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65 results found

  1. Bulk Change Due Dates for All libraries of institution

    Add the ALL LIBRARIES option to avoid having to do one after the other

    36 votes
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  2. Lost Loan Status

    Closing a lost loan changes the item's status to missing. This means that items we know are lost will turn up on lists for missing item searches, even though we know we won't find them. Not closing the loans means that we can't purge patrons from the database, even if we know that we are not going to get back the item or be paid the replacement fee.

    It would be preferable if items retained a status of Lost even if the loan is closed, so that we can differentiate between items that are lost and items that just can't…

    18 votes
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  3. Patron services – Renew all loans

    When the number of loans is more than 50, they are displayed on several pages.
    When we want to renew all the loans, or to modify their due date, we can’t do it all at once, but page by page.
    We would like to be able to select ALL the loans, no matter how many they are, to work them on bulk.

    99 votes
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  4. Don't Require Clicking 'Done' to Trigger Loan Receipt Notices

    Currently, staff need to click done after checking out items to a patron to trigger loan receipts. This is an unnecessary step and should be eliminated. Instead, trigger receipts when an item is checked out, much like how returned item notices are triggered.

    26 votes
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  5. Fulfillment Overrides without separate login

    When an override by a manager is needed at a circulation workstation, there should be a way for the manager to override either remotely or at the workstation without the operator logging out.

    67 votes
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  6. Short Loan Reminder - overdue notice doesn't display due time

    The Short Loan Reminder uses the Full Overdue and Lost Loan Notification letter for the overdue reminder (sent x minutes after due time). This letter does not display the due time of loans however, and is not configurable.

    88 votes
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  7. Ability for fulfillment staff to renew patron loans from other institutions under network activity in Alma

    Our consortium would like circulation desk staff to have the ability within Alma to renew items on loan from other institutions from under a user's network activity tab (renew all and renew selected, though renew all being more helpful if both are not possible).

    Currently, only the user has access to a renewal option via their Primo VE My Library Card.

    73 votes
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  8. "Fulfilment Configuration Utility"- include specific loan date for closed days

    When setting up the Closed Library Due Date Management for short loan items, it would be useful to be able to test it in the Fulfilment Configuration Utility by specifying the loan date and time rather than the only option being 'if the item was borrowed now'.

    For example, in order to test the rule for our 24 hour loans when taking the weekend closed days into consideration, this can only be done on a Friday, which can mean having to wait 5 days to test the parameter.

    If it were possible to select Friday 08:00 as the loan date…

    50 votes
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  9. Set an "end of term" due date, by patron group, that would be prioritized over TOU due date

    We would like the ability to set a set an end-of-term due date that would outweigh the due date calculated based by the TOU on a transactions.

    And, we would like to be able to apply the due date to particular user groups.

    The related functionality currently available includes using fixed due dates in the TOU, or relying on patron expiration dates.

    Our use case includes:

    1) requiring all materials be returned at the end of each quarter.

    2) student loan periods that are not fixed date due dates, but instead are short duration.

    3) expiration of student records in…

    25 votes
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  10. Send overdue notifications only on library's open days

    Since we would prefer to avoid to send overdue and lost loan notifications to our patrons on Sundays and holidays, it would be great to have a further option for when to automatically run the “overdue and lost loan job”, that is, to run it only “on the library’s open days”, based on the opening hours set in the “Calendar management”.

    71 votes
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  11. Automatic Loan Renewals-needs more options

    Could you add the ability to configure automatic loan renewals by physical location within a library? We have some locations we would like to have auto renewals for and some that we do not.

    29 votes
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  12. Let every institution to configure due dates according loaning library (no only owning library).

    We often loan items not in the owning library but in another one. In these cases, Alma assigns the due date according to the calendar of the owning library.
    This causes that sometimes the due date is a closed day in the library where item will be returned (not owning library).
    It would be good for us to configure Alma in order to assign due dates according to the calendar of the loaning library, not the owning library.

    22 votes
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  13. Use Pieces field from item record to trigger a confirmation pop-up at checkout or return

    Use the Pieces field from item records to trigger a confirmation pop-up at item checkout or return when that item has two or more pieces. Taking measures for prompting staff to add notes manually item-by-item or creating sets and running jobs to populate fulfillment notes for items that have 2,3,...9,10,...39,40,... pieces are both impractical. Not having a pieces confirmation at checkout feature is a frequent complaint on the Alma Listserv.

    24 votes
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  14. Move list of "loans of this session" up higher.

    When checking books out, it helps to be able to see the title pop up. Depending on the monitor, the list sometimes doesn't show up at all because it's too far down. We need to be able to see each title pop up so we can verify that we are actually checking the item out.

    15 votes
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  15. Extra column in "Return items" with "Fine per patron"

    We would like to have an extra column in return items, a column for fine per patron. Because at every return we immediately want to see if the patron has a fine in general, not for the returned item. We would like to see this in Return items and not via "Manage patron services / Returns". Is this possible or something similar?

    38 votes
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  16. Display Loan HOUR in Patron Services and Manage Item Returns

    Currently the Patron Services and Manage Item Returns screens display the DATE an item was loaned only. It would be helpful if they also displayed the HOUR. On the Patron Services screen, it takes extra clicks to review the Loan History in the Actions menu. On the Manage Item Returns screen, it is impossible to view the hour -- you must go to the item's history, which isn't accessible directly. The hour is already displayed in the Patron Services Due Date and Manage Item Returns Returned Date fields. I hope it is easy to add the hour to the Loan…

    22 votes
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  17. check-out from user account

    I don't see a direct link on the User/Patron account page to be able to check out an item. It seems that you have to go back to the main menu and select "Manage Patron Services". In Voyager, you can easily get to the Charge window from the Patron window or vice versa.
    There is the "Manage Fulfillment Activities" link. I think it would be helpful if you could add the Check-out function on that page.

    20 votes
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  18. Display override message consistently

    Based on Block preferences, override messages can be configured. But these messages are shown only once in a session (as confirmed by Ex Libris, ticket 380696). We need this message to be displayed consistently each time that an action requires an override.
    We would like to be able to configure for each Block preference whether the override message is to be shown only once per session or at each action triggering an override.

    24 votes
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  19. Drop-down options for loan notes

    Loan notes are currently free-text, which makes it difficult to extract meaningful data from the notes. The option to configure a drop-down menu for loan notes would improve standardization and analytics.

    21 votes
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  20. Enable bulk due date changes based on a set of items listed by barcode

    We've had occasions where it would have been useful to be able to create a set of items, for example, in Alma Analytics. Then to take that set of items, e.g. a CSV or Excel file listing the barcodes, and then to update the due dates of all those items, to a new fixed value.

    This is similar to the current Bulk Due Date Change functionality, but with the addition of uploading a list of items to change.



    The University of Manchester Library

    177 votes
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