Ability to display thumbnail images of outputs wherever they are listed (e.g. on the Outputs tab of a Profile)
Currently, when a file has been loaded to an asset, the thumbnail shows in the repository view, but not the profile view.
Likewise, if the asset is listed as a related asset to a project, the thumbnail does not display.
We would like to see consistency so that the thumbnail is display anywhere there is a list of assets.
This is especially important for profiles as we are currently trying to encourage our creative academics to use their profiles and having a visual element would make them much more inclined to use them.
maureen.bezanson commented
Here is an example of a creative academic's profile vs his outputs listed in the portal:
Profile (without thumbnails): https://researchportal.scu.edu.au/esploro/profile/darren_bryant/output/creativeWork?institution=61SCU_INST
Portal (with thumbnails): https://researchportal.scu.edu.au/esploro/search/outputs?query=any,contains,darren%20bryant&page=1&enable_asterisk_search=true&sort=rank&institution=61SCU_INST&scope=Research&mfacet=facet_rtype,include,other,1