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156 results found

  1. Issue with OA status on closed asset with open manuscript

    There seems to be no way to add an open access manuscript to an asset for a work whose published version is closed without listing the entire asset as OA.

    This is a major issue because a central use case for Esploro is to provide openly accessible manuscript versions of closed works. This problem means that we currently cannot add an open manuscript to a non-OA asset (i.e. journal article) without marking the entire asset as OA, which is incorrect and misleading.

    There is a workaround, but fixing this would be extremely helpful in the long run as we scale…

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  2. Button "manage assets" to show all assets

    In the backend, there is a menu item with a sub-item "manage" in the menu bar for all types of data entries, whereby all data records that count towards this are then shown. Examples: Researchers -> manage researchers / activities -> manage activities etc.

    What is missing is a field "manage assets" under "repository" where all assets are displayed. There is only a heading with this name, but it has different contents. The better heading here would be "normalisation and mapping". there is also no option for "manage ETDs".

    Expected behaviour: direct menu access to an overview of all results…

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  3. Ability to create/modify default settings for researcher profiles synchronized with Alma

    I would like the ability to create a default profile for all new researchers loaded in by our SIS through Alma. Currently we are using XML and XSLT on top of our SIS import.
    Our university is being selective to which faculty has a profile versus a public profile. This is causing an issue with the current set up, specifically for the faculty who has edit their information in our SIS. Currently, our only set up is that all researchers gets loaded in with a private profile, despite being already in Esploro with a public profile.

    It would be helpful…

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  4. Add ability to export assets from public researcher profile in Excel format

    Right now if you look at a public researcher profile, the only export options you have are BibTex and RIS. Our users would like to use Excel as well to make reporting easier.

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  5. Close current internal affiliations for purged users

    When a user is purged their researcher record is updated from "Affiliated" to "Non-Affiliated - Previously Affiliated." However, their internal affiliations are not moved from "Current" to "Previous". In order to do that, customers must additionally run the Update Set of Researchers job. We recommend that this functionality be added to the purge job so that when a user is purged all open internal affiliations are closed with todays date.

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  6. Expertise Finder

    Esploro is capable of being an Expert Finder but limited to subject matter expertise gleaned from your Research Topics. What about an entire area for Expertise in the profile? The idea would be to list things you consider yourself an expert in (using the same taxomonies already available or free text) and offer toggles for :
    -willing to be contacted about
    -willing to mentor
    -willing to assist in an emergency
    -willing to serve on a committee

    Then the expertise is explicitly searchable and also indicative of people willing to apply that expertise in those scenarios. Then we would not…

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  7. Header Search Bar Configuration

    The ability to enable/disenable the header search bar separately for the portal, profiles and projects. This would enable flexibility for administrators and the removal of a second and not needed search bar in the portal.
    We have neither the profiles nor the projects enabled, so the removal of the header search bar would work well for us.

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  8. Administrator emails for asset messages

    Currently, any notifications from researchers regarding asset communications are only visible to administrators via the task list. Even though assets with active messages are separated into its own category in the task list, we would like notifications for assets that already have active messages and received additional messages to be more direct. Notifications could be sent as an email to the administrator or at the least some notification in the task list that there is a new message and which asset it belongs to. As is, it’s not clear which asset has received an additional message and requires drilling down…

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  9. Show "view online" link resolver links regardless of other links

    The view online option of link resolver only displays when there are no other links or files attached to an asset. Our procedure is to always add a link to the published version of the record, therefore the link resolver never displays.

    We would like to have the option to display link resolver links even if there is already a link in the record. This would ensure our staff and students could still access the resource if we have a full text subscription AND visitors to the portal could link to the published version.

    In 2020 when we were launching…

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  10. Enable more Esploro metadata fields to be Facetable

    Allow more/any Esploro metadata field to be a Facet in the search page (i.e. Journal Name)

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  11. Marking Honors, scholarship, projects, or activities as "featured" to better highlight them

    Some faculty or researchers have honors, activities, scholarship, or projects that in some sense defines them. Instead of those items blending in with everything else, it would be nice to have a way of highlighting or featuring certain things. As an example, if someone won the nobel prize, they would most certainly want that to be made more prominent in some way.

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  12. Add job to batch edit file and link information

    Add a job that allows customers to batch edit file and link information for a set of research assets including fields such as content type, access rights, license, and description.

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  13. Ability to customise grant labels

    When selecting investigators to add to a grant, the options are PI (Principle Investigator) or CI (co-investigator). We'd like to be able to customise the labels for these fields.

    This is especially confusing in Australia where our national funding body (Australia Research Council) uses the opposite abbreviations so we often choose the wrong one and would like to be able to update the Esploro labels to make: Chief Investigator (CI) and Partner Investigator (PI).

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  14. Show the languages information in the Researcher Profile

    Currently, we register the languages spoken by the researchers in the back end of Esploro. But this valuable information is not visible in the public Researcher Profile. We would like this info to be visible, since this way researchers can be contacted in different languages facilitating networking.

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  15. Searching for Labels

    When it comes to customizing and configuring the labels (Configuration > Portal & Profiles > General Settings > Labels), we have to go through each label section one by one to search for the desired label to update. Is it possible to add a search feature to Labels, such as in Alma where we can search either by description or code name?

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  16. Bulk updates to "Managed Externally" checkboxes

    Currently, if the "Managed Externally" checkboxes are checked, faculty are unable to make changes to any of the fields. This became apparent when we noticed that prefilled Education fields (filled in during the time of our migration) were not accurate and the faculty members were not able to update it unless we uncheck these boxes. However, in a user's account there are up to 5-6 of these boxes. I was looking for a job that can bulk uncheck some if not all the boxes in all researchers.

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  17. Configure Time Delay of Letter Delivery

    Similar to scheduling the time of an email in Outlook (see attachment), permit the Esploro letters administrator to set a time delay for when letters are sent.

    Our use case is as follows:
    When we enter new theses, it can take up to 15 minutes for them to be available via the public portal after record 'Approval'. If enabled, a Deposit Status Update Letter is sent to the author immediately on 'Approval'. If the author opens up their letter straight away, they are presented with a dead link. We have disabled the Deposit Status Update Letter as a result.

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  18. Zotero - Esploro: can you make it work?

    We recommend all our users to use Zotero as their reference management software. Its connector captures a lot of metadata from a vast variety of sources...but in Esploro it doesn't work. I dont see how we can encourage users to use this platform when at the moment of the research they will have to go get the metadata from another source or manually enter it. We would love to be able to use the Zotero connector when in Esploro to capture the metadata and the pdf if possible, of the item. Could you please take this idea into consideration? Thanks…

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  19. Consolidated Task List for all assets requiring staff intervention

    When our staff work on approving assets they need to work off multiple lists because of how they are displayed in the tasks list. We would like to see a consolidated list of Draft and Pending Approval assets so that we can then filter by date or researcher to work through them as a batch. As it is, we need to check in the Smart Expansion task list, the Research Deposits task list, and the Smart Harvesting task list.

    A consolidated list would streamline our workflow and make assigning tasks to users significantly easier.
    (But don't remove the break-down of…

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  20. Improve functionality of the Areas of Interest to allow labelled headings and locking of specific serctions

    Esploro has ability to add multiple sections in the field for Area of Interest. However, when the profile is edited in the public view (Researcher portal) all the separate segments are merged into one.

    We would like the ability to further control the look and access option for the Area of Interest sections.

    For example: We currently use HTML to include headers for different sections of Researchers’ biographies, e.g. Biography, Research, Teaching.

    Ideally, we'd be able to have separate fields, with customisable labels, in the Area of Interest so that we could control which fields to display and have greater…

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