Make Public Note of a Representation Translatable
The public note of a representation is not translatable. This would be useful for following use cases:
- The library wants to offer high-resolution digital reproductions of individual files from representations on demand.
- The library wants to comment on the quality of files from a representations (eg. not OCRed).
- The library wants to inform, that the digital files does not contain complete content, etc.
By now following components in relation with digital content are translatable :
- Collection name and description
- Copyright declarations
- The denied note in the access right policy
It would offer a more streamline experience to discover digital content, if the representation note would display in the interface language of the user as well.

Stefan Kandera commented
Yes definitively. But I think this should rather be a separate post under: Resource Management - Electronic. I'm out of points right now but would support this!
Luigi Siciliano commented
Actually it would be great if all Public Notes, also those of electronic collection and electronic services and portfolios, could be translatable.