Allow staff level renewing of items marked as "lost", or the ability to bulk process from "lost" to "found".
I'd like the ability to either allow staff to renew items listed as "lost" or at least be able to bulk process items marked as "lost" to "found" so we can then renew them.
The new Manage Patron Services UI that has been released in the November 24' release includes the option to bulk mark items as 'found'. See Manage Patron Services New UI on the November 24 Release Notes -
We would like to look into this option after the new Circulation Desk UI ( is rolled out.
Patricia Farnan commented
I have no spare votes, but it would be great to be able to update due dates for lost items without changing anything else (e.g. don't change fines, lost process status, etc).
Caroline L. Brown commented
The ability to perform bulk processes from "Manage Patron Services" is an essential function within library services. Currently when a faculty member has 100 "lost" books they would like to renew it takes an inordinate amount of staff time set to "found", clear fines (if necessary) then renew.
Janet commented
Ability to renew "lost" items would be invaluable. We allow limitless borrowing to our staff and research postgrads. Their books go overdue for various reasons and it's currently very time consuming to make each item " found" to enable renewal when they've many books on loan.
Anonymous commented
Having the "Found" status as a choice along with the "Renew all" would dramatically improve an inefficient process.
Marc Duggan commented
This seems so obvious - why is it that we can 'manage selected' inventory items to do things such as withdraw them, but that an equivalent function isn't present within circulation to bulk mark items as 'Found' ?
Anonymous commented
Being able to bulk process Lost items from within the patron account would be extremely helpful! Often users have multiple items that go into Lost status at the same time, and being able to use the "Found Item" action on multiple items at once (without running a job) would be much more efficient.
Anonymous commented
I would love the ability to remove bulk lost status to renew material for faculty, staff and students that have numerous loans out. Is there a way to make it so they do not receive a credit email notification when the lost status is removed.