Enhance Smart Expansion via Bibtex by adding CDI auto population job
When importing records via Bibtex files, records are created but fail to sync with the journal details like Peer Review and Open Access status. When you open the record, both fields are marked as unknown but when you "refresh" the journal name, it seems to retrieve the data necessary to populate these fields. Is it possible to create a separate or subsequent CDI auto population job that matches and updates the journal information for any Smart Expansion via bibtext job so that these don't have to be fixed manually by going to each assert?
Even if there was an intermediary step when importing via BibTex that has the library review and approve CDI matches, that would be a helpful step versus going into each record to update the field. The Bibtex import works really well, but this missing link to the CDI makes it flawed. The missing Peer Reviewed flag on relevant publications was the first comment they made. For researchers undergoing the tenure process, this is an important indicator on their publishing record. Having this functionality be accurate and efficient helps us make the case for researchers to better utilize the system.

Removing the "accepted" status so that institution can continue voting as agreed with the PWG.
Nancy Schuler commented
Hi Tami,
Yes, the files do have the DOI. Here is a sample record with one example attached. The record has been uploaded to the system it would help to take a look.Nancy
AdminTami Ezra (Admin, Ex Libris) commented
Follow-up question about this. Do the records you load via RIS/BibTex include a DOI?