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120 results found
No requesting when available items in institution
We would very much like there to be an option in Alma fulfillment units (On Shelf Request Policy): "No requesting when available items in institution".
The meaning of which would be that if there is at least one (requestable) item available at any holding, the user will not be able to make a title request. The system will consider all items in the institution, not just one holding at a time.
Currently we use the "No Requesting from available holding" option which means that when all (requestable) items on one holding are checked out, then the user can make a…
6 votes -
Provide a configuration to limit by material type to a specific pick-up location
For institutions with multiple libraries where only one library may have A/V viewers or microform readers it would be helpful for that institution to limit the pick-up location by material type to the library that has the necessary equipment for onsite use.
This would eliminate confusion and time delay when a user makes a request to pick up a material type at a location where they cannot use it onsite.5 votes -
Add Purchase Requests to blocked actions
We would like to prevent blocked users from submitting Purchase Requests. Although it is possible to ask Ex Libris to configure a blocked action for Resource Sharing Requests, it is not possible to do this for Purchase Requests. It would be useful to have a blocked action for Purchase Requests that we could use in Block Definitions.
5 votes -
When a hold expires, have them display in the task list
In the same way that requests show in the task list, it would be helpful that when the hold is expired that it will also show in the task list. People would see on their desktop if an item needs to be shelved or returned to a campus library, instead of remember to check the Expire Hold shelf.
4 votes -
Generate item-level request for reading room materials
Currently, if there is one copy of an item in general stacks and another in a reading room location, assuming both are available, Alma will prioritize the stacks copy for requests and the request form will be based on the stacks request TOU. Some institutions use reading rooms for Special Collections materials, so the items may not be interchangeable and if a patron requests the reading room copy, we want the request to be specific to that item and the form to follow the reading room request TOU (limiting the pickup location).
Giving the items unique descriptions forces item-level requests,…
4 votes -
Show barcode field of requests in Manage Patron Services
Please add the ability to see the barcode of a requested item (where available) on the Requests tab of the Manage Patron Services screen. It is possible to see barcodes on the Monitor Requests & Item Processes screen but not this one.
4 votes -
Improve job "Requests - Handle Expiration steps"
The job "Requests - Handle Expiration Jobs" updates requests and at present, the output of the job informs only on the number of outputs. The job can block on a request-ID which then must be manually handled.
In order to save time and better inform the lending libraries, it would be helpful to have at least an information on any Error-causing request, with it's request-ID. Ideally it would be great to also have an output of successfully handled requests in form of a list, which can be exported to Excel.Improve the job "Requests - Handle Expiration Jobs" with output…
4 votes -
Allow patron to create "Alias" that prints to Ful Hold Shelf Request Slip Letter
When item that has a request is returned at the circulation desk, a Ful Hold Shelf Request Slip Letter is printed. There is a Patron name on the Print.
There should be a possibility for a Patron to choose an "Alias" (Name or Number) that would be printed to the Letter.This could be an Address -field that patron can update in Primo. Then it would be printed to the slip letter.
3 votes -
Pick from Shelf, sort by title
Currently our Pick from Shelf has 4 options to sort the titles:
Location Name- Asc
Location Name - Desc
Call Number - Asc
Call Number - DescI would like to see the titles sorted into alphabetical order.
3 votes -
See the same information in Monitor Requests & Item Process menu that is seen in Borrowing Requests menu
It would be helpful to see the same information in the different places a staff member might check to see the status of a patron request. In the attached document, you'll see that there is much more useful information in the borrowing requests menu, including the preferred pickup location which is a critical detail. Can we have the same info display in both?
3 votes -
Current loaned item borrower user group as parameter in terms of use
Sometimes we need to restrict requests based on the group of the user that has the item currently borrowed, not only the group of the user that is trying to request.
This is particularly useful when you have items loaned to a user for an specific loan period (sometimes even for months or years) and you want to avoid users to request that item loaned to that specific user group but allow them to request items currently loaned to other user groups.
Take teachers and students for an example. You would like students to be able to request items currently…
3 votes -
List the "Pick from Shelf" list, "Monitor Requests and item processes" and results from a "Requests" search in order from latest to oldest
We would find it helpful if it were possible to view requests (both active and complete) in order from latest to older without the need to export and filter
3 votes -
Allow Request Notes to be edited even with complex Fulfilment Rules
We introduced Fulfillment Rules to check if there are any "Process Types" assigned to an item and make them unrequestable. For example if an item is MISSING, REQUESTED, LOST, LOANED, etc.
This allows an item without a process type to be requested fine. Unfortunately, the moment you try to edit the Request Note and update the request, it ends up rechecking the Fulfillment rules and oddly cancels the request.
We were hoping we can use the edit Request Note process to mark items when our library officers have done 1st/2nd/3rd shelf searching of items before they become officially marked as…
3 votes -
Ability to edit request priorities
We would like the ability to edit, i.e. rename or translate, the names of the request priorities in the Manual priority drop-down menu in the request queue. It is not entirely obvious which to choose, and we would like to be able to eg. number them from 1. to 8. It was suggested to us by Ex Libris support that we promote this question through Idea Exchange.
3 votes -
User Requests Should Pop or Be more Visible for Cataloguers
When cataloguers are processing new books or fixing bibliographic records or item records, there is no notification that a user has requested the item we are working on. We won't know to give the item to Fullfillment so that they can put the item aside for the user.
I know there is a little number that indicates there is a request, but for new books ordered in there is already 1 request from Acquisitions. This does not pop-up and it is just a little number that you can barely see in the results screen. It should be much more obvious…
3 votes -
Alma to automatically process pending requests when recalls are switched back on
During Easter and Christmas vacation we turn off recalls in Alma, so requests are still placed by the user but recalls are not made. After the vacation, we turn recalls back on however Alma does not 'catch up/update' the pending requests into a recall.
We would like Alma to therefore be able to process those requests in pending and turn them into recalls once the recalls have been switched back on.
3 votes -
Configurable hard coded date for request expiry
We've struggled with users not understanding the purpose of the 'Not needed after' date field in the various request forms linked to Primo VE. This often means we received requests with supplied 'Not needed after' dates of a few days later meaning they're cancelled before even being in transit or picked, particularly on unstaffed weekends. Relabelling the field hasn't helped matters due to users not paying attention to it and thinking it's a 'needed/collect on' mandatory date.
If possible we would like the ability to set a hard coded expiry range for non-processed requests. For example, if a recall request…
3 votes -
Ful Resource Request Slip Letter split in two
We would like the Ful Resource Request Slip Letter printout to split in two: one letter for staff when picking material from stacks, and one for use on the hold shelf for end users to see. These two functions are difficult to combine since staff need to know who the requester is at the same time as GDPR makes anonymization of the hold shelf slip necessary.
We currently try to solve this by using the Ful Hold Shelf Request Slip Letter as the hold shelf slip. But this printout is meant only for staff and so is printed in the…
3 votes -
Add the ability to group select items in the 'Monitor Requests & Item Processes' view, the same as we can in 'Expired Holdshelf'
It would be useful to be able to group select items in the 'monitor requests and item processes' so that transit labels for them can be printed in bulk. Currently these have to be done individually per item. The ability to group select items already exists in the 'expired holdshelf' view so would (hopefully) be easy to implement
3 votes -
No request from available library
We would like to see an intermediate option between "No Requesting from available holding" and "No requesting" which will prevent requests when any holdings in a library have an available copy. Our reason is that using "No requesting" relies on a user knowing which other libraries they are entitled to use and going to visit them. In practice we find that our users have a preferred library. The "Available holding" setting is problematic since our historic data is often one item per holding.
3 votes
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