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We would love to be able to respond to every idea that is submitted, but this is not feasible. We are, however, committed to responding to the most popular ideas—those that have received the most points.
For more information please review our FAQ and guidelines. Thank you.
12 results found
SIS Loader Improvement - Handling Organizational Unit Affiliation
When loading and maintaining researcher using the SIS loader if a researcher being added/updated contains an internal organization affiliation that is not configured in Esploro, that researcher will not load/update. An error is is created.
This "idea" suggests that instead of an error being created in these cases, the researcher be assigned to a default internal organization that is configured by the site. A warning/exception would then be created in the SIS loader processing log stating the internal organization was not found, so the default internal organization was utilized instead.
2 votes -
Provide Asset Update API Method
It would be useful in some circumstances to be able to Asset's via the API instead of manually through the administrative interface or the export, modify in Excel/CSV, and re-import.
1 vote -
Ability to set a privacy flag in researcher profiles using APIs
Our university provides staff with the ability to set their contact details (work phone, email, office location) as public vs private in our HR system, which determines if these contact details are visible on public-facing applications and systems. These privacy settings do not currently flow through to Esploro. It is not currently possible to change visibility of contact details at an individual level in researcher profiles, either manually or via API. We would like to add the ability to use the Alma/Esploro APIs to set these privacy flags in Esploro Researcher Profiles as well, so that researchers contact details set…
4 votes -
Ability to harvest full text files
The overarching goal of an institutional repository is to provide free public access to the research and creative output of the institution. Although Esploro offers institutions the ability to grow their repository by harvesting publication metadata from external sources, the imported metadata is of limited value without full text. We would like to see Esploro's smart harvesting capabilities extended by offering customers the option to match imported records with full text available from sources like Unpaywall. Using Unpaywall's API, it should conceivably be possible to identify Creative Commons licensed full text files, import them into the repository, and match them…
3 votes -
Integration with Interfolio
One of our biggest hurdles to having comprehensive researcher profiles in Esploro is the aggravation researchers feel when they have to enter the same information into multiple different systems. We would like to eliminate that aggravation by integrating Esploro with Interfolio, so Interfolio could provide updates to researcher info.
4 votesAdminAnonymous (Admin, Ex Libris) responded
OAI-PMH Support of Query Based Sets
When working with a OAI-PMH import profile you must select an existing record set provided from the OAI-PMH provider. Some providers, Datacite as an example, offer the ability to harvest a record set using a query[1] which is not included as a predefined record sets by the ListSets method. The OAI-PMH import profile should offer the ability to select a record set to harvest from a pre-defined list OR provide a record set name not in the list, a query in the case of Datacite.
[1]Bottom of this page:
4 votes -
Zotero - Esploro: can you make it work?
We recommend all our users to use Zotero as their reference management software. Its connector captures a lot of metadata from a vast variety of sources...but in Esploro it doesn't work. I dont see how we can encourage users to use this platform when at the moment of the research they will have to go get the metadata from another source or manually enter it. We would love to be able to use the Zotero connector when in Esploro to capture the metadata and the pdf if possible, of the item. Could you please take this idea into consideration? Thanks…
3 votes -
Create a new Researcher Profile API that returns the Researcher Profile as a complete entity
Please create a new Researcher Profile API that returns the Researcher Profile as a complete entity. That is, it returns the contents of the Overview (including the profile URL), the Output, the Projects, and the Grants(?) tabs.
1) It would be great to have all of this information returned in one API; and
2) You currently have to filter the Assets API by "Shown in profile: Yes" in order to mimic the display in the Researcher Profile; and
3) Projects (and future Grants?) information is not currently available via API.Thanks,
Blake7 votesAdminTami Ezra (Admin, Ex Libris) responded
Removing the "accepted" status so that institution can continue voting as agreed with the PWG.
"Update DOI Registration Agency - Research Assets" Job Improvements
The "Update DOI Registration Agency - Research Assets" job that runs daily does not provide detailed reporting. A detailed report of successfully updated, failed, and migrated assets would aid in troubleshooting and administration of the job.
3 votes -
ORCID Integration to populate other identifiers
The current Esploro ORCID integration writes the employer to the ORCID. At Southern Cross we have an integration that also pulls the other identifiers from the ORCID record. It would be ideal if the Esploro ORCID integration also wrote the identifiers contained on the ORCID record to Esploro. For example ResearcherID and SCOPUS ID.
Many researchers have linked these identifiers to their ORCID we would like to see them automatically linked via the API to the Esploro Researcher record.33 votesAdminTami Ezra (Admin, Ex Libris) responded
Removing the "accepted" status so that institution can continue voting as agreed with the PWG.
Expose Researcher Engagement types via API and Analytics
We wanted to start developing a Find a Supervisor page on our web site using the researcher API.
We have entered Principal Supervisor, Co-supervisor etc as engagement types in the backend. However there is no way to query this via the API or Analytics. Also to search the field you need to search the code not the description e.g. Engagement3 not Principal Supervisor.We would like to use the API to have a find a research supervisor page that will query the profiles for researcher interests and return only those reseachers that are approved as research supervisors. The search is…
9 votesAdminTami Ezra (Admin, Ex Libris) responded
Removing the "accepted" status so that institution can continue voting as agreed with the PWG.
Add OAI output in ETD-MS format
We would like to have an output in ETD-MS format so that we may continue to submit our ETDs to the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations. White metadata may be submitted in oaidc OR oaidc+oaietdms, oaidc lacks many important fields for etds so our contributions to this global database would be better in etd-ms format. See and
4 votesAdminAnonymous (Admin, Ex Libris) responded
- Don't see your idea?