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127 results found

  1. Maintain membership to physical collections when merging bibliographic records

    Currently in the MD Editor, when merging bibliographic records, if the non-surviving bib record was included in a collection the membership to the collection is lost. The problem is made worse by the fact that operator will probably be made aware of the matching duplicate record at the point of saving the bib; at this stage only the duplicate bib record is displayed, there is no indication that it has been included as part of a collection.

    The bibliographic merging process in the MD Editor should be improved to take account of records included in physical collections, transferring membership of…

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  2. Add Reporting Codes and Dates to Items screen

    Reporting Codes can be applied to POLs only.
    Reporting codes and dates allow libraries the freedom to set codes and manage items.
    For example, items can set Funds when it is no longer linked to a POLs with Change holding.
    Also, missing book codes and date can be entered in case of a missing book.
    Allowing Reporting codes, or some similar code, to be applied to Items would add a great deal of flexibility and utility to an already good idea.

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  3. Allow Multiple Customized Views

    When viewing a list of items, sometimes I want to view all fields, and sometimes I would like to only display certain fields, particularly when exporting fields for reports. I would like to click the sprocket and switch between a couple of saved views (aka which boxes are checked + button order), or at least be able to reset to MY preferred default

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  4. Change "Permanent Call Number Starts With" search to search the class number only

    Currently, searching for "Permanent Call Number Starts With" will search the beginning of the classification number (852$h) AND the beginning of the cutter number (852$i). Ideally, this should search for the beginning of the classification number only. When I search for a Permanent Call Number Starts With K, I expect to see a listing of materials on law, not every film whose title starts with K.

    Alternatively, creating a separate index for the classification number (852$h) and cutter number (852$i) would allow users to do separate searches for classification numbers and cutter numbers.

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  5. Add integrated spine label printing for collection items

    Allow for spine label printing direct from Alma rather than having to use a third party API. ie- Spin0Matic

    Thank you

    We are currently getting an Error -
    Can't retrieve XML file.
    Error message: The underlying connection was closed: An unexpected error occurred on a send.

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  6. Allow import profiles to create items under existing holdings

    Add an option in Alma import profiles to add item to existing holdings, when there is only one holdings on a bib. When there are multiple holdings already on the bib record, allow user to specify that the item should be added to the holdings that matches the library and location mapping specified. Or, allow it to look and match on holdings that match data mapped from the incoming bib record. And then, the fallback is if matching fails, to add a new holdings record based on information specified either in the inventory mapping or mapped from the incoming bib…

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  7. Make accession numbers in configuration editable

    In the Accession Configuration it is only possible to change the next sequence number. Not the sequence name, the library or the location. For example, when you want to add a library or change the library, you have to delete the row and enter the prefix again - with the correct sequence number. Because of the closure of our Central Library we had to delete nearly every single entry and make new entries for each prefix.

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  8. Option to hide libraries from Alma persistent search indexes

    We do not make use of the institution-level Resource Sharing Library for anything at all (our physical library locations are all resource sharing libraries and are all we use for res share purposes), and so it would be great if we didn't have to see the out of the box RSL in the libraries drop down menu in Alma when doing searches.

    Options to hide any items we don't make use of in general in Alma search indexes / other menus would be great, as it would declutter the interface and be less confusing for staff.

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  9. Generate barcodes in batch

    Alma can be configured to generate a unique identfier in the barcode field of the item record one record at a time. Once the configuration is set, the unique identifier can be created by clicking the Generate button or simply by clicking Save.

    It would be very helpful for Alma be able to generate sequential unique identifiers for each item in a set by running a job. That way, we could create a situation where each item in Alma has a unique identifier, either a real barcode number for a real barcode attached to an item or a different unique…

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  10. add an attachment icon picture besides the item of the attachment.

    In Primo, readers often can not distinguish the difference of the book and the attachment of the book(ex: CD-ROM). So readers often request the barcode number of the attachment of the book first wrongly, and then find that they really want to request the book instead of the attachment of book(CD-ROM). I suggest the system can show an attachment icon picture(Ex: paper clip) besides the item of the attachment. It can help readers to distinguish the types of the items(book or CD-ROM attachment) quickly and correctly.

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  11. do not show Library Scope when an institution only has one library

    The new Library Scope facet for Physical holdings and Physical items search is only useful if an institution has multiple libraries. It should be possible to disable this facet if an institution only has one library.

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  12. Show editions of books when doing a search in either Physical Title search, or Physical Items search, not just All item search

    This is a more practical and efficient way of showing book's info , as the edition is not restricted to All item search.

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  13. 1 vote

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  14. Allow the "Type of Unit" field in the item record to be edited in the item record rather than in the holdings record

    Right now you can add the Type of Unit to the item record by adding an 85X $$o to the holdings record. If you have more than one you can do this:
    853 $$8 1 $$o Ten year cumulative index
    853 $$8 2 $$o Supplement

    the Type of Unit will become a drop-down and you can choose.

    However, this is a lot of work, and not intuitive. We would like the ability to type into the Type of Unit field in the item record.

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  15. Avoid duplicate Item call numbers

    At present, when duplicating an item, barcode is automatically generated and saved even before any changes in a duplicated item record are done. That means in practice, that if - for some reason - Item call number or any other field were not modified, duplication is created. That is a huge problem in fields that 1] require unique value, 2] there are no warnings about duplicate value in any moment of the process. Suggestion: Similar to duplicating bib record, the new barcode is created only after actual saving of the new (duplicated) item. The cataloguer will be required to generate…

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  16. "in process items" screen - circulation desk management: adding fields

    At circ desk we use "in process items" screen to manage items in circ work order processes. Unfortunately the screen is unusable, if we are processing periodicals which are sent/recieved from binding: currently there is no way to distinguish at a glance which volume it is. as we send several volumes of the same periodical at once and our physical copies of periodicals don't have barcodes/barcode numbers. so please add a description field to this screen.
    another field that is necessary is: Location

    yes we can see this information via 3 dots...but it is not at a glance....

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  17. slip for items sent to binding - improvements

    1. we send to binding not only periodical issues that are bound together. we also send individual periodical volumes/books which binding wears out. in this case there is no option to add a note for the binder - options which exists when 2 or more issues are bound together in alma.

    2. we send to binding hundreds of items. printing out hundreds of slips, when a slip takes up the whole page - is a waste of paper. so we stuck with continuing writing the info for the binder manually, on small pieces of paper. it would be a large improvement to…

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  18. Add 'loan date' to items list

    after 6 long years, finally "due date" as added to items list..

    "Loan date" field is as important to see, as the "due date". if we have 50 items which were loaned in different times, most of them can have the same due date (because we have periods of closed days-holydays). we have to be able to make the same decision, as system, regarding, which item can be recalled first, if we need to make manual request on specific item.
    please consider adding this field also - and really hope it wouldn't take another 6 years

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  19. Readability of the item availability column

    The Item availability column becomes illegible if it’s more than two lines long, which is often the case for Serials. It would be helpful to be able to adjust the width of the column and it would also be helpful if there could be a line break for each new 866 zone (Marc21).

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  20. Add Process types and statuses in the menu “Manage in Process items”

    It would be helpful to be able to search by Call number in the menu « Manage in Process items ».
    The list of results cannot be filtered or sorted by modification date, by status or by the operator who did the last change.
    The description of the item (Year, Volume, Number…) is also missing from the list and can only be seen by editing the item. It would be helpful for the resource management of serial publications.

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