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170 results found

  1. update expiry from booking

    For bookings, it is possible to update expiry from the request list in the user account, but it would be very practical to have this option in the active and expired hold shelves item lists for bookings, too.

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  2. Provide fulfillment configuration utility information in an API response

    Currently, testing configurations requires manually pasting information into the Fulfillment Configuration Utility and then reviewing output.

    It would be much more helpful if an API could accept a list of users and barcodes and return the output of the fulfillment configuration utility - names of the matched rules, or names + policy values. That would allow for much more robust and efficient testing of configuration.

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  3. Enable us to display items in an "Unavailable" location type as Unavailable in Primo

    We need the ability to show items that are assigned to a location with Type = UNAVAILBLE to show as unavailable in Primo

    The primary use cases that prompt this idea are:
    1. A library is closed for renovation and the items are inaccessible to staff and patrons, but the items must still be discoverable so that patrons can be directed to Resource Sharing in Primo.
    2. Portions of a collection are temporarily inaccessible to staff and patrons, and the items are assigned to a temp location, but must still be discoverable so that patrons can be redirected to Resource…

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  4. title and other variables in email subject field

    We would like to include variables in the email subject line for emails to make more sense to patrons. When patrons see generic email headings, they tend to see the email as 'noise' along with other institutional email clutter. However, when patrons see a title that is personally relevant to them when they scan their inbox, they are much more likely to open and read the message.

    We are asking Ex Libris to consider using the same syntax of @@variable_name@@ as a method to include variables in the subject field of the email. Please consider:


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  5. Add a column option to the Service Availability Rules in General Electronic Services for the rule's Output Paramters (IsDisplay True/False)

    Currently when I'm in a General Electronic Service (GES), and I click on the "Service Availability Rules" tab, I can see the table list of rules. The only way to see if the IsDisplay is set to true/false is to go into each rule individually. Please make it a column in that rules table list so I can see the output parameter of IsDisplay in the list without clicking on each individual one. Even if it isn't in the default table list, please make it an option I can choose.

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  6. Show Job category in the Manage Patron Services screen

    In our library patron accounts for Alma are imported from an external patron registration system, including Job categories. Nice. But in Alma the Job category is not shown in the Manage Patron Services screen. We would like to have it show.

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  7. Add statistics notes and physical condition fields to Scan In Messages Configuration table

    Information about the physical condition is sometimes important when loaning items. It would not be necessary to duplicate information in other fields.

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  8. Library level patron limits configuration

    It should be possible to configure the Patron Limits table at the library level. Only Max Cash, Max Overdue and Max overdue recalls should be configurable, so that each library will be able to control when it starts blocking patrons independently of one another.

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  9. Save Facet Settings

    There are facet settings/searches we tend to run more than others. It would be really excellent and save a lot of duplicated work if it was possible to save certain facet configurations or bookmark the search so we could quickly access it again later. Would be even better if those searches could be shared among our staff, like how public sets are.

    An example would be having a saved Request/Process type facet filter so we could quickly see what items were needing to be shipped physically, but there are any number of facet searches that it would be fantastic to…

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  10. Add Fulfillment Jobs Configuration : a daily aggregation letter of returned items

    The existing "Return Receipt Letter" is sent in two situation:
    1. when librarian clicked the done button at 'Manage Patron Services' screen,
    2. After scan each item at "retrun item"
    this letter is set in Circulation Desk configuration, user recieve letters after return items each time.

    we suggest Alma create a new Fulfillment Jobs Configuration* to sent "return receipts", like the existing configuration "Loans - Overdue and Lost Loan Job".

    The new configuration could reflect all of the items the patron returned at the same day, and list all items for the patron on one "returned receipt". Configured as such,…

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  11. Make "Always show current location" the default

    Please either make "Always show current location" checkbox ticked by default or allow a system configuration to toggle whether it is force displayed. It is always more useful to see the location than not.

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  12. Manage Item Returns: Send one Return Receipt Letter can be aggregated like the overdue notices.

    There should be a standard configuration that would allow libraries to set it up and set a batch time so a returned receipt would reflect all of the items returned in one day for a given borrower on one "returned" receipt.

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  13. Fulfilment Network - Control of the Register button display by user group of the logged-in user.

    *This is for the Fulfillment Network, not AFN.

    The Register button(1) is displayed even if the logged-in user is set to "Restricted Users"(2).

    Primo VE checks with Alma whether the FN function is available after pressing the Register button.

    We think this button control is not designed with the User experience.
    This is because the existence of the register button is meaningless for users who cannot use this feature.

    To improve this function, the Register button should not be displayed to users who are set as Restricted Users.

    Fulfillment Networks
    Fulfillment Networks - Ex Libris

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  14. Attach multiple courses/sections to a reading list more quickly

    We use a single reading list for many sections of a course, and also reuse these reading lists from semester to semester. Attaching courses to a preexisting reading list is a very slow process which must be done one at a time. I'd love in the reading list courses tab, when you click "Associate Course" and then "Select from List", you were given the option of a checkbox so that many course sections could be added to a reading list at once.

    Alternatively, in bulk upload of courses, if you can attach a NEW course to an existing reading list,…

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  15. Scan-in items to create an Itemized Set

    For many of our workflows, we have a large batch of physical materials upon which we need to perform a bulk action (e.g. place them all on a Work Order or request a Permanent Location change, etc.) The items are on book trucks and there is no Set upon which to Run a Job unless we create a new one every time as a TXT or CSV file, which then has to be uploaded to Alma. It would save a lot of confusion, plus work and training time for staff and student workers, if it was possible to use Scan-In…

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  16. Material types not sorted and not searchable at the title level

    The item-level search for specific material types is not sorted alphabetically. This is the case in the English user interface.
    A title-level search for this parameter would also be desirable.

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  17. Improve General Electronic Service

    In each General Electronic Service, the Service Details page has a section marked "Disable Service," with radio button options for
    Never, When resource is owned by the campus, When resource is owned by the campus and available, When resource is owned by the institution, and When resource is owned by the institution and available. These controls do not work. I have been told that making them work would be an enhancement. I suggest that they be hidden or removed in order to avoid wasting the time of library staff in trying to make them work.

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  18. Add vendor information to Order Now Letter

    Currently in the Order Now Letter the vendor information is not output in the XML, which is automatically generated when submitting an order.

    With adding this feature, the ordering person could then also receive the information by e-mail from which vendor the resource was ordered.

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  19. Display purchase request approval/rejection reason in purchase request alerts in citations

    We think it would be helpful for the purchase request approval/rejection alerts for citations in Alma to include the approval/rejection reason. This would appear in the Type field of the alert in addition to the "Citation Purchase Request Approved/Rejected" text (like how the rule used to approve/reject copyright for a citation appears after "Approved" or "Rejected" in the Copyright Status field).

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  20. Customization of the search categories

    The customization of the search categories to be displayed in the Advanced or Simple Search is solved very very awkwardly. 3 clicks for each category is just too complicated.
    My suggestions:
    - Make activation switch directly operable
    - Make list sortable by activated terms
    - Checkboxes for the terms in both columns for advanced and simple search
    - Improve the explanation in the KB, because
    translating "dc:Title" with "Dc Title" has no added value. An explanation that dc:title B is e.g. DUBLIN CORE title would be super, so that one knows what one activates there.

    Please improve at least…

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