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12 results found

  1. Full partner records for RapidILL partners

    Our Rapido, ISO, and email partners all get full partner records in Rapido. However, our Rapid partners just get a per-request import of contact information from the Rapid directory that we can’t augment or otherwise work with. We want partner records for RapidILL partners to appear in the Resource Sharing Partner List; they could either appear only in the Institution list, or appear in the Community list so we could copy them into the Institution list to edit them. This would let us augment the information from Rapid with customizable fields currently available in the partner record interface, allow us…

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  2. Allow Borrowing Request Print Slips to Print Regardless of Status

    Currently for Borrowing Requests that were not received, no print slip is printed. We would like to be able to print a pick slip at any point during an active requests. There are times were self-owned items require a shelf-check as our items such as journals do not have item records so we need to confirm that we own the item before forwarding it to a lending library or cancelling the request as owned. There is no way to print this information easily if Print Slip cannot be initiated. Please allow for Print Slips to print regardless of the status…

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  3. Differentiate status of overdue requests

    The Rapido request status can become "Overdue requests" from different statuses. A job sets a request to "Overdue request". There are different use-cases requiring a different handling, as the status before influences the next steps in the workflow of the borrowing library. More distinguished request statuses help to handle the use-cases of "Overdue requests" more efficiently and allow to build sets on them.

    Find here the 3 most common cases for "overdue requests". The list is maybe not exhaustive.

    • A request with status "Shipped Physically" can become "Overdue request" : the document has probably never arrived in the borrowing library,…
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  4. Ability to "request again" immediately upon item's return.

    In the case of a mis-ship/mis-fulfillment (wrong item supplied), even once the item is returned, upon requesting again, the user receives the message (paraphrased) 'similar request exists for this patron'. So the user is left sitting high and dry in limbo. Staff intervention can fix it, but it seems as if this could be automated easily through the application of a rule.

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  5. Add Lending Mediation Rules

    It would be extremely helpful to have Lending Mediation Rules similar to the Borrowing Mediation Rules. Even if the rules only added labels to use with Sets would be a huge improvement.

    Thank you,

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  6. Borrowing mediation rule to consider Item Policy/TOUs

    Rapido currently considers a title available for request if it is part of a configured participating set.

    When a borrowing mediation rule is configured with parameter ownership + availability, borrowing requests are intercepted if the IZ owns the title and that its related item is available. The problem is that requests are intercepted even when items do not have a loanable policy in the IZ in question (e.g. on-site use only). Indeed, the availability parameter of the rule considers "item in place", and not the presence of an item in any of the Rapido participating sets.

    We would like the…

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  7. Add "additional format" question to all patron forms

    There is currently a checkbox titled "Allow other format" under "Request attributes" in Rapido to indicate whether a patron will accept a format other than the one requested. This checkbox is currently used only when staff are placing requests on behalf of a patron, but it would be useful to have this information for all requests. Currently, if a patron requests an ebook and we are unable to get it we have to email them to find out if they can take a physical version. This adds a lot of additional time, especially if the patron doesn’t see our first…

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  8. Patron wants to receive particular material type through Rapido

    Patrons select sometimes a particular material type, e.g. an audio book in our Primo VE. With Rapido, if patrons request their preferred media, e.g. the audio book of a title, the Rapido lending request is sometimes placed on a different material type, e.g. a physical book. This is not what patrons expect.

    The lending library cannot not know which format the patron wants, and therefore sends a wrong document to the pickup library.

    This happens when there are separate bibliographic records per material type in the Primo VE search result. However, in the Global Title Index (GTI), the material type…

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  9. Don't require a pickup location for digital (article and book chapter scan) requests

    If the Resource Sharing Request Type is Digital (article or book chapter), and the request will be delivered digitally, the request form should not require a pickup location. This is confusing to users and meaningless for the workflow.

    For many single-campus/single-library institutions, this is not a problem, because a default library can be selected.

    For institutions with multiple libraries, where users are not assigned a default library in the patron record, this is an embarrassing and clunky problem.

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  10. Create Purchase Requests from Rejected Borrowing Requests

    When creating a purchase request from a borrowing request that was rejected by the last partner on the rota, staff don't see the pop-up window where they can choose to keep the borrowing request active alongside the purchase request or cancel the borrowing request. Instead, staff are taken directly to the purchase request form with their name added as the requester and the borrowing request remains active. We would prefer to choose whether to cancel the borrowing request or keep the borrowing request active alongside the purchase request. This is particularly important in situations where we have exhausted all avenues…

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  11. Allow other roles to configure the Resource Sharing Library "Temporary Inactive for borrowing/lending" settings

    Currently, only users with the "general systems administrator" role can configure the resource sharing library "temporary inactive for lending" and "temporary inactive for borrowing" settings.

    It would be helpful if this privilege could be added to another role so that members of our resource sharing team can manage this without having full system administrator privileges. This would allow them to easily manage these settings to meet the department needs.

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  12. Show lending library on Receive Item screen

    Sometimes multiple libraries fill a request for an item but you cannot see who the system thinks supplied the item without opening the request. Please add the lending library to the Receive Item screen so that you can ensure you are receiving the correct book from the correct library.

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