Include asset status (provisional or approved) in Author Matching Report
When using the Author Matching Report to approve individual researchers on records that were imported via smart harvest, we would find it very useful to be able to distinguish the asset status -- that is, to be able to tell if the asset is still provisional or if it is approved. If we approve one author on an asset, and then create an Author Matching Report it is useful context to know that there is a local co-author. It is also helpful to know there is no local co-author for authors that would typically write with other people at our institution. Finally, this would also allow us to see all the non-matches that are on provisional assets, and then make a set of those assets to delete the records that we don't want (for common names this can be over a hundred bad matches for an individual when we first run smart harvest). By identifying if the asset is provisional, it would be much easier to ensure we did not accidentally delete an approved asset just because of one bad author match.

Removing the "accepted" status so that institution can continue voting as agreed with the PWG.