Item Policy Code Table issues
After adding an Alma Item policy in the Configuration->Fulfillment->Physical Fulfillment->Item Policy, the Item Policy Code Table allows you to edit the Code. Existing items records linked to the item policy code are not updated in such an edit. Such items retain the now “orphaned” original item policy code as can be queried in analytics.
To compound this, leading and trailing spaces within an item policy code are considered significant, so an edit to remove a trailing space leaves (invisible to the user) distinct item policies, one of which is broken.
We propose the following three changes:
1.) The Item Policy code table be changed to not allow editing of the item policy code to bring it in-line with other code tables in Alma to avoid “orphaning” item policies. This enforces consistency within the system.
2.) When saving an item policy, the system performs a trim of prefixed and postfixed spaces to the item policy code. This enforces data cleanliness.
3.) Since you can no longer edit the item policy code going forward per #1 above, the removal of an existing item policy should not be allowed until all items associated with item policy have had their item policy changed or removed. This enforces data consistency relating to existing items and ensures removal of unused item policies from items.