Make the focus and displayed function configurable
in the Function "Fulfillment" - " manage user services" - "Patron services" - "submit request"
a popup screen is shown "Submit request". After select a title there are 4 action buttons:
"Patron Physical", "Booking", "Cancel", "Digitization"
(in this order).
- Please put the Action "Cancel" at the first or last (better) place!
- Can we configure which buttons are shown (Digitazation, and Booking we not offer as a service)
- the action button "Digitazation" is the prefered action (focus is on that function), can we configure which action is the prefered action?
Michael Voss (HUB)
The order of the services is designed to highlight a 'preferred' service on the right, with a 'Cancel' action next to it, and then less preferred actions further to the left. This is a general new UI design. With this in mind, the digital services have been considered the preferred services.
That said, the list of services that shows up should include only services that are available for this user for this record. Thus, if digitization is not a valid service, it is not expected to be found on the list. If this is not your experience, there may be some defect that needs to be fixed.
Moshe Shechter