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155 results found

  1. Option to sort collections by date

    We would like the option to set the default sort for collections to be by date. Relevance is not useful for collections because they are a preselected group of materials; there is not yet a search for which relevance applies. We often use collections to highlight new content so it would be helpful if we could have new content at the top of the results by default so users do not need to change the sort order.

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  2. Send ETD notifications to faculty

    Currently when ETDs are published, faculty members who participated as advisors or committee members on the manuscript are listed in the contributors section, and it appears to be linked to their researcher profile. However, despite the manuscript being connected to said faculty members, they are not notified of the addition when the ETD is published and only the student is notified. We have some faculty members who would like to keep track of the manuscripts they have been on an advisory committee for, but there is currently no front end way. Add a feature to send notifications to faculty members…

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  3. Improve Open Access badge logic for assets

    Problem: OA badges appear on assets even when neither the asset nor a file or link is designated as OA. This misrepresents the meaning of OA to simply mean “free to read,” and may be incorrectly applied to works to which the creator reserves rights and are not true OA as understood in the community.

    Solution: Change the logic as follows:

    • An asset should have the OA badge only if a file or link is explicitly affirmed as Open Access, or if the asset itself is declared Open Access.
    • Files or links with no value (blank) under access restrictions should…
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  4. Move Activities date field so that when Activity is created or edited via the Portal is more obvious how to update

    When a researcher adds an activity via their profile it is not obvious where to enter the date. They need to know to click the pencil icon next to the title of the activity to add or edit the date. This is a problem for Researchers both when initially creating an Activity and if editing and existing Activity.

    My suggestion is to move the editing of Activity dates out of the title section of the Activity and instead put it on the main Edit Activity form. See attached mockup.

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  5. Statistics section on Esploro Research Portal for subunits

    With the new Esploro organizational tree is now possible to display also on subunit webpages the statistics section with metrics related to downloads and views of Esploro records.
    In case of organizations with 3 levels (for example in a multi-institution repository where every single institution has itself faculties or institutes as subunits) the metrics are correctly displayed at the parent and at the last sub-unit level, but the middle levels doesn’t display the sum of their sub-units.
    In the described scenario this would help to highlight the impact of the research of the single participating institutions.

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  6. Researcher engagement type – make it possible for researchers to add and edit

    It is possible to add researcher engagement type to the profiles. At the present, this feature is restricted to system administrators. It would be most beneficial if the researcher could add and edit the engagement type themselves.

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  7. Esploro Analytics - eISSN and ISSN in separated fields in Esploro Analytics Analysis

    In Esploro, a research asset record does provide 2 fields for eISSN and ISSN.
    This useful distinction seems to be lost in Analytics, where ISSN single field contains both values, separated by semicolon, with no way to disambiguate between them.
    The same happens with eISBN and ISBN.
    Please keep Esploro Analytics consistent with Esploro and provide fields for eISSN, ISSN, eISBN, ISBN.
    It's not only a matter of consistency and granularity. We are trying to make reports/simulation for ANVUR (National Evaluation of Researchers) and we need this distinction.

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    2 comments  ·  Analytics  ·  Admin →
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  8. Esploro - Primo VE - display the physical inventory for the Esploro records

    Primo as discovery tool used to display physical inventory also for bib records originally related to electronic resources, using ISSN or ISBN as matching key. This makes sense and is consistent with the idea of discovery tool.
    Surprisingly, this does not work with Primo VE and Esploro records.
    If an Esploro record has a an ISBN matching a Physical Title in Alma, there is no GetIt tab allowing to place a request.
    Please display instead the physical inventory for the Esploro records as well.

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  9. SIS Loader Improvement - Handling Organizational Unit Affiliation

    When loading and maintaining researcher using the SIS loader if a researcher being added/updated contains an internal organization affiliation that is not configured in Esploro, that researcher will not load/update. An error is is created.

    This "idea" suggests that instead of an error being created in these cases, the researcher be assigned to a default internal organization that is configured by the site. A warning/exception would then be created in the SIS loader processing log stating the internal organization was not found, so the default internal organization was utilized instead.

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  10. Option to make file upload required on researcher deposit form

    Our institution requires that researchers upload an electronic copy of their work to add it to the repository. However, researchers often submit the deposit form without adding a file. In order to prevent this from happening and avoid having to return the deposit as incomplete, we would like the option to make file upload a required field in the researcher deposit form. See screenshot:

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  11. Related Researchers

    Our faculty requested the ability to have related researchers appear in their profiles. Other products offer similiar functionality (e.g., Ideally, our faculty would have the ability to manually modify who displays in their list.

    Business need: Students often seek out faculty based on their research interest. Sometime the faculty member they want to work with doesn't have availability. This feature would allow the student to see other faculty working on related research.

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  12. Ability to reorder sections on the Researcher Profile Overview page

    We are using the Research Engagement field to indicate which faculty are open to speaking to the media. (We've labelled this "Media Availability.") This often appears at the top of the profile (e.g. when the researcher hasn't filled in the "Areas of Interest" field), and we would like to be able to move it down. Here is an example:

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  13. Impact Idea 3: Extra Research Topics/Subjects

    Expand the range of research topics and subjects within Esploro Projects by adding options for ANZSRC Socio-economic Objectives (Why), ANZSRC Fields of Research (What/How), and Sustainable Development Goals. We propose including up to three Fields of Research (FoRs), three Socio-economic Objectives (SEOs), and three Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

    This enhancement will improve project categorization, aligning better with global research standards and facilitating more effective tracking and reporting of research impact.

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  14. ORCID Integration - Push to ORCID in Asset

    The current Esploro ORCID integration allows a Delete from ORCID option associated with an asset that runs immediately. Could we have the same option but to push the asset to ORCID?

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  15. Impact Idea 1: Date Field for Added Files & Links

    Incorporate a date field for files and links added to a project in Esploro. This feature will be crucial for tracking the timeline of project-related documents, such as appreciation emails, blog posts, or reports.

    As we begin collecting a 'paper trail' of engagement leading to societal impact, and potentially in many future cases, academics will need to add information to their projects retrospectively. For supporting evidence that is temporarily or not publicly available (e.g., emailed testimonials or government websites), it is best practice to capture and store these locally, preferably in Esploro.

    The date field will help document when the…

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  16. Notification for Staff when asset is self-deposited

    When a researcher uses the self-deposit method, our staff would like to be notified that there is a deposit ready for checking. The only way to do this is to go to the task list and go to unassigned and then filter out to researcher deposited. This is not obvious to the staff. This leads to self deposited deposits being left for a year without realizing that no one has looked at it.

    It would be great to either create a new widget or even send an email to designated staff to have any new deposits to stand out!

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  17. Esploro - sword - Deposits - Integrate a Normalization Process based on a Normalization rule

    We manged to create an integration profile for using SWORD to deposit assets from our CRIS to Esploro ( ).
    We would like however to manipulate/normalize imported values we are importing, as we are used to do with Alma imports, where we can we create a Normalization Rule (NR), integrate it in a process and use it in an Import profile.
    In Esploro we have NR, we have Processes, but still there is no way to integrate the process in the Sword integration profile / import process.
    Please add the feature for addin a Normalization Process to the SWORD…

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  18. Esploro - Backend BE - add advanced search field for Asset Date Submitted and Asset Date Updated

    When reviewing in Esploro Back-end assets before approving and publishing them, we often need to look for Assets created or last updated on certain date.
    This is not possible right now, since Date Created field is related to the publication, not the Esploro Asset. Analytics has a 24 hours delay and is not as flexible as the search.
    Please index and allow to perform an advanced search also on Asset Date Created and Asset Date Updated fields.

    Esploro - Backend BE - add advanced search field for Asset Date Submitted and Asset Date Updated

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  19. Impact Idea 6: Integration of Research Activity Identifier (RAiD)

    Integrate RAiD as a persistent identifier for research Projects and certain activities. RAiD will align with the European Open Science Cloud infrastructure, enhancing the visibility and traceability of research activities. This integration will support more robust Project identification and linking across various platforms.

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  20. Impact Idea 5: Moderation/Approval Step

    Introduce a moderation step or approval process before Projects are made public. This step will ensure content quality and accuracy, maintaining high standards for Project visibility and reducing the likelihood of errors or inappropriate content being published.

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