Embargo options for Links
When researchers deposit large dataset files, it is often impractical to upload them to Esploro. In those cases, we store the datasets externally. Then, in the Esploro record, we upload a readme file and add a link to the externally-stored dataset files. When access to the linked files needs to be embargoed for any number of privacy and security reasons, we need to be able to register DOIs, provide open access to the readme files, AND embargo access to the link(s).
Currently, our workaround is to 1) remove the link from the record; 2) add a copyright statement to the record indicating the embargo period; 3) add an Internal Note to the record with the link URL; 4) Create a reminder in Outlook to add the link to the record when the embargo period ends.
This is not efficient and could be resolved in Esploro by enabling embargo options for links.