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185 results found

  1. "Do not show as Full Text available in CDI even if active in Alma" for article records

    We were informed by Ex Libris that the "Do not show as Full Text available in CDI even if active in Alma" CDI field does not work on articles. As this feature can already impact the discoverability of CDI records in Primo, it would be great if it could be formally developed so it behaves more predictably and less unexpectedly. When selecting "Yes" for "do not show as full text available in CDI even if active in Alma", we are still seeing CDI article records appear in Primo.

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  2. Record all changes to an Electronic Collection in the History tab, by user or System and the change made

    All changes to be recorded in the Electronic Collection History tab, including the user account or System making the change and what was changed.

    Currently there are many "System" changes only recording the Modification Date by Old Value of the previous last change and the New Value of the date of change.

    But there is no information as to what was changed.

    I am not going to provide examples of what should be changed and risk only those changed being done, as simply everything should be recorded. This is the purpose of a History log.

    Currently Ex Libris expects customers…

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  3. Add support for importing .mrk files

    At the moment Alma only supports importation of resources as .mrc files. These files are trickier to work with than .mrk and add a lot of unnecessary time to our import workflows (converting back and forth, "saving as" frequently, losing changes - especially for large imports).

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  4. Please create a new electronic collection: Liverpool University Press Modern Language Package

    Please create a new electronic collection: Liverpool University Press Modern Language Package
    Bulletin of Hispanic studies. Liverpool University Press: Full Text ISSN: 1478-3398
    Bulletin of contemporary Hispanic studies. Liverpool University Press: Full Text ISSN: 2516-8037
    Australian journal of French studies. Liverpool University Press: Full Text ISSN: 2046-2913
    Catalan review. Liverpool University Press: Full Text ISSN: 2053-339X
    CFC intersections. Liverpool University Press: Full Text ISSN: 2752-5538
    Contemporary French civilization. Liverpool University Press: Full Text ISSN: 2044-396X
    European journal of language policy. Liverpool University Press: Full Text ISSN: 1757-6830
    Journal of romance studies. Liverpool University Press: Full Text ISSN: 1752-2331
    Journal of…

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  5. Sorting electronic collections by "Public name (override)"

    When searching for electronic collections, results lists can currently only be sorted by collection name or by rank. It would be very useful if the list could also be sorted by "Public name (override)".

    Currently, for each entry in the result list, the name from the field "Public name (override)" is displayed first, followed by the collection name - which equals the public name - in parentheses. However, the alphabetical order is determined by the public name. This results in a collection list sorted by the names which are in second place and in parantheses. This is rather confusing and…

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  6. Additional Report to ExLibris Option

    Adding the option to "Report to Ex Libris" from the Electronic Titles search page would make reporting issues to them much more streamlined.

    Currently you have to
    1) Find out what collection it is in
    2) Go to the portfolio list
    3) Search for the title
    4) Then you have the option to Report to Ex Libris by clicking the three dots

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  7. Delete bibliographic records - Limit Match of Bibliographic Records to a Specific Electronic Collection

    In scenarios where a vendor has provided ISBNs of titles they have removed from an e-book package but it is likely that the same titles are included in other e-book packages, it would be good to be able to limit the deletion to a specific electronic collection. This feature would have to recognise to only delete bibliographic records matching a specific collection where the records do not have active portfolios belonging to other electronic collections. Use case: ability to batch delete locally held e-book records from vendor A only if they are NOT also part of vendor B’s e-book package.

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  8. Disable the license terms from cascading down from POL to electronic collections and portfolios

    The current situation is that after attaching a license to a PO Line, this license will override the license(s) originally attached to the electronic collections and the portfolios. We have 5000+ Chinese ebooks that come with a wide range of number of concurrent users. While we can update them using the 'Run a Job' function, but once the POL that is connected with the electronic collection is updated, it will override the license terms we have for the individual ebooks. So we would like to see if there is an option to delink the POLs and electronic collections from the…

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  9. Ability to exclude Primo Journal Search from display logic rules

    We would like the ability to exclude the Journal Search function from display logic rules.
    In the Primo view the limit of links is set to 25, and it cannot be reduced (which deserves another Idea....). The only way to reduce it is through the user of display logic rules.
    However, the rules also apply to the "Journal Search" in Primo, where users actually want to see all the available full text due to differences in coverage.

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  10. Improve E-Resource Activation Task handling for additional copy ebook orders

    Currently when an additional copy of an already active ebook is ordered, there is no e-resource task added to the Electronic Resource Activation Task List, since the resource is already active. However, we add interested users to almost all of our ebooks, and if there is no activation task, the interested users are never being notified.

    If the ebook order is already on an active item, it would be nice if the interested users would automatically be notified, or just have an e-resource activation task added as normal to fulfill the process of notifying the interested users.

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    Health Affairs Archive - Please add Collection:

    The journal "Health Affairs" is currently in the collection "Single Journals". The publisher (Project Hope) has recently created an Archive for purchase. It is titled "Health Affairs Archive" and covers content from 1981-2020.

    We need a portfolio for the Archive so we can purchase it, because we already have a subscription order this year on the existing portfolio.

    Please create a Project Hope Collection in the Community Zone that includes two portfolios:

    1. The existing portfolio for Health Affairs currently in the Single Journals collection (CKB ID/CZ MMS ID: 99954921386894)
    2. A new portfolio titled…
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  12. Flag individual articles in Alma as being unavailable.

    ExLibris cannot verify accuracy between supplied metadata and a referenced database. As a result, there are times when an article is listed in Primo as available online; However, when the patron tries to retrieve the article, the database returns a not found error. This has been frustrating for our patrons.
    Currently there is no way to flag an individual article as being unavailable. As a result, this becomes a recurring error for our patrons; with no option to correct.
    Suggest providing a way to:
    1. flag individual articles as available / not available by database
    2. date and notes on…

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  13. R2Digital PDA: Implement automatic upload of electronic holdings

    Implement automatic upload of electronic holdings for R2Digital PDA titles. Currently staff receive monthly reports that require manual adjustment to the collections for both new and archived titles.

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  14. Add PsycTherapy collection for Ebsco

    There is no working collection for PsycTherapy for Ebsco. Using the proquest collection does not solve direct linking and requiers constant updates off the linking to work

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  15. When running a Remove local coverage indicated, set Which coverage statement will be applied to "only global"

    When running a Change Electronic Portfolio Information job with "Remove local coverage" indicated, in addition to removing all local coverage information, also set the portfolio's "Which coverage statement will be applied?" field to "Only global."
    Leaving it as one of the local options incorrectly marks the portfolio as having local information if it is listed in the Community Zone Updates Task List.

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  16. Include submitter name with Report to Ex Libris form

    Any Alma user who can access the action menu of a portfolio or electronic collection can submit the Report to Ex Libris form, but the Salesforce case is opened with the CRM contact chosen on the form. Unless the submitter includes their own name in the form's description field, it becomes impossible for the CRM contact to determine who opened the Salesforce ticket.

    Please include the name or primary ID of the logged-in Alma user in the Salesforce ticket. This will facilitate follow-up with the staff member who reported the issue.

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  17. Create an Alma Idea exchange category for License

    There is no category specific for the License area of Alma, which makes it difficult to find other's ideas for License improvements. I had to choose a category for this idea and went with "Resource management - Electronic", and definitely didn't want to go with "other"

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  18. Suppress bib record when no active portfolios/services

    If a record has zero active services, it should be automatically suppressed in Primo. When we choose to use the CDI records for a collection instead of the CZ records, there is a button to "change to CDI-only full text activation." This suppresses the service, but it does not suppress the bib records. We have to manually run a job on each collection to also suppress the bib records. Most of the time this is fine (even though it's an extra step), but if some of the CZ bib records overlap with other collections, we don't necessarily want to suppress…

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  19. When CZ update "Portfolio bibliographic record updated" runs, if POL is attached to portfolio & bib, automatically move POL to new bib

    When we order a portfolio, the PO Line attaches to both the portfolio and the bibliographic record attached to the portfolio (this is good; it's how Alma works by design). Every week, there are numerous "Portfolio bibliographic record updated" tasks on the CZ Updates Task List. This means that the portfolio has moved to a different bib record. When "Portfolio bibliographic record updated" happens, the portfolio moves to a new bib. The POL remains attached to the portfolio (which is good!). However, the POL is not moved to the new bib record; it remains attached to the old bib record.…

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  20. Create an Alma collection for YouTube news videos published by Deutsche Welle.

    Deutsche Welle (DW), Germany's international news broadcaster, maintains a large collection of videos on YouTube ( One of our librarians has asked us to catalog these so having them available in the community zone would be helpful.

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