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185 results found
Make "Available To Date" actions customizable so portfolio can be automatically deleted after "Available To Date"
The "Control the Availability of Portfolios Automatically at a Pre-defined Date" feature, introduced in the February 2023 release (, allows libraries to enter an Available From Date and Available To Date in portfolios, and the portfolio will be automatically deactivated after the Available To Date. This feature is designed to be useful in cases where libraries lease a piece of content (typically, a streaming film) for a limited period of time.
However, after a portfolio has reached its "Available To Date," we don't just want to deactivate it; we want to delete it entirely from Alma (and its…
7 votes -
Add Electronic Collection Information to the Bib Record Enrichment Fields in the OAI Publishing Profile
Problem - Database type electronic collections are not getting published to Blacklight in the OAI publishing job. So bibliographic records that have database type electronic collection inventory attached, display as records without inventory in the catalog.
Situation as described by Ex Libris - The OAI publishing profile is designed to publish the BIB record plus the enrichment fields. The Collection enrichment in the profile is for the Digital Collection, not the Electronic collection. The descriptive BIB record does not have Electronic collection as its inventory, the inventory is only Physical/Electronic/Digital. Adding Electronic Collection to the descriptive BIBs would be an…
49 votes -
Display service temporarily unavailable message, add time option
Is it possible to add the time when the collection will be unavailable? For example, we received notice that the ASTM would be unavailable February 23rd, 7:00 p.m. to February 24th, 2:00 a.m. If I set up the Display Service Temp unavailable message for the 23rd and 24th, the collection would be made unavailable when we still have access. Adding a time option to the date would be helpful.
6 votes -
Move set of Portfolios from CZ to Local collection-URL type
When moving a set of portfolios from a CZ collection to a locally made collection, ask and allow for the portfolio URL type to be changed and accurately reflect the change. For example, if the portfolios URL structure is set at Parser parameters in the CZ, and the local collection uses static URLs, change the portfolios to static (binary checkbox) and update the free text URL field to reflect the static URL. (By moving a set of portfolios from a CZ to a local collection, the resulting URLs still using parser parameters won't work, and the export URLs job won't…
7 votes -
"view in discovery" - a link with flaws
The "view in discovery" function produces only a rudimentary link structure, which is not identical to the link structure produced by a call by end users accessing a portfolio directly in PrimoVE.
Thus, the "view in discovery" function, which is designed to verify the presentation of portfolios in PrimoVE that are administered in Alma, is currently of limited use because administrators cannot assume that the view produced by this function actually corresponds to the view encountered by end users.
For adequate quality assurance, it would be necessary if administrators could freely customize the link structure of the "view in discovery"…
68 votes -
Include "Dismiss Selected" button on the bottom of the page
When scrolling through the Community Zone Updates Task List, you need to scroll back up to the top of the page to click the "Dismiss Selected" button. It would be most helpful if the same function could be applied at the bottom of the page as well.
51 votes -
Automatic Upload of Electronic Holdings Integration Profile ELS ClinicalKey
I would like to suggest an API integration profile for Elsevier to include ClinicalKey collections. This feature is currently available for ScienceDirect and ScienceDirect eBooks, but not for ClinicalKey.
We currently spend a significant amount of time in deleting and adding portfolios to these collections each month.
3 votes -
Ability to relink multiple portfolios to another bib instead of one at a time
I'd like to have the option to relink multiple portfolios from one bib record to another instead of one at a time. This happens when I want to use a different bib record than the one in the CZ.
4 votes -
Bulk add perpetual access dates
We would like to be able to add perpetual access dates in bulk to individual portfolios. This functionality would be helpful for tracking perpetual access on packages/bundles where a large number of portfolios share a common start and/or end date.
4 votes -
Add Oregon State University OER textbooks collection
Is it possible to add the OER ebook collection from Oregon State University to the Community Zone? They're located at:
6 votes -
Provide option to exclude open access titles when activating community zone collections
We have a number of auto-activate Community Zone collections for licensed content which also contain open access titles. We would like an option to exclude the open access titles. This would enable more accurate cost per use analysis and reduce duplication in our catalogue.
eg. we've noticed duplication in Springer collections because we have licensed subject collections activated but also the Springer Open Access Ebook CZ collection (having this collection active means all open access titles are available for our community, not just those for the subjects we have purchased in any given year)
3 votes -
An import profile should be able to delete IZ copy of NZ-linked electronic records
For libraries that belong to a consortium, currently, the import profile to delete both electronic bibliographic and inventory records only marks the NZ-linked records for deletion. It does not delete the IZ copy of the NZ-linked records, even when the Allow bibliographic record deletion and the delete/deactivate portfolio options are selected.
To improve Alma for libraries with NZ-linked records, Alma's import deletion process should unlink the record from the NZ and then delete the resulting IZ copy. That would be consistent with the current behavior of existing deletion jobs like the "Delete Bibliographic Records" job.
3 votes -
Allow coverage comparison from uploaded files in Collection overlap analysis
When we upload a collection title list with coverage for collection overlap analysis, Alma doesn’t compare coverage. For comparing journals, this is fatal. A title match with no coverage overlap means nothing. We understand that the coverage column in the vendor’s file can be messy and non-standard. We would rather standardize and format the coverage in the EXCEL file and let Alma do the coverage comparison, than to eyeball the coverage of 15,000 titles or more.
Tell us the correct format to indicate coverage, and let us extract the values for the beginning year, ending year and embargo columns, so…
3 votes -
Update primary URL and Parser Parameters using Portfolio Loader
Currently, when using the Portfolio Loader to update links, only the override URL and override Parser Parameters can be updated. It would also be helpful to be able to update the primary URL and primary Parser Parameters using the Portfolio Loader.
15 votes -
when importing, create portfolio links *after* Process / Normalization Rules ( NR ) are applied (and not before as it is now)
Right now static links in portfolios can be derived form 856 tags in imported MARC records.
Sometimes however we need to manipulate those links to fit the needs of our institution. We could do that easily with a process based on a Normalization Rule (NR) defined in the import profile. But this doesn't work, since our changes to 856 are not considered by Alma when creating the Static links in Portfolios. Our best guess is that static links are created before NR/process are applied and not after. That's a pity.
It would be great if static links were extracted from…24 votes -
Implement AutoHoldings for Alexander Street Press
Implement auto holdings (autoholding, auto load, autoload) for Alexander Street Press Academic Video Online, as is already available for ProQuest, Elsevier, Ovid, and Springer, and Wiley.
3 votes -
Add All4Maternity as an Electronic Collection in the Alma Community Zone
Please add All4Maternity as an Electronic Collection in the Alma Community Zone.
Here is the URL -
Thank you.
1 vote -
Add Expiration Date field to portfolios (for Streaming Video lease tracking)
Libraries lease streaming films for limited periods of time. We need to track the date each film's lease expires so we can delete the portfolio from Alma or take action to lease it for another term. We are currently using the portfolio coverage field to do this, but this is a workaround, not the designed functionality of the field. An Expiration Date field would allow libraries to enter the expiration date into each streaming film portfolio and use Alma searching and Analytics to track the expiring portfolios. It should be indexed in Alma, available in Alma Analytics, visible in the…
1 vote -
Adding collection URL to Alma publishing
When a bibliographic record that describes an aggregator package is published, the URL from the collection level is not included. No portfolios are attached to such records. We would like to be able to export access details from a collection in a publishing job.
1 vote -
WISO Videos Technik
WISO Videos Technik is already added as a (portfolio)- selective collection to the ALMA CZ.
Please also bring in the CDI functionality as well.
The databases from GBI GENIOS are a very valuable resoruce within the German scientific community.Provider: GBI-Genios Deutsche Wirtschaftsdatenbank GmbH
Freischützstr. 96
81927 München
+49 (0) 89 99 28 79 - 0Thank you very much!
Bärbel4 votes
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