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33 results found

  1. Allow user to ‘Withdraw’ and ‘Open Predicted Items’ from the ‘Received Items Screen’.

    Currently, ‘Withdraw’ and ‘Open Predicted Items’ functions cannot be performed from the ‘Received Items List’, during normal receiving operations.

    Instead, a user must back out of the receiving windows, perform a title search, and access these features through the ‘List of Items’ window.

    This drastically decreases efficiency in performing routine tasks in Prediction, Receiving, and Weeding.

    What should be changed: As Serials Processors, we would like to see the ‘Withdraw’ and ‘Open Predicted Items’ functions added to the ‘Received Items List’ window, so that all serials management tasks can be done from one screen. This would eliminate the…

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    Dear community, as part of the ongoing UX improvements in Alma, the "Receive new material" screen (aka Receiving WB) is planned to be refactored and support the need described in this idea. For more information see Alma roadmap:


    Noam Fass | Alma product team

  2. Please add more fields to the 'Receiving Items List'

    Acquisitions --> Receive --> Continuous (orders) --> Manage Items

    We would be happy to have additional fields in the 'Received Items List':
    - Internal note 1
    - Internal note 2
    - Internal note 3
    - Public note

    Our colleagues in the Serials Department use Item Notes to document vendor responses (of reminded issues) or for notes that only concern individual issues. Having these information already displayed in the list without additional clicks would make their daily work much easier.
    Since display in the "Manage Items" list is configurable, each customer can decide for herself/himself which fields she/he would like to…

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  3. The number of display record in one page can be more optional in Receive / Receiving Department Items

    We suggest that it is possible to select multiple records in one page not only 20 records but also 50/100/200 etc in Receive or Receiving Department Items. The number of display record should be optional or configurable for institution or personally.

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  4. Show Interested User name directly in the PO Line list when receiving new material

    Currently, for PO Lines with interested user(s), we can only see a green "V" in the PO Lines list when receiving new material in the Acquisition Department.
    Since we increasingly use Purchase Requests to order new material, we almost always have IUs in the PO Lines. These IUs can either be patrons or staff members.

    We'd like to be able to see straightaway the IU's name(s) when receiving, either directly or when flying over this green "V".
    It would save us a few clicks to be able to see quickly the Interested User's name. And it is important for us:…

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  5. Download COUNTER data as tabular data in addition to JSON

    Alma does a good job in harvesting COUNTER data via SUSHI, and Alma Analytics is a good place for analysis. Sometimes, it is necessary to work with the data in a program such as Excel. Currently, we can only download the COUNTER reports that Alma harvests as a JSON file. It is a process to convert this file into a spreadsheet format (CSV, XLSX, TSV, etc.).

    I suggest that Alma offer the option to download the COUNTER reports in tabular format, as a CSV or XLSX file.

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  6. Undo receipt of item on a continuous type order for which "Keep in Department" was not checked

    While it is currently possible to “un-receive” from the receiving workbench if the item is still in the Acquisitions Department, that will not be the case for our continuous orders.

    There is no good option for undoing the accidental receipt of a serial issue, at least not that our trainer was able to show us in our Alma Functional Workshop.

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  7. Fully receive items through receiving date only

    Currently, if an item with a POL has a receiving date, it is not considered fully received until it has been received under Acquisitions > Receive. Items with a POL and a receiving date that have not been received through the receiving process show up in the task list under Order Lines with Claims > Not fully received. If an item has a receiving date, it should be considered fully received, whether or not it has been through the receiving process.

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  8. Receive items without generating an item record.

    Law libraries have loose leafs and pocket parts and do not need to have an item generated for them. We would like to be able to track when they are received but having them show up in Primo is messy and having a suppressed holding just to receive these items is also messy. Both would make running statistic more difficult because the count would be inaccurate. Voyager was capable of receiving these sorts of items without automatically generating a barcode while also allowing to track the receiving information. It would useful if you added this feature to Alma.

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  9. Notify receiver of Hold Items

    Currently within an order when the Hold Item box is ticked for an Interested User the patron physical item request is not placed for the item until after the item is received.
    This means that receiving staff do not get the pop up notification that the item has a user request at the time the item is received.

    Upon receipt of an item that contains an Interested User with the Hold Item checked can you please generate the same pop up notification generated for physical item requests.

    We have found that we have to manually add the physical item request…

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  10. Barcode field should be active when "Set Barcodes" opens

    When receiving physical items, "Receive and set barcodes" should open the "Set barcodes" dialog box with the barcode field active. This would remove the need to click in the field before scanning in the new barcode.

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  11. Seasonal Serials Prediction Patterns only work when beginning with Spring.

    Area of concern: Serials Prediction in Alma.

    Currently, when creating 853 predictive patterns, there are limitations to titles with a seasonal frequency. Attempting to create seasonal prediction patterns, whose enumerations begin with anything but Spring (21) results in errors, such as skipped issues, or improper numbering.

    This limitation means that many journals with seasonal patterns cannot have their issues correctly predicted out through Alma’s automated process. Staff members are stuck manually creating/receiving issues for these titles. This decreases efficiency, increases the likelihood of human error, and prevents Alma’s claiming process from working correctly.

    What should be changed: As Serials Processors,…

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  12. Editing receiving note from Received Items List

    The Receiving Note (top right) displays when we are receiving one-time or continuous orders in the Received Items List but we cannot edit the note from this screen. We need to go back to the 'Receive New Material' list, click on the POL number, and edit the POL from there.

    It would be useful for us to be edit the Receiving Note from the Received Items List while we can see the list of received and unrelieved issues.

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  13. Make physical item templates available in receiving workflow

    The new physical item templates look super useful. However, the vast majority of our new items are added as part of our receiving workflow, so they do us little good currently. Can the physical item templates be made available as part of the receiving workflow?

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  14. Make it possible to choose to which Work Order Department an item goes after receipt (not just Acquisitions)

    We have noticed that our real-life workflow doesn't align well with Alma's behavior regarding receiving items. In practice, when we receive an item, it promptly moves to a different department – transitioning from acquisitions to the catalog department. In Alma, however, achieving this requires manual department adjustments each time an item is received. While we are familiar with options such as "keep in department," "shelf ready," and work orders, none of these options yield the desired outcome or contribute to streamlining the process. Our objective is to minimize unnecessary clicks, and it would greatly enhance the user experience if items…

    33 votes

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  15. Creating expected items in status acquisition without using prediction pattern

    In the current workflow for periodicals, when using predicted items, there is no easy way to add just one predicted item. This means that if we make a mistake or there is a change in the publication pattern, for example we receive the wrong item/delete the wrong item, or that a periodical is published as a combined issue (ex: issue 2 and 3 together, as number 2/3 2023), there is no easy way to fix it. We must then create predicted items for that whole year again which involves editing “next predicted item information” in the metadata editor, opening and…

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  16. Print slip option in the Acqisition receive screen

    We want a print slip option for the Receive screen in Acquisition that includes barcode and location, reporting codes, receiving note and notification of interested user/ patron request.

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  17. Receiving Notes

    If possible, place Receiving notes directly under the "Receiving Settings" section.

    Reasoning: When an item is being checked in and there is something in the Receiving Notes it usually has something to do with the way that title is checked in. Where it is located now, the check-in process has already been started and even possible received/entered incorrectly.

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  18. Add a Description column in the Received Items List page

    Subject: Add a Description column in the Received Items List page

    As a Receiving operator, I would like to be able to see the description of the item I am receiving in the Received Items List page, without needing to click on Edit Inventory Item to navigate to the physical item editor.

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  19. Ability to change barcodes directly from the list of items (under Receive – One time / Continuous - Manage items)

    In the list of items in the receive screen it looks as though barcodes are editable directly from the list, this is not the case, as you manually must edit each item to change the barcode. It would mean less clicks if you could edit the barcode directly from the list, it would also be less confusing since it in the current design looks as if you should be able to do this. In the current design you can edit the text in the barcode field in the list, but any changes are not saved.

    If the ability to change…

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  20. Receiving

    During receiving allow multiple of the same issue to be checked in at the same time. It would save a lot of time to be able to do this all at the same time rather than have to enter back into the issue title and do the process all over again for a different date.

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