Displaying request notes in the pick from shelf list
Request notes sometimes contain important information, but are well hidden from staff. To read them, they need to print a resource request slip, export a print slip report, check (edit) every single request, or use resource request monitoring, processes that waste paper and time.
Wouldn't it be nice to have comments displayed directly in the Pick From Shelf list? Or at least some sort of warning that yes, there is a note added to this request? And also in the Alma mobile app.

As part of Alma June release notes:
On the Pick from Shelf list, if one or more request notes exist, they are now displayed aggregated together with a “|” (pipe symbol) in between each request. Only notes for active requests that are being picked by the current circulation desk are displayed. The notes of the active request are presented in the Pick Up Requested Resources page in no specific order. If you click the link for the request queue, all requests are displayed along with a new column that displays the request notes
For more information please see:
Richaela Staley commented
I see this is already planned but I would like to add that seeing the requester in the Pick From Shelf would be helpful as well. I'd like to see more of the information that is available in the Monitor Requests list (which is really only missing the "Location" of items, at least from my perspective).
Maybe under each pick list item could be a request details button with line items of requester name, date and note field. Then you could have an expand all option in the upper right of the list like other lists have. -
Gro Heidi commented
Yes, please!
Natasha Stephan commented
I heartily agree! Can anyone provide an ETA on this much-needed functionality?
Almudena Iturri commented
Yes, that will be very useful!! Thank you
Claire Morton commented
Yes please - we're using tablets to view our Pick from Shelf lists so we can scan the items as we retrieve them from shelves. This means we don't print anything but also means we can't see any comments left by requesters. The print options aren't very helpful so seeing notes on screen would be brilliant.
Susanne Daae-Qvale commented
This would be extremely helpful.
Anne Woje commented
I totally agree with Kjell on this. Much wanted!
solfrid berge commented
I agree with Kjetil
Anonymous commented
This would be very nice in my opinion
Anonymous commented
This would be extremely helpful and a really green solution.
Bronwen Blatchford commented
This would be a big help to us. We are trying to save paper by not printing out slips so important notes can often be missed. It would be great if the notes appeared on screen at the scan in stage.
Lillian Olsen commented
I agree with Kjetil!