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93 results found
Display local price in addition to the foreign currency price
We need the display of the local price in addition to the foreign currency price on the Invoice Lines tab and in the POL summary tab. That's very important for us.
60 votes -
Allow different configuration of Interested User emails for ebook orders
Currently the automatic email for the Interested User of an ebook order isn't triggered until the status of the order changes from 'Sent' to 'Waiting for Invoice'.
It would be beneficial if we could configure the emails differently to allow an alternative trigger eg the activation date.
This would eliminate the current considerable delays between the ebook being available and the sending of the email.41 votes -
Ability to remove Associated PO Lines from a POL
If we add a POL # to the Additional section of a POL > Associated PO Lines and then discover that it was incorrect we are not able to remove it. We can change it but not remove it.
We would like to be able to remove the Associated PO Lines if we find that we have made a mistake
27 votes -
"Acquisition method"
When creating a "PO Line" would it be possible in the "PO Line Summary" tab to move the "PO Line details" from near the bottom to the top as it actually makes more sense to select the "Acquisition Method" first as it dictates what fields you need to fill in, e.g. "Legal Deposit" means "Pricing" and "Funding" etc. become inactive and are no longer required fields. I know if you use a template it doesn't matter because you it populates that field for you but in terms of workflow it seems backwards.
Thanks :)
15 votes -
Ability to assign Renewals.
In the same way POLs or Purchase Requests in review can be assigned. This will give us that ability to assign subscription renewals to selectors/budget holders for approval.
14 votes -
Retain Data in Interface Records
We really like the multiple tabs on interface records that allow us to record different admin logins and statistical information.
Publisher and vendor changes happen pretty frequently in our environment and we foresee needing to move interfaces from one vendor to another on occasion.
We just found out the hard way that when an interface is deleted from a vendor record and then added to another vendor record all the information that was in the various interface tabs gets wiped out. Can something be done to preserve the information that was hand keyed into the interface tabs?”62 votes -
Change Financial Year dates after they have been set
It doesn't look as if it is possible to change the start and finish dates of any financial year in Acquisitions Configuration > Fund And Ledger Fiscal Period table mapping tables once the year has been created, unless it is deleted completely.
Can it be made possible for the start and (in particular) the end dates to be edited having already been set and saved, if so required?
Being able to do this would be of particular benefit around the time of a financial year rollover, especially if an institution cannot be certain that all financial transactions for the outgoing…
17 votes -
Ability to link to single interface records from vendor record
At the moment, when you link to an interface from a vendor record in Alma the interface record cannot be linked to one that has already been set up. For example, if you have Vendor A and link it to Interface X you cannot also link Vendor B to Interface X. You are also unable to have two interfaces with the same name. This is required in situations where we have multiple vendors for the one interface. For example, SAGE journals are acquired directly through SAGE but the ebooks are acquired through iGroup. In this case we would like to…
93 votesAnonymous responded
Submitted by Ex Libris PM on behalf of our customers
need more search criteria in acq such as operator id or create/update date
It would be useful to have some additional search criteria, such as operator id, and facets, such as a last update date range and status, available to monitor staff productivity. Not just in purchasing but in all areas of acquisitions the site reports the need for functionality that will allow a combination of attributes of the records to generate results. For example, an operator should be able to search using their user name, some category of task (po lines in review, invoice lines in review, invoices pending approval, etc.) and a date or date range, or status (sent/ waiting auto…
60 votesAnonymous responded
Submitted by Ex Libris PM on behalf of our customers
The default receiving status in manage items of receiving workbench is all and it should be not received or should be configurable
As part of the new prediction pattern development it is possible in the receiving workbench to receive new items and filter the 'manage items' section by "all" "received" or "not received".
Currently it defaults to "all" which is not what would be desired because
A. it would show too much
B. they would need to manually search for what they want to receive.It should default to "not received" because then they can choose the issue they have in hand and receive it. Another option would be to have it always remember the previous filter of the user and use…
34 votesAnonymous responded
Submitted by Ex Libris PM on behalf of our customers
EDI check in for print journals
Alma documentation states that Alma supports the following Edifact message types – INVOIC, ORDERS, OSTENQ, ORDRSP, ORDCHG. However our old LMS Aleph supported an additional Edifact message type called DESADV.
This allowed our serials agent, Ebsco, to check in our journals in on the LMS remotely via EDI once our monthly consolidated deliveries of print journals were despatched from the warehouse.
Provided our prediction patterns matched the PIA line this worked efficiently. An example of EDI text is as below:-
RFF+SNA:52280023'The above essentially means that for order no 52280023 (linking to…
24 votes -
Automatically Associate Certain Payment Methods (e.g., Credit, JV, Deposit) with Prepaid Functionality when Creating Invoices
We would like the ability to automatically associate certain Payment Methods (Credit Card, JV (Correction), Deposit Account, etc.) with Prepaid functionality when creating Invoices. 1) This would save time. 2) Most institutions do not want certain payment methods going to their ERP, but occasionally forget to check the Prepaid box. Setting this up systematically would serve as a fail-safe for such situations.
14 votes -
Add a new privilege to the "Purchasing Operator" role which will prevent users with this role from being able to delete items
This Idea was submitted by ExLibris to check the community support for the following enhancemnet:
Currently, users with "Purchasing Operator" role can delete items, the existing logic behind this is, when a PO line is created (even before it is received), there is a need for the Purchasing Operator to be able to delete the item in case of an error on the order.This Idea suggest to add a new privilege to the Purchasing Operator role which will prevent this user from being able to delete items - the new privilege should be enabled by default to maintain existing…
0 votes
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