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123 results found

  1. Please add restrict request function for fulfillment network requests in Primo VE between institutions.

    We are a library consortium facilitating interlibrary loans through a fulfillment network with Network Zone, rather than AFN.

    It allows patrons to find items from other institutions directly and request them. Our goal is for patrons of Institution A to use Institution A's Primo VE to request books from Institution B.

    If Institution A has the book available for borrowing, requesting the book from Library B will not be possible.

    Implementing the above feature in Alma to restrict requests in this manner would not only save shipping costs but also reduce waiting times for patrons.

    We previously submitted this requirement,…

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  2. Post download links for digtization requests to user's Primo account

    Currently, Alma will post a download link to the user's Primo account when a resource sharing request is filled digitally. Alma does not post a download link to Primo when a digitization request is filled. This difference can be confusing for users, so it would be very helpful if download links for both resource sharing and digitization requests were posted to the user's Primo account.

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  3. Add a "Pick up location" line under the "Pick Up Requested Resources" columns

    For institutions with multiple campuses that share items, there is no way to see what the pick-up location for an item is on the Pickup Requested Resources page. you must export the data to excel, print it out, process the hold, or search for the item's request separately. This creates a lot of unnecessary steps for such simple information and makes it difficult for institutions that track item movement between campuses. My suggestion is to add a line in the columns under each request that states what the pick-up location is. View files to see example. Thank you

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  4. Notification on 'Pick from Shelf' link

    Can a notification or flag be added to the 'Pick from Shelf' link to alert us to new requests? Something like the notifications on Announcements and View Recommendations. Our requests are often sporadic, and it would stop us from having to keep checking the 'Pick from Shelf' list and help us be more responsive to requests.

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  5. Open / Closed Stacks Request Possibilities Priority

    Currently, when a library owns a title in several copies, and that some of these copies are dispatched between physical locations attached to both closed and open stacks fulfillment unit, all copies behave like open stacks.

    In other terms: if we have two items, one in open-stacks and one in closed-stacks, title-level requesting is blocked as long as the open-stacks item is available. Hence, open stacks configuration takes precedence over the closed one.

    We would like that whenever an available item is stored in a closed stacks location alongside other open stacks available items, users still can request the item…

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  6. Request limit

    It will be useful to limit the number of request for a specific library. Likewise for loan limits.
    If an institution has more than one library then it may want, for example, to allow a patron to borrow from several of them. Then the order limit should be correspondingly larger. However, if the loan limit is larger than the request limit, this situation can be confusing for the user. For example - a patron has a request limit of 10, and loan limit 5 in Library A and 5 in Library B. However, for the moment he can request 10…

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  7. Booking request - possibility to configure a blocked period

    We are using the booking request for technical equipment which has to be prepared for lending previously. We want that an item can not be booked shorter than 3 days in advance, so the team is able to prepare everything. This ist not configurable yet.

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  8. On Hold Shelf letter should display pick-up library rather than owning library

    Currently, if a student places a request on a book from a different library to be picked up at their "home" library, the On Hold Shelf letter comes from the owning library with the owning library's branding, not from the pick-up location, which is what they are expecting. This is confusing to students because they are not expecting an email from a different library and often ignore it.
    The On Hold Shelf letter email should have the pick-up library information/branding, not the owning library's information/branding.

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  9. Adding a parameter to block the request queue for physical items at the title level

    The request queue can be confusing for library users, as such requests are often canceled due to lack of copies. With title-level requests, the library should be able to decide whether or not to allow a queue for physical item requests. It should be possible to create a parameter for this to allow blocking the queue.

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  10. Allow for Pinning/Saving and Labeling of Searches from Resource Request Monitoring

    Have the ability to have either an institutional and/or individual ability to save a commonly used search. There are some routine tasks involving Hold lists that would be made more efficient if we could save/pin and name those searches/tasks to our dashboard. An example is pulling just Hold Shelf Processing items from the Resource Request Monitoring. While not difficult to do, having a way to save a few clicks from reentering the search each time would save a few minutes per day and over time hours of work time. This might be viable for other functions within alma as well.

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  11. Improve job "Requests - Handle Expiration steps"

    The job "Requests - Handle Expiration Jobs" updates requests and at present, the output of the job informs only on the number of outputs. The job can block on a request-ID which then must be manually handled.
    In order to save time and better inform the lending libraries, it would be helpful to have at least an information on any Error-causing request, with it's request-ID. Ideally it would be great to also have an output of successfully handled requests in form of a list, which can be exported to Excel.

    Improve the job "Requests - Handle Expiration Jobs" with output…

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  12. Pick from shelf include statistical category, Title in 245ab and order of column

    Currently, there are no way to include additional column to the spreadsheet export of pick from shelf. It would be very useful to add statistical category to the pick from shelf list for additional data of requestor. Options to include Title in 245ab would avoid long title to look for. Allowing custom order of column would be very useful as well.

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  13. Copyright Statuses within Digitization Fulfillment requests

    In Alma's fulfillment area, processing a library/patron digitization request often requires multiple steps to get copyright approval. Currently, the copyright clearance process is a single step - a check against the Copyright Clearance Center (CCC), but if a publisher or rightsholder isn't part of CCC, the licensing process must be managed outside of Alma.

    If the digitization request is a product of a citation (ie from Leganto or Alma COurse Reserves), then it would be helpful to include relevant course data and the number of students in the course as part of the request.

    We propose adding a new state…

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  14. Free text box in request forms

    In the same way that there is a generic tick box built into all of the request forms, it would be useful to have a generic input box where we can request additional information about the request without having to contact them afterwards (such as purpose of loan).

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  15. Ability to make bulk bookings in Excel and import (similar to updating calendars in Excel)

    We use the booking feature for student study rooms, but occasionally some (though not all) of these rooms need to be booked off for special events, i.e., convocation, reserving time for reference interviews, etc.

    Our library could benefit from the ability to create these bulk bookings in Excel (copying/duplicating rows) as we would when updating our hours of operation.

    Excel columns might include the barcode for the room, the barcode for the special patron account we use to block off rooms as needed, dates, start/end times, and a yes/no for whether the booking may override normal booking rules/restrictions.

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  16. Show Additional ID under Manage Patron Services > Request

    The Royal Danish Library has placed the pickup number in Additional ID. In order to have easy access to the number, we would like to see the number under Manage Patron Services / Requests. We would like to have an extra column (Additional ID)

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  17. XML Expansion for "Ful Resource Request Slip Letter" with Data about Reshelving Status and about Expected Date when Item will be Reshelved

    For fetching requested media at the stacks we are making use of the "Ful Resource Request Slip Letter" in printed form which we customized according to our needs.

    Unfortunately, the data fields that contain

    • the information that the requested item might currently not be at the stacks because it has just been returned and is therefore very likely on its way back to the stacks (Status = awaiting_reshelving)
    • and the information when the requested item is expected to be reshelved ("reshelving_time")

    are not provided in the XML data of the "Full Resource Request Slip Letter".

    This information, when be presented…

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  18. Enable 'School' address to be used for Personal Delivery

    Currently, only addresses of the 'Home' and 'Office' Address Types can be used for Personal Delivery. Consequently, we can't use Personal Delivery and have to rely on a local workaround instead.

    We would like to see 'School' addresses usable for Personal Delivery, with options in the Request Terms of Use to enable us to show only the Address Types that we use and therefore that we want our users to be able to see. E.g. we use 'Home' and 'School' but not 'Office', so we don't want our users to be able to choose that option.

    Also, when the request…

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  19. No request from available library

    We would like to see an intermediate option between "No Requesting from available holding" and "No requesting" which will prevent requests when any holdings in a library have an available copy. Our reason is that using "No requesting" relies on a user knowing which other libraries they are entitled to use and going to visit them. In practice we find that our users have a preferred library. The "Available holding" setting is problematic since our historic data is often one item per holding.

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  20. Change / improve the Booking process for staff and patrons

    Hi all,

    We wish to submit a proposal to change the current booking process for staff creating a booking request in Alma AND for patrons creating their own bookings in PRIMO VE.

    Now, Alma’s option to submit ‘’ Booking ‘’ requests requires us to first search an item, select it and then enter booking times for each piece of equipment desired, which is very time consuming.

    When patrons book equipment, they often need up to 10 or more pieces of equipment for the same booking period. This is quite inconvenient and increases the risk of mistakes in the process.


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