Make presence or absence of Blank ILL form configurable
Currently, the Blank ILL form can only be toggled on or off. Please make the presence or absence of the Blank ILL form configurable. This requires two things. 1) Incorporate Blank ILL form into Display Logic Rules. For example, libraries would like to be able to hide this form from certain user groups. 2) Much like the Rapido tiles, allow us to show or hide the physical or digital aspects of the Blank ILL form. For example, during campus closures, we would like to be able to suspend all physical requesting via the Blank ILL form, but continue to allow digital requests.
Anonymous commented
This is essential. This lack of configuration for the blank ILL form makes the display logic for resource sharing irrelevant when it's based on patron group and we get requests from patron groups who shouldn't have ILL borrowing privileges.