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35 results found
Show SDGs as a facet
The information on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in the assets in Esploro has enormous potential. We would love to be able to have the SDGs as a facet, since that way users can filter outputs towards their aims. Since the information is already in the asset, we think it could be an easy gain for ExLibris to enable the faceting of this info.
4 votes -
Make subtype display more prominently
The subtype field could make our existing asset types much more flexible if it displayed in the brief results (both in the portal and on profiles). We use it to clarify "other" and to add more specificity to an existing type, for example Statutory Drafting, Brief of Appellant, Documentary, and Audiobook. A facet is actually not a good solution (despite having previously suggested it and that being implemented) because it makes these minor subtypes appear very prominently for broad searches. (We turned on this feature when it was introduced and almost immediately turned it off). The real need is both…
1 vote -
Cover images for metadata only items
We would like a way to have a thumbnail/cover image associated with a metadata only item, particularly a book. We would want the cover to display in a collection like this to make it look more engaging. The image should as display on a profile, and it should be part of the import to Primo so that it displays there as well. The cover needs to be marked in some way as a cover image so it does not appear to be something with full text available; a cover image should NOT make the asset be flagged as OA.…
8 votes -
Option to make file upload required on researcher deposit form
Our institution requires that researchers upload an electronic copy of their work to add it to the repository. However, researchers often submit the deposit form without adding a file. In order to prevent this from happening and avoid having to return the deposit as incomplete, we would like the option to make file upload a required field in the researcher deposit form. See screenshot:
1 vote -
Send ETD notifications to faculty
Currently when ETDs are published, faculty members who participated as advisors or committee members on the manuscript are listed in the contributors section, and it appears to be linked to their researcher profile. However, despite the manuscript being connected to said faculty members, they are not notified of the addition when the ETD is published and only the student is notified. We have some faculty members who would like to keep track of the manuscripts they have been on an advisory committee for, but there is currently no front end way. Add a feature to send notifications to faculty members…
9 votes -
Improve Open Access badge logic for assets
Problem: OA badges appear on assets even when neither the asset nor a file or link is designated as OA. This misrepresents the meaning of OA to simply mean “free to read,” and may be incorrectly applied to works to which the creator reserves rights and are not true OA as understood in the community.
Solution: Change the logic as follows:
- An asset should have the OA badge only if a file or link is explicitly affirmed as Open Access, or if the asset itself is declared Open Access.
- Files or links with no value (blank) under access restrictions should…
11 votes -
Statistics section on Esploro Research Portal for subunits
With the new Esploro organizational tree is now possible to display also on subunit webpages the statistics section with metrics related to downloads and views of Esploro records.
In case of organizations with 3 levels (for example in a multi-institution repository where every single institution has itself faculties or institutes as subunits) the metrics are correctly displayed at the parent and at the last sub-unit level, but the middle levels doesn’t display the sum of their sub-units.
In the described scenario this would help to highlight the impact of the research of the single participating institutions.24 votes -
Notification for Staff when asset is self-deposited
When a researcher uses the self-deposit method, our staff would like to be notified that there is a deposit ready for checking. The only way to do this is to go to the task list and go to unassigned and then filter out to researcher deposited. This is not obvious to the staff. This leads to self deposited deposits being left for a year without realizing that no one has looked at it.
It would be great to either create a new widget or even send an email to designated staff to have any new deposits to stand out!
6 votes -
Projects URL should be a friendly URL
When you add a Project URL to a project (in the top section, not as a link) there is no option for a title to display instead of the url itself. Depending on the URL, this can look very messy.
We would like the ability to add a title, similar to when adding a link.
E.g. from our sandbox (excuse the crazy colours!) votes -
Display multiple SDG sources
Currently, the InCites integration allows for SDGs to be listed with the source of InCites ( OR we can manually add SDGs via Esploro and they are listed with no source (e.g. We would like to see the ability to display BOTH manually added and imported SDGs.
For example, this same asset listed above from our live environment, I've added SDG 4, 8, 10 via the back end, but then it displays ONLY as 4,8,10 in the portal, overriding the SDG 3 from inCites:
Ideally the source of the SDG could be shown similarly to…
9 votes -
More flexibility in student works that are part of degree requirement
We need more flexibility in student works that are part of degree requirements (degree culminating publications). These are often thought of as ETDs (theses and dissertations). However, some degrees do not require a thesis or dissertation and instead have a a capstone or a case report. These are very different than a thesis/dissertation, but the only option for student work at the end of a degree are the ETD options. This means that a quite short case report is displaying as a dissertation -
The ETD type is good because we want the advisors handled in the same manner…
9 votes -
Ability to display thumbnail images of outputs wherever they are listed (e.g. on the Outputs tab of a Profile)
Currently, when a file has been loaded to an asset, the thumbnail shows in the repository view, but not the profile view.
Likewise, if the asset is listed as a related asset to a project, the thumbnail does not display.
We would like to see consistency so that the thumbnail is display anywhere there is a list of assets.This is especially important for profiles as we are currently trying to encourage our creative academics to use their profiles and having a visual element would make them much more inclined to use them.
7 votes -
Enable suppression of assets on portal and profiles before approval of the asset
We can currently only suppress assets from the portal and profiles after we've approved the asset post. This approach carries the risk of forgetting to adjust the asset's visibility later, potentially leading to it being visible when it shouldn't be.
Ideally, you should be able to complete all aspects of an asset post, including adjusting its visibility, before approving it. This is particularly crucial for key functionalities like the visibility of an asset.
7 votes -
Display Author/Creator publications on Portal 'Relevance' results first, before assets they have supervised/edited
When searching or refining by Author/Creator, the theses and dissertations the researcher has supervised, as well as book chapters where they are the editor of the book, come up first in the default 'Relevance' results.
This is misleading and confusing for users, and frustrating for researchers who want their own scholarly works displayed first and consider the works they author the most 'relevant' when searching/refining via their name.
Is there a way that publications/works that a researcher is the actual author/creator, displays first in the results?
12 votes -
Add ability to keep assets in sets in a specific order
It would be great to have the ability to keep the assets within a set in a specific order. Now that we can use Analytics reports to create sets in Esploro, we would like to use top 10 lists we have created specifically for our institution to create sets of “top 10” assets, and add them to the Top 10 lists area on our homepage. You can currently do all of those things, but the set will not not stay in top 10 order. So the list that displays on the home page is not in top 10 order.
6 votes -
Include additional entities on CV (media mentions, projects)
Add the option to include missing entities (media mentions & projects) on the CV.
As we enable these new features on profiles they are more obviously missing on the CV.2 votes -
Allow researchers to add their own Media Mentions and Grants via the Add Content menu.
Currently, Media Mentions and Grants can only be added via the admin side. Researchers should have this ability as well. Media Mentions (MM) and Grants could be added via the Add Content menu, with submissions approved by the library (similar to assets). The library would either need to enable these tabs on the researcher profiles, or they would automatically appear if MM or Grants are added.
20 votes -
Header Search Bar Configuration
The ability to enable/disenable the header search bar separately for the portal, profiles and projects. This would enable flexibility for administrators and the removal of a second and not needed search bar in the portal.
We have neither the profiles nor the projects enabled, so the removal of the header search bar would work well for us.4 votes -
Enable more Esploro metadata fields to be Facetable
Allow more/any Esploro metadata field to be a Facet in the search page (i.e. Journal Name)
7 votes -
Searching for Labels
When it comes to customizing and configuring the labels (Configuration > Portal & Profiles > General Settings > Labels), we have to go through each label section one by one to search for the desired label to update. Is it possible to add a search feature to Labels, such as in Alma where we can search either by description or code name?
14 votes
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