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155 results found

  1. Improve Grant discovery in Research Portal

    We want to work with our Grants Office to track funding acquired by researchers. However, the only way to access grant information is through individual researcher profiles. I believe we can publish Analytics reports for grants to a public webpage in the meantime, but it would be nice to link grants to specific researcher profiles since we are already tracking this information.

    Enhancement request: Add the ability to view Grants in the Esploro interface. This might include 1) a tab for Grants that shows a results page for grants, linked to Researcher profiles, with limiters for Org Unit, Grant Category,…

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  2. Add credentials and licensure fields to researcher web profiles

    Our healthcare clinicians and have their medical license information and board certifications display on their academic profiles. We would like to be able to display this information in the researcher profiles as well. We would want the researcher or their delegates to maintain and enter this information, as it is not part of our central directory.


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  3. Add research topics at "add researcher" step within record

    When a researcher is incorrectly matched, we often have to create a new non-affiliated one in the record. We can add their affiliation, but we can't add research topics. If the name is common, we have to look them up by researcher and add the research topics.

    It would be more efficient to add research topics (as keywords) during this step.

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  4. Automated emailing of registered DOIs to ETD authors

    Add a scheduled job that automatically emails ETD authors the DOI registered in Esploro for their thesis/dissertation using the email address imported from ETD Admin. Otherwise the DOI is created for the work, but the authors don't even know the DOI exists.

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  5. Allow repository staff to send canned responses

    Allow customers the ability to create and store canned messages that can be used when communicating with researchers. Esploro already offers the ability to create custom return reasons that can be selected when returning a deposit. But this feature would be even more useful if selecting of one of those reasons also sent customizable canned message that could be used to provide further instruction to the researcher on how to modify and resubmit their deposit. It would be useful to have a set of canned messages that could be used when approving a deposit to notify the researcher if any…

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  6. Add a creation date to the summary asset record

    In order to manipulate and identify files for individual or batch processing, the display of the asset record creation date in the summary asset record would be very useful.
    I've attached an image of the existing summary asset record. At present, only an 'Asset last updated' field is included. It would be a logical next step to display when the record was created.

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  7. Include asset status (provisional or approved) in Author Matching Report

    When using the Author Matching Report to approve individual researchers on records that were imported via smart harvest, we would find it very useful to be able to distinguish the asset status -- that is, to be able to tell if the asset is still provisional or if it is approved. If we approve one author on an asset, and then create an Author Matching Report it is useful context to know that there is a local co-author. It is also helpful to know there is no local co-author for authors that would typically write with other people at our…

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  8. More options for adding asset metadata to notification approval emails

    It would be good if additional metadata options can be added to the notification approval emails, such as whether the asset is open access, value from a local field, or the complete citation of the asset. This would provide more detailed information to the researcher about which asset was approved, as well as whether it is open access.

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  9. More granular history tab in asset mediated form

    It would be good to have more granular information in the History tab of the asset form. At the moment it only records when a deposit was created or approved. Adding when fields were edited and which fields were edited, similar to what is in the Researcher History tab, would allow for greater auditing of when metadata is changed. This would be particularly useful when large teams are editing records.

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  10. The 'Pages' field should appear in all asset types

    The "Pages" field appears only in some of the asset types. It should appear in all of them.

    Maya Amichal

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  11. Add Thesis dc Field to OAI Output

    Add the <dc:type>Thesis</type> to identify theses.

    Theses are frequently searched for by our Research Repository users and this would make them more discoverable.

    Thank you

    Keely Chapman
    RMIT University Library

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  12. Add ability for researcher approval before assets post to individual profiles

    We have researchers who publish in areas which can be controversial such as animal research or abortion.

    These researchers do not display all of their publications on their web profiles.

    We would like the ability to set individual researchers so each asset had to be approved by the researcher before it displayed in their individual research portal.

    We realize researchers can hide information, but we want to ensure that some information is not published to web profiles without approval.

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  13. Batch edit creators and contributors

    When library staff are mediating a deposit, it would be good to be able to edit creator or contributor information in a batch using check boxes next to each creator/contributor and options at the top of the creator section - add/edit role, add/edit affiliation and delete creators/contributors. This would save considerable time as the librarian wouldn't be required to edit each name individually.

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  14. Add OAI output in ETD-MS format

    We would like to have an output in ETD-MS format so that we may continue to submit our ETDs to the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations. White metadata may be submitted in oaidc OR oaidc+oaietdms, oaidc lacks many important fields for etds so our contributions to this global database would be better in etd-ms format. See and

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  15. Ability to reorder fields with multiple lines via drag and drop in back end and on profile

    We would like to see drag and drop functionality implemented across all fields in both the repository and the portal that have mutlitple lines, e.g. relationaships on assets so that relationships can be displayed in desired order. Links on the profile page. Education. Research topics and keywords. Related content on the asset.

    Currently many of theses fields display in the order they are entered and some display in a random undetermined order. If links need to be reordered they have to be deleted and re-added. This is a duplciaiton of effort.

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    As has been noted drag and drop is available in many places.   We have no immediate plans to add more.  Removing the Planned status so institutions can continue voting for this. Please indicate where it is most missing. 

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