Statistical categories display in Circulation Desk UI
It would be useful to display patron's Statistical categories in the left panel of the New Circulation Desk UI.
Thanks for support !

Mona Ammon commented
If this could be configurable so we could decide which ones to display this would be useful. Given we have thousands of Stat Codes and each user could have anywhere from a minimum of 3 up to 15 having them all display could get messy.
Erin Nettifee commented
Duke has similar use cases as to the other commenters, but I do think it might be helpful to include with this the option to choose whether or not a particular statistical category displays, configurable from Configuration > Users. E.g., if you have a "patron type" statistical category that is used in fulfillment rules, it displays, but if you have something that's more of a reporting field, you wouldn't necessarily also have to have it show up.
That way, libraries that have many statistical categories can customize what shows up on the screen.
Cindy Bowen commented
We use statistical categories for a couple of situations where it would be helpful to see that information from within the circ desk UI:
1. For granting A/V equipment borrowing privileges to users of our affiliated law school but not to the rest of our consortium borrowers.
2. For providing Office Delivery services to eligible faculty--their eligibility (in terms of physical office location) is assessed manually by staff, then the statistical category is added for tracking/reporting purposes. -
Nicolas C (Normandy) commented
Thanks for your comments!
I also think that the presence of Statistical categories in the Fulfillment rules inputs is a valuable reason why.
We use our users' statistical categories, and not just for reporting purposes. For example: we lend psychological tests, but only to psychology students and teachers, which is a statistical category. This criterion is used in our lending rules, but it would be better if it appeared in the fulfillment user interface.On an other hand, many libraries don't use the fee and fines, however these unuseful informations can't be removed from our UI. If we could do that, it'll make place for statistical categories, if there's a problem of place...
Chris Jones commented
Use cases that we could see for Statistical category are that the usergroup is generic wihtin a higher Education institution - Undergrad, part time, postgrad distance learner, staff, associate, etc, whereas the department/faculty/school information is reflected by the stat cat field, so seeing it can assist staff in understanding the context of a user query for support relevant to the user's subject area/affiliation.
It is also something which is recorded in CRM system stats so could more readily be logged if this information were to be made visible on the MPS screen. I suppose the other configurable options, including Expiry date which is new provide some level of details. Data protection and minimal-requirements might drop email, phone number etc, but it would still be useful to at least have the option of displaying the user stat cat in this context.
I also think there is a transparency element here in that the Feb 2023 addition of stat cat as a Fulfillment Unit rule parameter, and auto renewal parameter does flag that many customers make distinctions on service at the Stat cat level so having greater visibility of this would assist staff.
Jamen McGranahan commented
for us Stacey it helps identify the user appropriately. For instance, we use stat cats for department, school year, job title, etc. So if a user was a former Alum but is now an employee, we can easily see that and correct it. Otherwise, this is an unknown.
Stacey van Groll commented
Could some user stories be shared as to how particular information is used by staff in practical situations? We use statistical categories too for things like reporting engagement by loans of physical collections, but I'm not thinking of any scenarios for ours where they would need to be immediately visible for circ desk interactions like loaning a book.
Jamen McGranahan commented
We are heavy users of the Statistical Categories and would see a tremendous benefit if it could be included in the left panel of the New Circ Desk UI!