Zotero - Esploro: can you make it work?
We recommend all our users to use Zotero as their reference management software. Its connector captures a lot of metadata from a vast variety of sources...but in Esploro it doesn't work. I dont see how we can encourage users to use this platform when at the moment of the research they will have to go get the metadata from another source or manually enter it. We would love to be able to use the Zotero connector when in Esploro to capture the metadata and the pdf if possible, of the item. Could you please take this idea into consideration? Thanks in advance.
Wendy Robertson commented
I think if schema tags were added (as requested in another idea exchange, below) then publications would go into Zotero properly.
Esploro datasets in Google Dataset Search
Making Esploro datasets discoverable in the Google Dataset Search is a high priority for positioning Esploro as a robust data repository solution. A prominent research program has deposited several of their datasets in Esploro. At a recent meeting, the PI indicated that not having their Esploro datasets discoverable in the Google Datasets Search was a significant disadvantage when compared to other data repositories like PANGAEA.
Schema.org tags are required for inclusion in Google Datasets, these tags should be added to Esploro assets.