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58 results found
batch revise author role
We had a request to create a report identifying corresponding authors. We do not have this data in Esploro. We may be able to get this data, but we have no way to alter author roles in multiple assets in an efficient manner. As CREDIT and other uses of roles in an asset become more important for our faculty members and departments, having a way to add this information in an efficient manner would be very helpful
1 vote -
ORCID Integration - Push to ORCID in Asset
The current Esploro ORCID integration allows a Delete from ORCID option associated with an asset that runs immediately. Could we have the same option but to push the asset to ORCID?
1 vote -
Option to sort collections by date
We would like the option to set the default sort for collections to be by date. Relevance is not useful for collections because they are a preselected group of materials; there is not yet a search for which relevance applies. We often use collections to highlight new content so it would be helpful if we could have new content at the top of the results by default so users do not need to change the sort order.
11 votes -
Impact Idea 4: Audit Trail for Project Edits
Implement an audit trail to track edits and deletions for Projects. This feature will enhance accountability and ensure that all changes are documented, helping to prevent unauthorized modifications or deletions by 'team members' leaving the university under less favorable conditions. It will also support teamwork by addressing trust issues in collaborative environments.
7 votes -
Esploro - sword - Deposits - Integrate a Normalization Process based on a Normalization rule
We manged to create an integration profile for using SWORD to deposit assets from our CRIS to Esploro ( ).
We would like however to manipulate/normalize imported values we are importing, as we are used to do with Alma imports, where we can we create a Normalization Rule (NR), integrate it in a process and use it in an Import profile.
In Esploro we have NR, we have Processes, but still there is no way to integrate the process in the Sword integration profile / import process.
Please add the feature for addin a Normalization Process to the SWORD…10 votes -
Esploro - Primo VE - display the physical inventory for the Esploro records
Primo as discovery tool used to display physical inventory also for bib records originally related to electronic resources, using ISSN or ISBN as matching key. This makes sense and is consistent with the idea of discovery tool.
Surprisingly, this does not work with Primo VE and Esploro records.
If an Esploro record has a an ISBN matching a Physical Title in Alma, there is no GetIt tab allowing to place a request.
Please display instead the physical inventory for the Esploro records as well.26 votes -
Esploro - Backend BE - add advanced search field for Asset Date Submitted and Asset Date Updated
When reviewing in Esploro Back-end assets before approving and publishing them, we often need to look for Assets created or last updated on certain date.
This is not possible right now, since Date Created field is related to the publication, not the Esploro Asset. Analytics has a 24 hours delay and is not as flexible as the search.
Please index and allow to perform an advanced search also on Asset Date Created and Asset Date Updated fields.Esploro - Backend BE - add advanced search field for Asset Date Submitted and Asset Date Updated
18 votes -
Expand asset type options for student deposit profile
For non-ETDs, there are limited options of asset types for Student Deposit Profiles - see image. There is no ability to create a form for a journal article. However, our students frequently publish and deposit journal articles. This will force to either do a manual mediated deposit for them, or they will need to ask a co-author to deposit for them. Please can you expand the asset types available for a student deposit form to allow for deposits of journal articles, reports etc. Thanks
3 votes -
Improve functionality of ETD Degree Names table
Issue 1: Currently, ETD degree names must be manually entered individually into the table. There is no facility to upload a spreadsheet to populate the table. When repositories need to account for all relevant current degrees as well as past degrees for earlier theses uploaded, this list can be very long - we had 100.
Solution: allow for spreadsheet upload to populate table.Issue 2: There is no apparent way to control where a new degree is added in the list. It does not add to the end of the current list, it is not alphabetical, it seems to insert…
5 votes -
Default search results to full text/open access
The primary mission of our institutional repository is to support our university's open access policy by providing free, public access to institutional research and scholarship. Accordingly, our institution stipulates that all affiliated researchers deposit a copy of their accepted manuscript in the repository at the time of its acceptance for publication. Apart from self deposit, Esploro offers a variety of other ways for ingesting research outputs including smart harvesting and smart expansion. While these tools offer useful ways to grow the repository, they also tend to allow for the proliferation of metadata-only records (asset records without files).
In order to…
2 votes -
Ability to bulk update name variant
Currently, it's possible to update the name variant for each individual assets.
However, it's not possible to update the name variant in various assets at the same time.
We have had several cases where we need to change the name variant for around 100 or even 200 assets.
So it's a time-consuming process opening each assets and change the name variant.
15 votes -
Add asset type Blog post as a type of Publication
We need an asset type Blog post to appear under Publications. These are not entire blogs. These are not interactive resources. They are a type of publication. We currently use asset type Other with a subtype Blog Post, but this means the items are not integrated with other publications on a researcher's profile.
We had hoped to deal with this through a 2023 roadmap item "Local Management of Asset Types and Categories" but it appears this will not be happening.
Note also a request for an image asset type -
5 votes -
Ability to merge multiple researchers from the manage researchers page
It would be helpful to have an option to merge multiple duplicate researchers at once from the manage researchers page, rather than relying solely on the bulk merge duplicate researchers report. Many times we need to look at the assets themselves to determine if the researchers are indeed identical.
8 votes -
Adding select all to manage creators on an asset
It would be helpful if we had an option to select all researchers when we Manage Asset Creators. For assets with numerous authors to fix, this would be easier than needing to select each person individually.
17 votes -
Ability to batch edit author affiliations
We need a way to improve existing affiliations in assets to both add and cleanup affiliations that do not match with EROD. These affiliations will be more and more important with collaboration reports
7 votes -
image asset type
Our repository is hosting many image files, ranging from historical photographs to scientific photos preformed gathered by aerial drone survey.
There is no asset type that covers photographs or any other type of image in the platform.
Please add image types.3 votes -
Ability to bulk update the name of researchers. Currently, we can move asset to a researcher, but if we want the same name variant in all their assets, we need to manually modify it in each asset record.
While moving the assets to a single researcher seems enough to display all the researcher's publication under their profile, it's problematic for the feed to Altmetric Institutional as Altmetric takes the name from the assets.
In addition, academics want to see a consistent name variant throughout their asset records.
We tried to update the author name for a number of assets for…
5 votesAdminTami Ezra (Admin, Ex Libris) responded
Removing the "accepted" status so that institution can continue voting as agreed with the PWG.
Researcher ability to remove assets from profile (or flag for Lib to do so)
I am currently at a loss for a good workflow to allow researchers to indicate to me that assets associated with their profiles are wrong. They can hide these assets, but there is no way I can see (from Esploro) which assets are hidden.
A method for the researcher to reject an asset is sorely needed.
Failing that, a system that allows me to see what they are doing with an asset (if they hid it, or flagged it for removal).I have a faculty member with a very common name. Strongly and Very Strongly matched nearly 200 items for…
22 votes -
Ability to bulk download files from asset record
We have some assets, especially datasets, that have a large number of files attached. It would be very handy if it was possible for a user to bulk download all (or selected) files rather than having to download them individually.
1 vote -
pop-up notification when communicating with researchers about an asset
When communicating with researchers about an asset, staff members must open the asset record, navigate to the communication tab, enter their message, and click "Send." However, their message is not actually sent to the researcher until the asset record is saved. This is not particularly intuitive, especially because the message appears as a new line in the communication history with the date sent and name of recipient. In order to make this step clearer, we recommend adding a hint or pop-up notification letting staff know the asset record must be saved in order for the message to be sent.
1 vote
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