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126 results found

  1. Function to have a real time physical inventory

    Real-time physical inventory:
    1. Ability to choose location and general call number range
    2.Displayed by call number order including title, number of charges, number of browses and current item status (missing, work order, on loan)
    3.Capacity to mark items with different categories (determined by institution): missing, need preservation, archival box, annex bound, etc.

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  2. Generate accession number by typing directly in field 852

    Generation an accession number in 852$$h or $$j can only be done by using the menu (Tools -> MARC21 holdings -> generate accession number), or by keyboard shortcut (ctrl+schift+A) in the new MDE.
    Even though the keyboard shortcut saves some clicks, we would like to type the prefix directly in field 852, followed by a character like # for example, that would indicate to Alma to generate the sequence number after saving the holding record.

    Example : 852 $$b library $$c location $$h RIA #
    -> after saving the record :
    852 $$b library $$c location $$h RIA 6785


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  3. Keep suppressed records without items that have received more than one purchase request

    We have detected this case that we consider is an incorrect behavior of Alma.

    When a purchase request is generated, a non-visible bibliographic record is created. The problem is that if a second purchase request for the same document is generated, Alma automatically makes the bibliographic record visible, even though we still do not have copies of it. Therefore this record appears visible in Polibuscador but without funds.

    We request that the bibliographic record should only be visible when the issue or copies are available to the user, meanwhile, even if more than one purchase request has been made, it…

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  4. Location Priority

    We need Location Priority function in Alma-Primo too. IP, temp/remote, and alphabetical ordering options are not enough to show locations in the way we want to display them.

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  5. Configuring Physical Item Sort Routine for Alternative Call Number

    We have large volumes of items that are at the same location but at a different call number. All of these items migrated on to one holdings which means the Alternative Call Number is key in determining the correct call number. Are there any plans to add Alternative Call Number field to the physical item sort routine?

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  6. Delete item records created using the "duplicate" function if they have not been saved.

    On the List of Items screen, under the Actions menu for each item, the "Edit" and "Duplicate" commands are currently adjacent. It is fairly common (at least for me, personally) to accidentally click "Duplicate" instead of "Edit." This automatically takes me into the edit screen for the new item I have unintentionally created.
    There is already a "Cancel" option at the top of the screen, but it only goes back to the item list which now includes an extra item. In order to get rid of that new item I have to navigate to it (which can be a bit…

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  7. Add the ability to manually sort physical item records within a location

    The current physical item sorting options mean that in many cases records cannot be sorted into the correct order. Adding to the existing automated sorting options will help in some cases but not in others.

    The only way to be certain that item records can be correctly sorted is to add the ability to manually sort physical items within a particular location (i.e. that are linked to a particular holdings record).

    Use cases abound. For instance, this is the only way that volumes designated as new ser. v. (or new ser no.) can be sorted to appear after volumes designated…

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  8. Add Storage Location ID to Physical Items Search brief results

    We'd like to start using the Storage ID field to track inventory shelved in storage locations. It would be very helpful if this field would display in the Physical Items brief results list, so that operators know right away that the item is in a storage location. Unfortunately, it does not appear to be a field that has been added yet. Please can you add this field to the Physical Items brief results list.

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  9. Narrow Withdraw Items job functionality to Physical Items sets

    1. Restrict the Withdraw Items to functioning with Physical Items (barcode) sets. (Currently it will run with sets of Physical Titles and effectively perform as if the job DELETE BIBLIOGRAPHIC RECORDS were run with the “Delete all associated inventory resources” parameter selected.)

    2. Include OCLC number in the Excel Export for Physical Items (currently only Physical Titles sets export with the OCLC number, but those sets function erroneously in the Withdraw Items job)

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  10. Add suppress functionality to context menu in list of holdings

    When a staff member is looking at a list of holdings for a physical title, the right-click context menu / actions (ellipsis) menu should include a function to suppress holding.

    It's inefficient to have to enter the MDE to complete this action. It's inefficient to have to run a job for just a few holdings at a time.

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  11. "Create Physical Item Work Order" job - adding notes.

    I would like to be able to include a note when bulk creating physical item work orders.

    Notes can be added to individual work orders, but the ‘Create physical item work orders’ job doesn’t allow this – only the work order type, managing department, and pick/do not pick from shelf can be specified.

    The use case is that we are correcting some of our call numbers, and the physical items will need to be relabeled. I would like those items currently on loan/in transit/in process to have work orders that send them to our repair department for relabeling when returned,…

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  12. Add "Edit" button to item records from viewing, like holdings and bib records have.

    When viewing bib and holding records, there is a link to edit mode that takes you into the metadata editor. If you are viewing an item record and realize that you would like to change it, you have to cancel, go back to the list of items, and then select edit from the action menu.

    It would be handy to have an edit button on item record when viewing it, even though that isn't in the metadata editor.
    It would be handy to have this feature in MANY other fields--there are lots of times when I click on something in…

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  13. Circulation count in item record

    Include a field in the item record which contains the circulation count or number of times the item has circulated.

    We want to be able to access the circulation count via API and Alma item record view.

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  14. Add Description Field and Generate Button to ENUM/CHRON Tab in Item Record

    It would be helpful to have the description field and generate button on the ENUM/CHRON tab in the item record. If someone is utilizing multiple enum/chron fields, beyond what's available in the General tab, they have to switch tabs to edit those fields and then switch back to generate the description (manually or through description templates and the generate button).

    Alternatively, more enum/chron fields could be made available on the general tab. Possibilities include:
    an expandable enum/chron section which by default shows only the first 2 of each (like what is currently available);
    a customizable option that would allow institutions…

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  15. add "None" to Process Type facet for Physical Items search

    When you do a Physical Items search in Alma, there is a facet for Process type. You can narrow the results of the search by Acquisition, Loan, Missing, Transit, etc. But you can't narrow the results to items without a process type. Adding "None" to the list of process types would solve that problem.

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  16. Managing Collections - more options for searching and display

    In the Collection Resource Editor (Alma) - it would be really useful to have greater flexibility for searching within a collection. Can we have the option to search by MMS Id and keyword? At the moment only Title and Publisher are available.

    This would be really useful when you don't know the specific title/publisher you are looking for - so you want to do a keyword search within the collection to browse. Also if you know the specific MMD id that would be useful too.

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  17. Metadata editor Browse Shelf List forward/back buttons should be bigger or easier to distinguish.

    The browse shelf list / call number browse feature is very difficult to use for actual browsing because the forward and next buttons are minuscule. They are not actually buttons, just the less than or greater than sign without borders. I frequently hit the wrong part and end up going back when I wanted to go forward. It's a really small target that calls for high-precision mousing.

    Requested improvements:
    1) Allow keyboard shortcuts for navigating to previous and next sections of the browse list.
    2) Create borders/margins around those buttons.
    3) Add mouse-over text showing previous/next so that if you…

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  18. Item Sequences Configuration: import option

    In the area of the "Patron/User Groups" there is already an import option (Excel file) for the configuration table.
    Please provide the same feature for the Item Sequences configuration table.
    Since our counters contain the year and always have to start counting with 1, we have to change this table every year. Due to our sublibraries we have more than 50 active counters.

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  19. Add fulfilment, Public and Internal Notes to the Excel spreadsheets for physical item sets

    When a Physical Item set of records is exported into a spreadsheet via Tools > Excel, the fields Fulfilment Note, Public Note and Internal Notes 1, 2 and 3 are noticeably absent from the columns of data offered in that spreadsheet.

    Those fields frequently play a major role in determining the action required by staff for the given item upon its return, as they’re used for requests for reclassification, relegation, etc. It would constitute a sizeable labour-saving fix to be able to generate/save/print off a ready list of all such messages, alphabetically sortable by contents, from the spreadsheet for staff…

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  20. Seperate the price and currency in Item's inventory price

    The field Inventory price field in physical item contains price and currency while Alma copies price from POL to item.Please seperate the currency into anohter field and make sure the price field is numeric. In this way, the Inventory price field can be counted directly.

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