Link "go to patron"
There should alway be a link to the patron from any tabs in Alma. For example for a document requested by a user. After "scan in items" there should be the possibility to go directly (via link) to the user details tab. Same by "return items". The name of user who borrowed it should be a link that allows access to his/her details.
Schenk Susanna commented
The information from the patron would make day-to-day work much easier so that seamless feedback can be provided in the case of problems.
Corinne Gysling commented
This would indeed be a very useful functionality for everybody working in the fulfillment.
Olli Hiltunen commented
Wonderful, I support this idea! I have noticed this same need in my everyday work as an information services advisor.
We use "Scan in items" to process daily pickups from shelves. In these cases we need to add a fee to these customers who have requested items, and that requires navigating to the user record after scanning in. There are days when we have a huge amount of pickups so a direct link to the user details tab (the requestor) from "Scan in items" menu would make daily workflow more effective and user-friendly.
Can you elaborate on why that link would be required ? The patron contact card that shows up next to the patron name is intended to give you any infromation you need without having to navigatie to the user record. Would adding information to that card help ?