Display loan limit for patrons at Manage Patron Services Screen in Alma
At present, there is no indication at the Manage Patron Services screen (when you go to a patron's account) of the loan limit for the patron (i.e. allowed to borrow 8 loans; of which 2 loans may be from the SL collection, etc.). This information is only available at Configuration - Fulfillment - Loan Limits.
David Power commented
It is possible to add a note to the user record in Alma to indicate the patron loan limit that will appear in "user notes" at the Patron Services screen at Manage Patron Services in Fulfillment.
If a known user group possess the same loan limit, a set can be created and saved. Here a job can be run on the set to "update/notify users" where a note can be added that will be applied to all users in the set which will appear in the user's notes.