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46 results found
Rapido to parse all volume formats for multivolume works
Currently, when requesting volumes of multivolume works, the Rapido tile can only parse the following volume formats from the item description:
"3" (digits only)
"v.3" (no space)
"v. 3" (with space)
This affects the Refine Offer function: if the patron inputs a string that Rapido cannot parse (for example, "XII", "Jan", "Bd. 3" as written in the item description), it disregards that volume information. This usually gives a positive result (terms are displayed disregarding the volume's availability), places the request on title level (whole multivolume work) without linking the wanted volume (item) to the Rapido request. In such…248 votes -
Patron wants to receive particular material type through Rapido
Patrons select sometimes a particular material type, e.g. an audio book in our Primo VE. With Rapido, if patrons request their preferred media, e.g. the audio book of a title, the Rapido lending request is sometimes placed on a different material type, e.g. a physical book. This is not what patrons expect.
The lending library cannot not know which format the patron wants, and therefore sends a wrong document to the pickup library.
This happens when there are separate bibliographic records per material type in the Primo VE search result. However, in the Global Title Index (GTI), the material type…
172 votes -
Patron notes should be visible for the lending library
When patrons place requests via Rapido, they can enter further details about the request in the notes field. This is where they enter important additional information about the order, especially in the case of digital requests. This information from the notes field is not transferred to the Lending Library. The field is explicitly used by users as a message to the library, so it is frustrating for both sides that the library does not receive this information.
Seeing the patron notes is essential for the smooth execution of digital requests, precisely because the Lending Library can’t ask customers directly if…
123 votes -
Use original item in Primo VE instead of the temporary one
From the patron account in Primo, for Rapido loans, there are clickable links to the bib record which displays the item as if it belong to the borrowing library.
This display is misleading as a patron user believes that the document is owned by the borrowing library.
The display of the item can be supressed via configuration, but the bib record stay visible with an empty getit section, which lead patron users thinking that something doesn’t work in the view.
This idea exchange is to suggest analysing this workflow and if it is possible to link from the Library Card…123 votes -
Check mark for offer refinement
In the moltivolume form, after the refine of the offer is finished, a icon or a text message should be displayed that indicates to the user that the process is done (see attached image).
109 votes -
Show lending library on Receive Item screen
Sometimes multiple libraries fill a request for an item but you cannot see who the system thinks supplied the item without opening the request. Please add the lending library to the Receive Item screen so that you can ensure you are receiving the correct book from the correct library.
57 votes -
Add "additional format" question to all patron forms
There is currently a checkbox titled "Allow other format" under "Request attributes" in Rapido to indicate whether a patron will accept a format other than the one requested. This checkbox is currently used only when staff are placing requests on behalf of a patron, but it would be useful to have this information for all requests. Currently, if a patron requests an ebook and we are unable to get it we have to email them to find out if they can take a physical version. This adds a lot of additional time, especially if the patron doesn’t see our first…
45 votes -
Multi-volume scores: Show refine button
At the moment the refine button in the Rapido request form in Primo is not displayed for multi-volumes of material type "Score". Please make this button available for this material type as well.
36 votes -
Don't require a pickup location for digital (article and book chapter scan) requests
If the Resource Sharing Request Type is Digital (article or book chapter), and the request will be delivered digitally, the request form should not require a pickup location. This is confusing to users and meaningless for the workflow.
For many single-campus/single-library institutions, this is not a problem, because a default library can be selected.
For institutions with multiple libraries, where users are not assigned a default library in the patron record, this is an embarrassing and clunky problem.
35 votesThank you for this idea, we are reviewing the details at this time.
Make presence or absence of Blank ILL form configurable
Currently, the Blank ILL form can only be toggled on or off. Please make the presence or absence of the Blank ILL form configurable. This requires two things. 1) Incorporate Blank ILL form into Display Logic Rules. For example, libraries would like to be able to hide this form from certain user groups. 2) Much like the Rapido tiles, allow us to show or hide the physical or digital aspects of the Blank ILL form. For example, during campus closures, we would like to be able to suspend all physical requesting via the Blank ILL form, but continue to allow…
33 votes -
Add the ability to cancel rejected requests
Requests that are rejected by partner have most of the same options as other requests, but they are missing the option to cancel the request. We would like cancel to appear as an option for rejected requests.
30 votes -
Field on Borrowing Request form for non-Rapido lending library's identifier (TN number ILL number, etc.)
Idea: Create a field on the borrowing request form for the "Lender's Identifier". This field would either map from an ISO Illiad request (or other request), or be keyed in by the borrower when receiving or externally ordering a physical item. The lender's identifier in these cases would be the "Illiad TN number" or "OCLC Request ID" as a couple of examples. This field would also appear in the receive workflow.
It would also be beneficial to have this field included on the Resource Sharing Return Slip Letter in case the lender's paperwork goes missing. This will help facilitate a…24 votes -
Display Rapido partner status accurately on the partner record
Currently, when a Rapido partner is manually added to the rota for a borrowing request, the partner record status is displayed as ‘Active’ even when the partner is temporarily inactive for lending. This can be confusing for staff members who are responsible for adding partners to the rota and can result in more time being spent mediating a request than is ideal. To address this issue, the partner status should be displayed as ‘Inactive’ during the period when the Rapido partner is temporarily inactive for lending. This will help ensure that staff members only send requests to active partners and…
23 votes -
Multiple Letter/Notice Versions and Ability to Associate to Institution or Pod by Location
Our institution has two Rapido fulfillment scenarios.
Pick from shelf to lend material to a library on our consortial courier route.
Pick from shelf and 'band' (or removable label) and ship via postal mail to requesting out-of-state libraries.
Our student workers do our pick from shelf and sorting, so need to know from the pick from shelf slip whether the item goes into the courier bin or to the area of the library that handles shipping.
It would be a pretty bad error for an item intended for a distant library to land in the courier bin. Less so (though …
19 votes -
Search by multiple fields at once on Rapido request list
We should be able to search by multiple fields at once on a given Rapido request list -- e.g., by title and by requester on the Borrowing Requests list.
18 votes -
Borrowing mediation rule to consider Item Policy/TOUs
Rapido currently considers a title available for request if it is part of a configured participating set.
When a borrowing mediation rule is configured with parameter ownership + availability, borrowing requests are intercepted if the IZ owns the title and that its related item is available. The problem is that requests are intercepted even when items do not have a loanable policy in the IZ in question (e.g. on-site use only). Indeed, the availability parameter of the rule considers "item in place", and not the presence of an item in any of the Rapido participating sets.
We would like the…
16 votes -
Ability to change barcode scanned items in a lending request.
We would like the ability to change the scanned item if the wrong item that is scanned in to fulfill the request is allocated to the wrong request.
15 votes -
Differentiate status of overdue requests
The Rapido request status can become "Overdue requests" from different statuses. A job sets a request to "Overdue request". There are different use-cases requiring a different handling, as the status before influences the next steps in the workflow of the borrowing library. More distinguished request statuses help to handle the use-cases of "Overdue requests" more efficiently and allow to build sets on them.
Find here the 3 most common cases for "overdue requests". The list is maybe not exhaustive.
- A request with status "Shipped Physically" can become "Overdue request" : the document has probably never arrived in the borrowing library,…
15 votes -
Add more fields to the right pane quick edit 'Request form (as filled by requester)' in Rapido
In Rapido, the 'Request form (as filled by requester)' section on the right pane has some great features. It allows staff to quickly access and edit some of the request form fields. However, certain crucial fields are missing from this section, limiting its effectiveness.
Current benefits:
1. Hovering over a field shows a tooltip containing its complete contents. This means staff don't have to open the request to edit, navigate to the field and use the across arrow on the text field to slowly read its full contents. Sometimes important information is missed if this step isn’t taken.
2. Staff…11 votes -
Add Lending Mediation Rules
It would be extremely helpful to have Lending Mediation Rules similar to the Borrowing Mediation Rules. Even if the rules only added labels to use with Sets would be a huge improvement.
Thank you,
Chris10 votes
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