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534 results found

  1. Best SMD Screen Providers?

    Can someone recommend Best SMD Screen Providers?

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  2. Display only the last entered Date Range facet

    When a person refines a date a second time in Primo, Primo simply displays an additional date facet in the Active Filters area. For example, a person initially filters a search to Years: 1919-2025 and then decides to filter again by Years: 2024-2025. Instead of removing the first date facet and replacing it with the second, Primo simply adds the second facet underneath the first facet. This does not make sense and presents a usability problem for the end user. In all other cases, when two facets are used within the same category, they are to be regarded as having…

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  3. More DEDUP keys

    The implementation of the FRBR keys is affected by the DEDUP keys, so it would be desirable to add a new key in the DEDUP keys that includes the label 250.

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  4. "Peer reviewed" for academic books

    Currently, there is a limiter in discovery to "Peer-reviewed articles" but using this limiter does not bring results from books even by the most celebrated academic publishers. While this information arrives from vendors, there should be a way to search peer-reviewed publications that would exclude magazines but include both peer-reviewed journals and books (or book chpaters) by any academic press.

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  5. NZ/IZ linking in consortia

    Background: MARC 776 is used to establish a link between related records (Also available in another form:). If a link cannot be established, a title search is started instead.

    In a consortial environment, there is an issue with this: Primo VE is only able to establish a link if both the linking and the linked-to title are available locally. This happens because Primo depends on Alma functionality for related records to establish a link and Alma is building them within institution scope only (Network is considered just another institution in this regard). This means that as soon as only the…

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  6. FRBR generic: make display of the generic record customizable

    We use FRBR generic (in Primo VE) because we deem FRBR preferred to be too confusing for our patrons.

    We can't fix the duplicate display of contributors' names.

    Example:,contains,Homer%27s%20Iliad%20translated%20by%20Richmond%20Lattimore&tab=UBS&search_scope=UBS&vid=41SLSP_UBS:live&lang=en&offset=0, see also screenshot.

    Lattimore is displayed three times, Martin twice.

    As this is supposed to be a generic display, no contributors should be displayed here.

    We got the following response from Ex Libris in our case:

    With the 'Generic record' option enabled, when conducting a search in Primo, in the list of results for a FRBR group, you will see a very generic record which is hardcoded and…

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  7. Primo Header is cut off at a certain Window Size

    When one reduces the size of the browser window, the button for the advanced search moves into the “hidden” menu. Right before it disappears, it is cut off and can no longer be read. Furthermore horizontal scrolling is required in order to visually grasp the other menu items such as "Login" and "Menu". As far as we could check, this affects a browser window size from around 600px to 800px.

    This does not depend on local CSS modifications. It is a general UX issue that affects responsive design and furthermore is breaking with the WCAG accessibility guidelines (WCAG 2.1, 1.4.10, …

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  8. Add ability to display item status in locations list in Get It section

    Currently, the locations list displays a holdings summary for each location. To view the status of held items, users must click into each location's details. It would streamline the user journey if the item status (item in place, on loan, on order, etc.) could be displayed within the locations list itself, in addition to the holdings summary.

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  9. Suppress blank yellow box in "View It" section

    Currently, when there are no online access links in the "View It" section on the full details page, a blank yellow box appears. Can this be suppressed when there are no links to display?

    We receive numerous problem reports each year from students who are confused. Thank you!

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  10. Influence the algorithm in the display format for hits on large broad subject searches where local repository records appear.

    In our library we have decided that Primo should also display records from a local repository. This is a database of references to research publications produced by our researchers at our university. It is not always the case that we have electronic access to the titles in this local database. And it's not always the case that we own the physical works.
    So we would like to have the titles in our catalogue, but we are well aware that at best they are reference titles that have to be obtained/borrowed.
    We are planning to display more local repositories through our…

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  11. HTML Language Tag customizable for Screen Readers

    In order to improve the accessibility of Primo, it would be helpful if one would be able to choose country-specific language settings for screen readers by the HTML language tag. We would be interested in the language setting “de-AT” to be available to recognize the Austrian variety of the German language. This could also be interesting for a lot of other languages.

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  12. Display print journal coverage dates in brief record display

    We have activated the display of online journal coverage dates in the brief record display.
    We would like to further enhance the user experience by also displaying the coverage of our print journals.
    This will deliver a more consistent experience to our users.

    Ex Libris has recommended posting this suggestion on the Idea Exchange (#07262867).

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  13. Automate SSL/TLS certificate management

    For hosted Primo sites that have custom domain names, the current process for deploying SSL certificates involves time-consuming manual steps and hand-offs, many of which must be repeated each time a certificate is renewed. [1]

    Several institutions will soon require SSL certificates to be renewed every 90 days, at which point the current manual process will become utterly unmanageable for both Ex Libris and its customers. [2]

    I propose that Ex Libris adopt an ACME-like service (such as Let's Encrypt) to fully automate SSL certificate management. The customer's responsibility would be to set up a DNS record (as they do…

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  14. Holding and coverage details in brief record display for physical records

    Primo VE can show the title, general physical availability, and other details in the brief record display of a given record, but it lacks the ability to show coverage information that's contained in a holding record. All current details that Primo VE can show appear to be either bibliographic or system data, but not holding record data. We'd like to have this kind of coverage information available to users at a glance without their needing to enter a record to see which issues/years/etc. of an item that we have.

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  15. Journal Search: Consider the NZ activation for e-resources with Inventory Management Groups in the IZ

    Our consortium activates Open Access e-collections in the Network Zone so that they are available in every IZ of the network. Electronic collections for Open Access e-resources are activated without any Inventory Management Group assigned to it. It should display for every IZ and every Inventory Management Group within the IZ.
    Some of the licensed e-collections in the IZs also cover e-resources that are activated in the NZ as Open Access. (Journals can have partial Open Access) The IZs are using Inventory Management Groups, and the local views are assigned to the campuses of the specific Inventory Management Groups. The…

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  16. Improve resource accessibility with a new field «Request accessible document» in “Digitization optional parameters”

    To provide better access to resources for users with disabilities, ETH Library would like to offer its users accessible digital copies. This service requires an additional field in the digitization request form in Primo VE, in which users can indicate if they would like to request an accessible document. This field could be named “Request accessible document” and be added to Discovery > Configuration > GetIt > Digitization optional parameters, so that libraries can enable and disable the field as they like. We think that it would be best if there was a dropdown list available for this field with…

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  17. Customize Facet List - Advanced Search

    It would be helpful for our users to be able to select locations from a list of library locations. For instance, we have a library in the system with a specific archive of local history collections and it would be beneficial to restrict a search to those locations rather than sifting through similar titles in the overall collection

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  18. Remove resource sharing links from records for electronic and print books, but not chapters

    It is currently not possible to create a GES or DLR that would prevent RapidILL resource sharing links from appearing on CDI records for electronic and print books. The only way to do so is by removing them from ALL books, which would also exclude the link from book chapters. "Exclude CDI ebooks" helps by removing some of these records from results, but there are exceptions with e-books in database type collections. This more granular functionality is highly needed, as requests for entire books cannot be granted through RapidILL and must be cancelled.

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  19. Person Entity - Ability to Opt Out from Wikidata

    We propose adding an option to opt out of using Wikidata as a data source for the Person Entity feature in Primo at the institution level and the individual entity level.

    We have received complaints that the data provided by Wikidata for the Person Info Card and Person Page is incorrect or misleading for certain individuals. Currently, the only way to address these issues is by editing the Wikidata entries directly, which is not a sustainable solution and is dependent on the timeliness of weekly updates. To provide a recent example: we updated a Wikidata entry to correct the occupation…

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  20. In the Display Logic Rules, add the option to "hide service" with "Availability by the network" for Network Zone Resource Sharing

    In the Display Logic Rules, add the option to "hide service" with "Availability by the network".

    We are in a Network Zone consortium that does Resource Sharing. Right now, we can hide services like "Purchase Request" if the item with "Availability by the institution" or "Ownership by the Institution" is true, but we also want to hide it for availability in the network, so that patrons are forced to try Resource Sharing in our network first, rather than submit a Purchase Request.

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