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59 results found

  1. Borrowing requests: additional renew option for staff users

    In our network, onsite loans can be renewed an undefined number of times for a maximum renewal period. This option is not available with Rapido. The maximum renewal period is useful as SLSP offers auto-renewal and at the same time doesn’t want to punish patrons renewing themselves.

    In Rapido, a document can only be renewed a fixed number of times. The number of times a document can be renewed also counts patron-driven renewals. This often shortens the maximum loan period when renewal is done too early.

    Our requirement is: staff users should be able to renew Rapido loans even if…

    103 votes
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  2. Patron notes should be visible for the lending library

    When patrons place requests via Rapido, they can enter further details about the request in the notes field. This is where they enter important additional information about the order, especially in the case of digital requests. This information from the notes field is not transferred to the Lending Library. The field is explicitly used by users as a message to the library, so it is frustrating for both sides that the library does not receive this information.

    Seeing the patron notes is essential for the smooth execution of digital requests, precisely because the Lending Library can’t ask customers directly if…

    169 votes
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  3. Differentiate status of overdue requests

    The Rapido request status can become "Overdue requests" from different statuses. A job sets a request to "Overdue request". There are different use-cases requiring a different handling, as the status before influences the next steps in the workflow of the borrowing library. More distinguished request statuses help to handle the use-cases of "Overdue requests" more efficiently and allow to build sets on them.

    Find here the 3 most common cases for "overdue requests". The list is maybe not exhaustive.

    • A request with status "Shipped Physically" can become "Overdue request" : the document has probably never arrived in the borrowing library,…
    141 votes
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  4. Use original item in Primo VE instead of the temporary one

    From the patron account in Primo, for Rapido loans, there are clickable links to the bib record which displays the item as if it belong to the borrowing library.
    This display is misleading as a patron user believes that the document is owned by the borrowing library.
    The display of the item can be supressed via configuration, but the bib record stay visible with an empty getit section, which lead patron users thinking that something doesn’t work in the view.
    This idea exchange is to suggest analysing this workflow and if it is possible to link from the Library Card…

    132 votes
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  5. Borrowing mediation rule to consider Item Policy/TOUs

    Rapido currently considers a title available for request if it is part of a configured participating set.

    When a borrowing mediation rule is configured with parameter ownership + availability, borrowing requests are intercepted if the IZ owns the title and that its related item is available. The problem is that requests are intercepted even when items do not have a loanable policy in the IZ in question (e.g. on-site use only). Indeed, the availability parameter of the rule considers "item in place", and not the presence of an item in any of the Rapido participating sets.

    We would like the…

    103 votes
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  6. Hide unrequestable formats in the GTI

    Our librarians and patrons are increasingly frustrated with the number of records in the GTI for items not available through requesting. We would like the ability to configure what format types appear in our GTI search profiles. This way our library can decide to hide all streaming video from appearing in the search for our patrons. Basically, a built in behind the scenes filter.

    This is how I think it would work. In the search profile settings, add a place where systems librarians can select what formats they want visible in the GTI. For example they can select Book, DVD,…

    12 votes
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  7. Multi-volume scores: Show refine button

    At the moment the refine button in the Rapido request form in Primo is not displayed for multi-volumes of material type "Score". Please make this button available for this material type as well.

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  8. Patron wants to receive particular material type through Rapido

    Patrons select sometimes a particular material type, e.g. an audio book in our Primo VE. With Rapido, if patrons request their preferred media, e.g. the audio book of a title, the Rapido lending request is sometimes placed on a different material type, e.g. a physical book. This is not what patrons expect.

    The lending library cannot not know which format the patron wants, and therefore sends a wrong document to the pickup library.

    This happens when there are separate bibliographic records per material type in the Primo VE search result. However, in the Global Title Index (GTI), the material type…

    175 votes
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  9. Bring in ISSN when DOI is present in the blank form

    Currently when a patron makes a request using the blank form, they can click a box to auto-populate fields based on a DOI. A surprisingly large amount of the time patrons have a DOI but don’t think to click the button and requests come to staff review for us to add an ISSN. We would like Rapido to check the DOI and add in the ISSN even if the patron doesn’t click the auto-populate button. This would greatly reduce the number of requests coming to staff review, which would decrease both staff time spent looking up ISSNs and turnaround time.

    5 votes
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  10. OCR all incoming files in Rapido

    All libraries are committed to the accessibility of resources for their patrons; however, not all libraries have the infrastructure to do OCR or they can only do OCR for a very limited number of languages. With Rapido sitting on the Ex Libris Higher Ed platform, there seems to be a great opportunity to ensure all incoming and outgoing documents are OCRd for resource sharing using the same service leveraged for Alma Digital. This would allow Rapido libraries to ensure everything they send meets minimum OCR requirements, but it would also solve the problem for our patrons to ensure all incoming…

    4 votes
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  11. Match "Send email to partner" design with “Send query to patron” to include External ID and CC

    The 2024 August release introduced the "Send email to partner" feature. We would like this feature to match the current “Send query to patron” function found in the Borrowing Request.

    Currently the "Send email to partner" feature lacks some critical information.

    In the Lending Requests, the External identifier and Bibliographic details are missing. We also notice it does not have the cc (carbon copy) functionality.

    Lacking External ID in the subject makes it extremely difficult for libraries on both sides to action the request. Lacking the ability to cc addresses means we must check between the generic email and the…

    9 votes
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  12. Add RapidILL pod information to Rapido

    Libraries are part of different RapidILL pods with different agreements around fulfillment time and loan length. We would like RapidILL pod information to import into Rapido and be available in Analytics.

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  13. Option to Separate CDI and GTI

    Currently, to turn on CDI for unowned electronic resources also turns on the GTI for physical resources. We want to be able to include article request data in a separate search profile. The GTI is very messy still and librarians are asking for more control in their default sets to better meet the needs of our patrons without frustrating them with bad records for items they cannot get. We want to indlude CDI for unowned items in all our search profiles and still let patrons be able to expand to the GTI.

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  14. Print multiple slips for multivolume requests

    For multivolume requests, only one shipping slip or return slip is printed even though Rapido knows there are multiple items involved in the request. Practitioners have a few workarounds right now: we can rubberband items together; we can photocopy the printed slip; or we can reprint the slip however many times is needed to have a slip per item. The second two options are a waste of time, and the first can lead to items with no paperwork attached to them if the rubber band breaks or the books otherwise become separated from each other. Rapido knows how many items…

    1 vote
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  15. Check mark for offer refinement

    In the moltivolume form, after the refine of the offer is finished, a icon or a text message should be displayed that indicates to the user that the process is done (see attached image).

    114 votes
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  16. Add "additional format" question to all patron forms

    There is currently a checkbox titled "Allow other format" under "Request attributes" in Rapido to indicate whether a patron will accept a format other than the one requested. This checkbox is currently used only when staff are placing requests on behalf of a patron, but it would be useful to have this information for all requests. Currently, if a patron requests an ebook and we are unable to get it we have to email them to find out if they can take a physical version. This adds a lot of additional time, especially if the patron doesn’t see our first…

    45 votes
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  17. Volume information from RapidR requests should import to Rapido

    Sometimes we’ll get a request for a single volume from a multivolume set where RapidR shows which volume the patron wants, but that information hasn’t transferred into Rapido and doesn’t show on the pull slip. In these cases, someone has to take the extra step to log into Rapid to find out whether volume information is available, which is a waste of time. Usually it isn’t obvious that the title is a multivolume set, so additional time is wasted either going back into the stacks to collect the volumes or reshelving extra volumes which were pulled. Rapido should be able…

    2 votes
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  18. Full partner records for RapidILL partners

    Our Rapido, ISO, and email partners all get full partner records in Rapido. However, our Rapid partners just get a per-request import of contact information from the Rapid directory that we can’t augment or otherwise work with. We want partner records for RapidILL partners to appear in the Resource Sharing Partner List; they could either appear only in the Institution list, or appear in the Community list so we could copy them into the Institution list to edit them. This would let us augment the information from Rapid with customizable fields currently available in the partner record interface, allow us…

    3 votes
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  19. Create Analytics report based on Patron Query template

    We would like to run analytics based on patron query emails to see how many times we’re sending certain messages to our patron, such as that their request exceeds copyright or that we already own the item they are requesting. Having access to this information could improve our services in the future, as it could show places where we need to focus efforts on patron education or where we need to change something about how we do things.

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  20. Replace uploaded file when resending to patron

    Sometimes someone makes a mistake when scanning an article or book chapter and we need to send a second file to the patron. Currently, when we upload the second file to Rapido it creates a second URL for retrieval which is then sent to the patron. However–especially if we notice the error before the patron does–the patron often clicks on the first URL sent to them instead of the URL with the correct scan. This leads to patrons emailing us complaining that their scans aren’t right or can’t be opened and we have to email them the new file. We…

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