. Welches Exemplar/Strichcode betroffen ist, lässt sich auch erst erkennen, wenn der Request einen bestimmten Status hat (zum Beispiel “On Hold Shelf).
    Gerne kannst Du dazu einen “Enhancement Request” einreichen:
    Liebe Grüsse
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  7. Add vendor information to Order Now Letter

    Currently in the Order Now Letter the vendor information is not output in the XML, which is automatically generated when submitting an order.

    With adding this feature, the ordering person could then also receive the information by e-mail from which vendor the resource was ordered.

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  8. Visibility of display logic rules at the Alma collection level

    It would be very helpful to flag activated Alma collections when they are concerned by display logic rules.

    At the moment, there is no indication and activation changes may have some impact on the discovery and fulfillment level. It would be very useful for electronic operators to be directly alerted (for example with an icon) and it could prevent collection deletions or other mistakes made due to lack of knowledge.

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  9. Display purchase request approval/rejection reason in purchase request alerts in citations

    We think it would be helpful for the purchase request approval/rejection alerts for citations in Alma to include the approval/rejection reason. This would appear in the Type field of the alert in addition to the "Citation Purchase Request Approved/Rejected" text (like how the rule used to approve/reject copyright for a citation appears after "Approved" or "Rejected" in the Copyright Status field).

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  10. Customization of the search categories

    The customization of the search categories to be displayed in the Advanced or Simple Search is solved very very awkwardly. 3 clicks for each category is just too complicated.
    My suggestions:
    - Make activation switch directly operable
    - Make list sortable by activated terms
    - Checkboxes for the terms in both columns for advanced and simple search
    - Improve the explanation in the KB, because
    translating "dc:Title" with "Dc Title" has no added value. An explanation that dc:title B is e.g. DUBLIN CORE title would be super, so that one knows what one activates there.

    Please improve at least…

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  11. Improve Loan Activity Letter so that it does not duplicate information

    Loan Activity Letter lists loans and overdue loans separately. Thus, when a user only has overdue loans, they appear twice.
    I propose that in the event that a user only has overdue loans, these loans apeears only once.

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  12. Ability to order facets in Alma Resource Sharing

    For our workflows it would be useful to be able to move assignee to the top of the Facets in the new Resource Sharing screens for Lending and Borrowing

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  13. Searching/Connecting Barcodes from other Institutions (Consortium)

    In a Consortium, it is currently not possible to look up an item from another institution zone with its barcode in Alma. It's also not possible to connect the fee to an item from another institution zone, based on this same architecture issue.
    We would like to have the possibility to search for items from other institutions to, among other things, place request on them on behalf of a patron directly in Alma - therefore this Idea goes along with
    Thank you!

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  14. Allow re-ordering of categories (Online Services; GES) within ViewIt area

    It is currently possible to modify the Online Services Order and General Electronic Services Order, so that some services will be displayed at top or bottom within these individual categories (Fulfillment Configuration > Discovery Interface Display Logic). However, all the Online Services always display above all the General Electronic Services. We would like to be able to modify this default, to move a single (or all) GES above the Online Services in ViewIt display. This functionality would be very useful to institutions, since custom GES may be used to address specific local institutional needs which may take priority over other…

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  15. Add Loan Information to Fulfillment Set Export

    When Create Fulfillment Set is used to create a set of items that are Overdue, Lost, Claimed Returned etc it would be very useful for the loan and borrower's information to be included in the exported spreadsheet.

    Currently only the Process Type and Due Date are included. Including the Loan date, Patron's name, Primary ID, and Preferred email address would allow staff flexibility in contacting patrons by mail merge or manually.

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  16. Add a field for Library URL to the Library details that can be used in Letters.


    Most of libraries have a separate website with all relevant information for patrons. In Patron facing letters in Alma it would be useful to have a link to this library website.

    Currently, there is no dedicated field in library details configuration where such link could be stored and then passed to the letters.

    Please add a dedicated field for library website in library details configuration and feed this field to the Alma Letters.

    Best regards,

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  17. Add Archived/Unarchived Visibility Facet to Reading List

    When a course is archived all of its associated reading lists also become archived but when you look in the Reading List page there is no way to determine which reading lists are archived without clicking the ellipse next to each reading list to see whether it has an Unarchive option.

    It would be nice to be able to filter for this with a facet like you can with Courses.

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  18. self checkout

    Self checkout over sip2 to have Alerts/fulfillment notes on checkout , not checkin only.

    Patrons need to be alerted to how many pieces SHOULD be in the item when they checkout so they can alert staff if pieces are missing on checkout

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  19. Fulfillment Proxy Should Receive On Hold Shelf notifications for AFN items

    We have found:

    ---While Fulfillment Proxy users can request both local and AFN items on behalf of the Proxy Sponsor,
    ---And Fulfillment Proxy and Proxy Sponsor users receive On Hold Shelf notifications for local items,
    ---Only the Proxy Sponsor receives On Hold Shelf notification emails for AFN items. The Fulfillment Proxy does NOT also receive the letter for AFN items on hold.

    We would like Alma to send an On Hold Shelf notification to the Fulfillment Proxy patron for items requested through the AFN by a Fulfillment Proxy. This will mirror functionality for requests placed for local items by a…

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  20. Improving Ability to Create Repeating Courses for Multiple Semesters

    Currently there is no ability to have two courses in different semesters with the same course code and section number in Reserves. Our college reuses course codes and section numbers between semesters, so we are unable to build new courses with the same course code/section number combination before the current semester ends.

    I would like to add additional identifying fields to the current code/section unique identifier. Possibilities include unique terms (Fall 2022) or a term/year combination (Fall + 22-23).

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