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185 results found

  1. Update import profiles, so portfolios are listed in ALMA & Primo in the same order as the 856 fields in the bibliographic record

    Currently electronic portfolios are generated from the 856 fields in the bibliographic record, but they appear in reverse order in ALMA and Primo. Vendors often have 856 for multiple volumes in their records and they often list URLs in the order of their importance. In my attached example, the vendor includes a link to browse the particle resource first, then links to search the collections which contains the resource. The links are listed in order of importance. It is confusing to the user to list v.2 before v.1 and less important searching options before the most direct way of access…

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  2. Electronic Resource Activation Task List: do not revert to "Assigned to Me" tab after deleting a task

    When you're working in the "Unassigned" tab of the Electronic Resource Activation Task List, it always reverts to the "Assigned to Me" tab after you delete a task. I want it to stay in the "Unassigned" tab.

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  3. KBART export from Alma to include title level URL

    As we from time to time need to interface with software and services outside the ExLibris suite, it would be great if the KBART Schema for export would include a proper title level URL as specified in the KBART Recommended Practice:

    "[Title level URL] Indicate the URL of the title’s homepage.
    For journals, this page should be a listing of the available volumes and issues. "

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  4. Job and/or API to unlink a set of bib records from the CZ

    We would like the ability to run a job or use an API that would unlink a set of bib records from the CZ. There are currently both a job and an API that will unlink records from the NZ, but not the CZ.

    Use case: ebook portfolio records provided from vendors can be extremely brief, missing many points of discovery (e.g., no subjects, tables of contents, etc.). When portfolio bibs are linked to the CZ, we are forced to update each of these portfolios one at a time, which is painstaking and inefficient. We already have scripts that use…

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  5. Portfolio Bulk Load file limit too small

    The file limit of 10MB is too small. If we're using the Bulk Load, it means we're dealing with very large amounts of portfolios. Having to split those files is cumbersome.

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  6. Add " Additional e-mails " fields to " Report to ex libris " form in Alma

    In Salesforce the customers can use "Additional e-mails" feature to let colleagues know that they have (already) opened a case for a specific issue. This makes teamwork easier.

    For SF cases opened using the "Report to ex libris" feature, this is not possible. Plase add 5 "E-mail 1" - "E-mail 5" as in SalesForce.

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  7. Electronic Portfolios - can we have a new coverage line where free access can be added ?

    At present in the coverage tab, there are the global dates, local, and perpetual (if the collection has been identified as having some perpetual access) Some of these titles have free access, which is not technically perpetual but is also not part of a subscription. Could a new line be added to include these free years/volumes, with the option to display these dates (or not) ? It would allow us to reduce the number of Free collections we have which all take users to the same place, and identify why we have access to journal years outside of our subscription…

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  8. Brief Record - Quick Cataloging Template

    Boston College would like to see the contents of the linking tab of Electronic Portfolio Editor added to the Brief Record, Quick Cataloging template for electronic articles.

    This will enable us to edit the URL and enable the proxy as we catalog and would save us the step of going in later to edit the linking information. It would also enable us to test the link before posting it, rather than using the "view it" function afterwards.

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  9. Allow search on Electronic Service values

    Enable Searching for Electronic Collection Service values as well as Collection and Portfolio values

    Eg Proxy Enabled (Service)

    as well as
    Proxy Enabled (Electronic Portfolio)
    Proxy Enabled (Electronic Collection)

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  10. Change the XML of exported portfolios

    An exported portfolio from Alma looks like this:

    <item type="electronic">
    <title>Operations research.</title>
    <title>Operations Research</title>

    However, that's not very clear. An ISSN element under an electronic item can be interpreted as the ISSN for the electronic publication.

    A better structure would be something like this:

    <item type="electronic">
    <title>Operations research.</title>
    <title>Operations Research</title>
    <issn type="electronic">0030-364X</issn>
    <issn type="print">1526-5463</issn>

    This is related to this idea:

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  11. Why can we not have who activated a portfolio or collection in the history tab?

    Several times I will come across a portfolio of collection and would like to be able to see who activated the resource. Since we have a history tab, why doesn't this show who activated?

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  12. In import profiles, ability to specify which 856 $u url is used to create electronic portfolios

    Scenario: We manage some electronic collections in Worldshare Collection Manager. OCLC provides bibliographic records with the resource's url in the 856 $u. Sometimes the bib records will include multiple url's but we only want to select a specific one to create our portfolios in Alma.

    For example, the Worldcat master record for OCLC 957128084 has 11 856 fields. (See attached screenshot.) Some are institution specific and others belong to different access providers. In such a situation, we want to be able to select the 856 $u url that begins with "" or "".

    In import profiles,…

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  13. Post-migration portfolio urls remain even if changed afterwards

    Post-migration side effect with created portfolios: the url from the bib is created in the new portfolio. This url remains in the portfolio even after it has been changed at a later date (not in an editable field; the url is also searchable even after it has been changed. So, old urls from a migrated system remain searchable and in the portfolio record even after editing. Change this behavior.

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  14. Include rolling dates in local date information field

    As an electronic resource librarian, I would like to see a better way to deal with rolling coverage dates. There does not seem to be a good way to deal with gaps in portfolio coverage when there's a moving target date involved. For example, if a title includes perpetual access from 2011-present, and issues 12 years or older are open access, unless you include a public note, what will display is:

    Available from 2011 volume: xx issue: xx
    Most recent 12 year(s) not available

    This is confusing to patrons and librarians alike. It would be useful to have the option…

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  15. Allow for searching by Service, Collection, and Portfolio levels distinctly

    Repository searching is somewhat vague in what actually gets searched (e.g. Free field & proxy). Some fields that exist in collection & service level are searched but it is not clear in the repository search which level is being searched. Proposing the repository search is more clear in what level & field is being searched AND that the service level is able to be searched as equally as collection & portfolio levels.

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  16. Common link between a POL and a License (for updating collections)

    A POL has a licence connected to it. It would be great if when adding that POL to an Alma Collection, that the connecting licence would be automatically added to the collection as well. And working in reverse, when adding a licence to an Alma collection, it would be nice if the POL connected to the licence was automatically added to the collection as well (thus saving time adding two things to a collection, when they are already related).

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  17. Electronic collections - let notes tab show active for functional notes

    When viewing electronic collection/service/portfolio records, the note tab does not show active - a blue triangle in new UX - when content has been added to the functional notes - authentication and/or public. I understand that currently the content indicator "turns on" when content is added via the "Add Note" feature but it would help workflow if staff did not have to click the notes field to discover if authentication or public notes had been added to either collection, service or portfolio editor. Let the notes tab show active whether the notes are functional or internal.

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  18. Authenticated "Authentication note" field

    Make the content of the "authentication note" field (electronic collection editor and portfolio editor) only visible to our legitimate end-users by means of authentication: preferably via sso, another option would be via ip. That way we can register and manage all our username/password information for e-sources from within Alma. And get rid of the in-house solution (according to the Alma-L mailing list other institutions, like us, developed solutions involving a link to an authentication protected page).
    Currently the authentication note has the same functionality as the "public note" field. It is displayed to anyone searching in our Primo. There also…

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  19. a box "holdings" to tick on Electronic Portfolio Editor level

    EXL advised us to tick to box "Cancellation restriction" in the POL to mark our journals holdings... even if the feature is at first not what it takes.
    Editors require libraries to maintain some subscriptions (holdings) and libraries have to make yearly inventory on these holdings.

    Our request : a "holdinds" box to tick to be configured on Electronic Portfolio Editor level.

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  20. Direct to source Test Access button

    When you click on the "test access" button or link in drop down menu Alma takes you directly to the e-book/e-journal rather than going splash screen of portfolio resources that directly link to the e-book/e-journal


    Add a button or link that directly goes out to the e-book/e-journal/database on the web skipping the splash window (see attached screen shot. Opening in a new browser windows without taking you away from the Alma browser window you are working on

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