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144 results found

  1. Addition of DOIs and Proprietary Identifiers as Title Identifiers to Analytics Criteria

    In Analytics within the Subject Area "Usage Date" the "Book DOI" (Counter R4 Reports) or "DOI" (Counter R5 Reports) are not selectable as Title Identifiers.

    The same is true for "Proprietary Identifier" (Counter R4) or "Proprietary_ID" (Counter R5).

    Since this information is sometimes listed in the corresponding columns of the COUNTER Book reports, it would be helpful if this information could also be retrieved in Analytics.

    11 votes
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  2. Distinguish blank cells in Usage Reports

    Hello, currently when creating an analytics report in alma for usage date harvested from SUSHI some months in their cell appear as blank. Can it be possible for these blank cells if they have 0 usages to be reported as the number 0? That way we can distinguish between what had 0 usages vs what was an error in gathering the data.

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  3. Add all fields from Invoice Payment Information area to Analytics

    Currently the only field from the Invoice Payment Information area that is available in the Funds Expenditure subject area is Payment Status. I would like to be able to retrieve Payment Date, Payment Identifier, and Payment Amount in Analytics as well. These would be helpful for some of my reporting, especially when the payment amount is different from the invoice total because accounts payable has added or removed tax.

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  4. Add Normalized Call Numbers to eBook & eJournal Analytic Reports

    Many academic departments ask for accreditation reports that count resources available for students. We typically use Library of Congress Call Number ranges from the OCLC conspectus to get counts of resources. The report runs well for all physical items. However, eBooks and eJournals (both ubiquitous to our collection) do not have normalized call numbers as a part of an analytics report. Therefore the counts of titles between a range of Call Numbers is not correct.

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  5. Add Library Tag (Course Reserves) field to the subject areas where Active Course code is already (eg Physical Items and E Inventory)

    Currently we can get the Active Course codes to display in other Subject areas, such as E inventory or Physical Items, and this is very useful for several of our reports... but it would be significantly more useful if the report could also display the Library tag to indicate how important the item is. There is a big difference between items that are CORE and items that are Further reading. While it is possible to do a report based on another report- it would be much simpler if we could just add the tags to our original report.

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  6. Map item level fields, Pattern Type and Linking Number in Analytics.

    Area of concern: Analytics Fields for Reporting on Serials 863/866 Generation.

    Please reference Ex Libris presentation ‘Automation Tasks for Summary Holdings’:

    In order for 863/866 Summary Holdings generation to work properly, each item record must contain certain information in the ‘Pattern Type’ and ‘Linking Number’ fields. Currently, these fields are not mapped in analytics, so there is no way to report on which records lack this info. Without this reporting capability, we are stuck individually checking many thousands of records to be sure they have the required information.

    What should be changed: As Serials Processors, we would like to…

    49 votes
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  7. Analytics - make History tab in User Records indexed & searchable

    We have been informed by Ex Libris that when a User Record is updated, either with an API or via the Alma interface, then those fields updated will not be updated with the daily SIS feed. They are considered "manual" changes and are therefore, locked. Now, in the history tab of User Records, you can see the changes made and by whom, but we have been told this information is not available in Analytics and the only way to know who has these locked fields is as we come across them. There is no way currently to systematically pull these…

    21 votes
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  8. Analytics: Transit end time NOT registered

    Please see our public ticket 00903860.
    If you make a query containing the field "Physical item historical events->Event end date->event end date and time" with the conditional "event type description=physical item went into transit" on this field is NOT registered the end of transit process, but the start of the following process (if any). Please correct this behaviour.

    42 votes
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  9. Add publication date and subject fields to 'Portfolio Details for Consortia Members' analytics table

    The bibliographic publication date and subject fields would be very useful additions to the 'Portfolio Details for Consortia Members' analytics table. Please include these fields.

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  10. Retain Course Reserves info in Alma Analytics

    It would be helpful if the system would retain information about course reserves in Analytics, even after things are deleted in Alma. It would be useful to be able to look back over various terms and see what courses were run and when.

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  11. Add Collection related subject area/dimensions/parameters in Analytics

    Please elaborate Collection in Analytics. We suggest three ideas for that;

    Idea 1)
    Collection can be a separate dimension, with the existing/new parameters below;
    - Collection ID (existing)
    - Collection Name (existing)
    - Collection External System
    - Collection External ID
    - Collection MMS ID (of the collection's BIB itself)
    - ★★★ The PIDs of the collection's direct sub-collections (in different rows, not combined with semicolons; should be repeatable so that the created report can show the hierarchical structure of whole collections)
    - Collection level (the depth)
    - Collection Path (from the collection's top level collection to itself)
    - Collection Description…

    78 votes
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  12. Cost Per Use *by fund* Report for Electronic Collections (Databases)

    Problem: We are looking for a way to run a cost usage report by fund that includes titles with the PO Line Type ‘Name of Electronic Collection - Subscription.’

    Description: Our library evaluates cost per use of all serials by fund. We have been able to run a cost per use report by fund for our print and electronic journals. We run into a roadblock, however, when we try to generate a report on the cost/use of a database by fund.

    The E-Inventory Cost Usage report includes all titles with the PO Line Type Name of ‘Electronic Journal -…

    38 votes
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  13. Fix Analytics request creator field to stop it changing to Alma staff primary ID when request cancelled on Alma

    When a user places a request on Primo, the ‘creator’ field in the Analytics requests table shows as ‘System’. When a request is placed by a staff member on Alma, the staff member’s primary ID shows in the creator field.

    If a request placed by a user on Primo is subsequently cancelled by a staff member on Alma, the creator field changes from System to the staff member’s primary ID. This means reporting on requests placed on Primo vs. requests placed by staff members on Alma is not accurate and the field is misleading (creator should refer only to creator).

    20 votes
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  14. Add Related Record MARC fields 76X thru 78X to Analytics

    Library personnel would like to be able to generate a list of titles and related records in Analytics so as to document title changes, facilitate research and scholarly discovery and develop research guides for use within the institution. At this time, the 76X and 78X fields that are used to display various related record types in Primo VE are not currently indexed in Analytics. Rather than use up the limited number of bibliographic local param fields available – which would still not allow for full reporting on related records – our institution proposes that the aforementioned fields and associated data…

    34 votes
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  15. Expose 'Export to Worldcat' management tag to Analytics

    We would like to be able to access the 'Export to Worldcat' management tag in analytics, in the same way we can access the 'Suppress from Discovery' management tag. This would allow us to gather records for which the Export tag has been set incorrectly, and use a job to Republish them to OCLC.

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  16. Subject Area "Alma Jobs" for Analytics

    At the moment it is not possible to (easily) get data from the jobs running in Alma. The exports that can be pulled from "Monitor Jobs" are rather useless as they hardly contain data.
    If I want numbers of processed records, runtimes etc. I have to use the API and still need to do a lot of manual work on that results.
    It would be great to have a subject area in Analytics that cointains all the information from the "Job Report".

    Veronika, WU Vienna

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  17. Get auto-renewals dates back into Analytics

    Since the recently released August version, Analytics does not longer show the auto-renewal date due to a mentioned performance improvement on the nightly job. Please consider rolling back this change as it actually makes it impossible to get how many auto-renewals were made on a certain day in the past, since the only date we currently have is the Last Renewal Date which is updated every time the job runs. We virtually lost our auto-renewals log integrity.

    I know we still have this Last Renewal Date, the amount of auto-renewals and the Loan Date, and we could easily calculate the…

    69 votes
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  18. Analytics: Add item changed permanent location to events that are recorded (and timestamped) Physical Items Historical Events subject area

    Usage case: University of Wisconsin would like to create reports that inventory items that change permanent locations by date. Currently, a report that can inventory all items that were added to a permanent location from various other locations by fiscal year isn't possible. With the addition of item changed permanent location as an event that is timestamped such a report would be possible. For example, a report of all items relocated to off-site storage during the past fiscal year is a desired report.

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  19. Renewal Operator in Analytics

    It would be useful to include Renewal Operator details in the Fulfillment Analysis area on Alma Analytics. This would allow us to identify and report on the number of renewals that took place at the circulation desk, via self service or via Primo.

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  20. export sets into Analytics

    I appreciate the ability to export Analytics results directly into an Alma set, but I would like to be able to export a set of records directly into Analytics without having to recreate my Alma search (if I can) in Analytics. This would also be very helpful for working on sets of records that other people at my institution have created!

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