Ful Resource Request Slip Letter split in two
We would like the Ful Resource Request Slip Letter printout to split in two: one letter for staff when picking material from stacks, and one for use on the hold shelf for end users to see. These two functions are difficult to combine since staff need to know who the requester is at the same time as GDPR makes anonymization of the hold shelf slip necessary.
We currently try to solve this by using the Ful Hold Shelf Request Slip Letter as the hold shelf slip. But this printout is meant only for staff and so is printed in the interface language of the staff. We have users in many languages and need both Swedish and English printouts.
An extra complication occurred when we tried to stop the system from printing the Ful Resource Request Slip Letter for certain locations. We found “Request Pickup Configuration” and the “Show in 'Pick From Shelf' list parameter”. When trying it out it seemed to do what we wanted, the requests did not show up in the ‘Pick from shelf’ list. But when we tried this live in Alma, the “Ful Resource Request Slip Letter” was printed. The “Show in 'Pick From Shelf' list” parameter only does half of the job, the request is not shown in the list but the printout is generated.
We asked support and the answer was that “the printing is expected unless you deactivate the slip. The request does not go into a pick from shelf status, but the slip is expected to be used not only for pick from shelf but also as a hold shelf slip".