Search PO Line by PO Line Note in Alma
Under Search for PO Line > Find:() >In:(), we would like to add the option to search Alma PO Line Notes Fields under the "In:" pull down menu .
This is so we can search our migrated data for codes we have installed on the "PO Line Item Notes", "Instructions to Vendor", "PO Note", and the "PO Instructions to Vendor " fields in Voyager records to easily verify the P2E process converted orders correctly.

The existing "All" index was enhanced to search PO lines by their internal notes. Users can search by the full note description or perform a search by a partial description of the note content.
This enables Acquisitions staff to find specific PO lines by searching their notes. Internal notes can also be searched using the new dedicated Internal Notes search index.
for more information see Alma April Release Notes
Joe Montibello commented
I came looking for an update and found the roadmap that I think would support this enhancement:
Looks like this will not be available for at least another year (2022 H2 - 2023).
Tamar Ganor commented
Hi, Is there an update?
will the indexing enable finding this field in analytics as well?
Thanks -
Paloma Garrido commented
I'm glad to hear that a solution is planned - is there any news?
Dear community,
In order to support the ability to search PO lines by the content of their notes there was a need to improve the indexing infrastructure of purchase order lines, these infrastructure improvements are currently being developed and are planned to be introduced in early 2021.This idea exchange is still in the general acquisitions road-map.
Noam Fass | Acquisitions product manager -
Wayne Morris commented
This has been marked as Planned since October 2018.
When will we see this functionality, please?
Davin Pate commented
AS noted below, checking on the anticipated release date of this planned enhancement.
Joe Montibello commented
We would also like to see an updated response to this. We migrated data into those notes fields and now can't use it to pull together sets or run an analytics report, which seems strange in a database environment.
Christee Pascale commented
This is greatly needed and desired functionality, especially since PO Line Notes are not reportable in Analytics. The Ex Libris planned response is well over a year old (10/18/2018). What is the status of this enhancement?
Nicola Stratton commented
This functionality is essential. I am pleased to see that it is planned, however, given that it has been planned for over a year now I wondered if there is any update on when we can expect to see this enhancement. Given that we cannot report on notes in analytics (which I would also prefer to see but I gather has been declined by Ex Libris) then the functionality to search notes is essential.
Stacey van Groll commented
Can we have an update on a Release when this data will be indexed for search in Alma?
Yet another community request to have this data in Analytics has been declined (222 votes: and 177 votes:
It would be appreciated if Ex Libris could prioritise this, in recognition that there is no way to search on this data via Alma or Alma Analytics. Field Mapping forms for Implementation projects include this field, and customers make a very reasonable and logical assumption that they will be able to interrogate and retrieve data from the LMS, only to find that this is not the case.
This is a very nasty gotcha for Alma and Ex Libris that such a significant flaw is left to customers to discover, and then are forced to beg for ‘enhancement’ to have access to our own data. It should be a mandatory part of an LMS that all data can be searched and retrieved.
Laura Krier commented
I hope this will also make those notes part of the Excel download that is available when looking at search results from an order line search. We migrated a lot of critical information into notes on the recommendation of our migration specialist, so it's a bit frustrating that they're virtually unavailable now.
Andrew Brown commented
Hi Moshe - it's been a while since you confirmed this would be added to Analytics - can you remind me where it will be added please?
Karen Benko commented
Andrew Brown where did Moshe confirm it will be in Analytics?
Andrew Brown commented
Thanks for asking Wayne, and thanks to Moshe for confirming it will be in Analytics.
Wayne Morris commented
It's not clear from this request, the response from Ex Libris and the discussion, if this is being applied to Analytics or not.
It will be hugely beneficial to report out PO Liner Notes information for a wide range of purposes, e.g. circulating vendor reports to purchasers.
Kat Hart commented
Thanks to everyone who voted for this!
François Renaville commented
If Ex Libris is reviewing the PO Line indexing in Alma, please also consider in your approach to make the 'ERP Number' field searchable like the 'PO reference number' (see #00557072, Development).
Andrew Brown commented
Great news Moshe - thank you! Is there a date for implementation yet please?
Sandy Forster commented
A massive 'Yes' from Coventry University too. This field doesn't show when you download a set of Open PO lines within Alma either - so there's a very limited benefit to having those notes there if you need to act on outstanding PO lines, for example. Producing a report in Analytics would be invaluable in providing information in one place for making cancellations, obtaining second-hand copies if needed urgently, etc.
Paula Hasler commented
Huge yes to having PO Line Notes available in Analytics! Have desperately wanted this since we migrated in 2013. Would revolutionise many one-time and subscription tasks.