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50 results found

  1. Please add the ability to run jobs on a representation level in digital records


    Currently, the jobs for digital records run only on "Title" level.
    If we run a job on a record that has more than one representation, the job will run on all the representations, even if we want it to run only on a specific one.

    In electronic records and physical records we have jobs that run on a portfolio level and item level.

    The same should be applied on digital records.

    The job should include changing information (for example public note) and deletion if needed.
    This should also help the following idea:


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  2. Publish Alma-D to Google Scholar

    By now it is not possible to publish Alma-D (Bib/Representation/File) to google scholar. There should be an option to publish Alma-D to google scholar at least on a set- or collection level.

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  3. Reverse sort order option in ALMA for Digital Representation list displayed in Primo for a Bibliographic record

    If you attach several Digital Representations to one bibliographic record in ALMA, and each representation has one file attached, then all those Digital Representations (with their file) will be displayed in the U-Resolver display in Primo for the bibliographic record.
    In this scenario, there is currently no way in ALMA to alter the sort order of how the Digital Representations display in Primo. The default is alphabetical order, or numeric order. It would be useful to be able to choose reverse alphabetical or numeric order. This would allow a scenario where the year could be placed at the start of…

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  4. Issue with Embargoed Bibliographic Record Display in Primo

    Current situation:
    Despite configuring an embargo on a digital file, the bibliographic record continues to show up in Primo. In an effort to resolve the issue, we suppress the bib record, but even after the embargo has expired after two years, the record is not visible in Primo.

    Desired outcome:

    If an embargo is in place, it can affect whether the bibliographic record is suppressed or not. Alternatively, when the embargo period ends, the library may receive a notification to prompt staff to manually remove the suppressed status. The desired outcome is to ensure that the bibliographic record is either…

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  5. Add a Public Note to all representations at the collection level

    This function, that exist in the configuration of an electronic collection, doesn't exist in a digital collection, so there is no other way to add a text to all records that will be shown in Primo.

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  6. alma digital

    When our MARC metadata displays in the Alma Digital viewer, a semicolon is added in the format field where a space appears in our MARC record 300 field between subfields a and b.

    We have not encountered other fields where punctuation is added or changed between what we have entered into the Alma Metadata Editor and delivery, so we're not sure why this field has this problem.

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  7. Enable withdrawing digital representations job based on rep ID and/or file ID

    We have been using Alma Digital for our e-reserve for a couple of years now, and have a need to withdraw representations that are no longer required for courses.

    Since we have different chapters or extracts attched to the same digital title, we need to be able to target via a representation ID or a file ID. Being able to use a set of Digital Files for the job would make this possible.

    Without that the job "Withdraw Digital Representations" would remove all of the reps attached to that title.

    None of the other available parameters help us identify specific…

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  8. Make Public Note of a Representation Translatable

    The public note of a representation is not translatable. This would be useful for following use cases:

    • The library wants to offer high-resolution digital reproductions of individual files from representations on demand.
    • The library wants to comment on the quality of files from a representations (eg. not OCRed).
    • The library wants to inform, that the digital files does not contain complete content, etc.

    By now following components in relation with digital content are translatable :

    • Collection name and description
    • Copyright declarations
    • The denied note in the access right policy

    It would offer a more streamline experience to discover digital content,…

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  9. link licenses to digital representations

    make license linking for digital representations consistent with license linking for electronic resources

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  10. Select All Representations in Digital Resource Editor

    Add a master checkbox to select all representations for a title within the Digital Resources Editor. This would really help with deleting representations when they need to be replaced or purged entirely.

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  11. Allow externally hosted IIIF manifests to be added to Alma records for display in Primo Universal Viewer

    Hi there - can you allow externally hosted International Image Interoperability Framework (IIIF) manifests to be added to Alma records for display in Primo Universal Viewer?

    The documentation indicates you can use IIIF with Alma - - but, in fact, Ex Libris has clarified with our institution that IIIF only works if you use internal, Alma-D manifests. Ex Libris has said: "We looked into this and got some clarification on how IIIF manifests work in Alma. There is no option to ‘enter IIIF manifests into Alma’. Instead, Alma generates its own IIIF manifests, on the fly, from Alma bibs…

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  12. Provide DOI agency integrations for Alma Digital

    There is now a handle integration for Alma Digital as well as Esploro - great.

    There are Crossref and DataCite DOI integrations for Esploro (, but not for Alma D.

    Please consider adapting these for Alma Digital resources. This would support institutions who might be hosting student theses and other scholarly comms in Alma D, and complement the handle integration.

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  13. Add ability to see which patron is currently viewing a digital book- A functionality for CDL

    As a reference librarian, I would like to 1) see which patron is currently viewing a digital book on the Waiting List tab within the digital representation and 2) have the ability to manage that patron’s session.

    Presently, I have the ability to see who is next in line on the patron waitlist, but I can't tell who has the book out now.

    From the patron standpoint, they might simply X out of Primo VE, thinking they have finished the book, but it is still out in their name.

    This becomes problematic for me as the book is in limbo,…

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  14. Display record format in search results and browse pages

    We catalogue Alma-D material in both MARC and DC formats.
    We would like an easy way to determine which format a record is in when viewing it from either an Alma results page or browsing through a collection.

    This could be done with the addition of the record format field to the brief record display.

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  15. Allow Access Rights Policies and Copyright to be applied to remote digital representations

    Checking the "Remote" box when adding a digital representation causes the Access Rights Policy and Copyright fields to disappear, even when we choose to display the digital object in the Alma Viewer.

    If the Alma Viewer is selected, we should be able to apply the same Access Rights and Copyright to remote files as we can to files stored in Alma. This is especially important as more CDL functionality is added to Alma.

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  16. Be able to re-use Access rules

    This is specifically for Alma Digital.
    Currently, when creating an Access Rights Policy, you have to create the appropriate Access Rule. Often, we are replicating the same Access Rule across multiple policies. These should be able to be re-used instead of having to be re-created over and over again.

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  17. Alma Digital - Collection, Access rights and Representations


    There are a few features that are missing from Alma Digital that we would be happy if they were added:

    Add the ability to search in the "Title list" of a Digital Collection according to MMS ID, Representation ID and author.
    Add the ability to make some of the fields "Required". For example, we would like the "Access Rights" to be a required field.
    Add the ability to move a file from one representation to another (just as you can change the holdings of an item).
    As of today, it is possible to move to another…

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  18. API call to download digital files to run corpus analysis or crawl

    API call to download digital files to run corpus analysis or crawl

    We would like to download the Alma digital files using an API to conduct corpus analysis of our content. At present the available URLs pointing to the PDFs are pointing to the landing pages of the PDFs. It is not possible to extract the PDF from these pages as they load everything with Javascript in a browser.

    Furthermore, it is not possible to automate the use of the job available to download digital files to meet our requirements.

    There is no API available to construct URLs to get…

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  19. Support viewing pptx files in Alma viewer

    It would be good if it was possible to view pptx files (PowerPoint/slide decks) in Alma viewer.

    This could enable better access to teaching and conference resources.

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  20. Repository search: fulltext of digital files

    We'd like to be able to search the full text of digital files in Alma's repository search. This could be useful in situations where multiple files are attached to a title; searching the full text on the title level in Primo will not guide you to the correct file, but a file-level repo search would.
    We see that there is a "fulltext" search index for digital files, but it looks like that index is for the type of full text file (it doesn't search the contents of the full text).

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