More flexibility in student works that are part of degree requirement
We need more flexibility in student works that are part of degree requirements (degree culminating publications). These are often thought of as ETDs (theses and dissertations). However, some degrees do not require a thesis or dissertation and instead have a a capstone or a case report. These are very different than a thesis/dissertation, but the only option for student work at the end of a degree are the ETD options. This means that a quite short case report is displaying as a dissertation -
The ETD type is good because we want the advisors handled in the same manner as on an etd (i.e. do not have the work display on their profile but do eventually include it in their activities ) and it is included in the ResearchETD scope.
Mixing things like capstones in with dissertations is made worse because you cannot facet on degrees -
And it is made worse in that the subtype does not facet or does not display prominently (see comment on )