Add "additional format" question to all patron forms
There is currently a checkbox titled "Allow other format" under "Request attributes" in Rapido to indicate whether a patron will accept a format other than the one requested. This checkbox is currently used only when staff are placing requests on behalf of a patron, but it would be useful to have this information for all requests. Currently, if a patron requests an ebook and we are unable to get it we have to email them to find out if they can take a physical version. This adds a lot of additional time, especially if the patron doesn’t see our first email. Having the form specify this information up front would help the patron get their item faster and save on staff time.
We’re requesting that a question about whether the patron will accept an alternative format be included on all patron request forms for Rapido. An example of the potential phrasing would be
“If we can’t get this material in your preferred format, would you accept a different format?”
No, cancel this request
A yes response would trigger a check mark in “Allow other format.”
We’d like this field to be required if libraries choose to make it required.
Ideally, libraries could edit what language is used for this field so libraries can use whatever language best fits their institution and situation.