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525 results found

  1. Allow to delete records in Primo BE ( included dedup records )

    Right now the only way to delete a record in Primo is to refer to a KB Article [1] explaining how to write an xml OAI-PMH record with status 'deleted' and let the xml file to be ingested by a pipe. The procedure is cumbersome and error prone (e.g. issues with compression of the file on non linux machines etc.) and it does not always work properly. For example, dedup records are not properly deleted by this procedure.

    It would be good to provide a feature in the Primo BE allowing to look for specific PNX and to delete it.…

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  2. List of Loans - Indicate if item is Requested

    It should be possible to indicate in the patron's List of Loans in the Library Account whether an item is requested, otherwise, it is not clear if the due date is sooner than on other loans because it is a Reserved item or because it was Requested by another reader.

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  3. Add Show Actions icons to My Favorites

    Option to add all the Show Actions icons to display on My Favorites, or at least some icons such as the print and e-mail icons, instead of just the ...

    Please see screen capture attached.

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  4. Ignore call number prefix (subfield k) when indexing for Call Number Browse

    Primo's browse search "By Library of Congress Call Numbers" includes the call number prefix (holdings record field 852 $k) when generating the browse list. At UGA, we use that prefix for oversize volumes (Folio, Ff), and for a variety of branch locations, special statuses and shelving areas (Juv, Ref, Vet Med, etc.).

    As a result, any holdings with a prefix do not show up alongside holdings in the same call number range, essentially hiding many titles from patrons interested in browsing the shelf list. (This would be an issue for staff as well, but shelf list browsing works correctly in…

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  5. Add option to view complete authority records in Primo

    Primo does not show the complete authority record. In Aleph the end user could see the authority record through the link from Primo to the OPAC. As ALMA has no such option the end user has no way of seeing the complete authority record with all the RDA fields. If the complete authority record is displayed, not only some of the fields, the end user can find important information about the author with one click.

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  6. Add a search results permalink to the New UI results page

    When we do searches in Primo for patrons, we often want to be able to send them to a list of results, rather than a specific item.

    There is a jquery customization the classic UI created by Western Washington University at

    However, that customization does not work on the new UI, and requires users to be able to create a SQL database to store redirects, and to store files on a local server.

    Ideally, search results permalink functionality could be built into Primo's New UI.

    The attached screenshot shows the WWU search results permalink in action.

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  7. [Primo] - frbr - improve algorythm - consider all keys and not only the first matching key

    In Primo FRBR documentation is explained that (I added ** signs):
    In the FRBRization process, the keys are compared. If a record has a matching key with another record, it is added to the same FRBR group. Once a match is found, the system does not continue searching for matches since a record can belong to one FRBR group only.
    In our experience this may lead to false positives. When comparing keys between frbr candidates, the system should consider instead the whole set of matching keys, not just the first matching one. And for example do not group…

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  8. Option to e-mail clients Saved Searches

    It will be very useful to share Saved Searches with another client by having an e-mail option available in the My Favourites > Saved Searches section in Primo, in the same way the e-mail option is available for Saved Records.

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  9. "Did you mean" has no option for selecting, "No."

    A librarian submitted the following question:

    "If you do a search in the catalog for Andrew Lyght (he's an artist), you get the message "Do you mean Andrew Light?" and a whole bunch of results that have lyght spelled "light". There is no option to say "No, I mean Lyght."

    I think the Google-like functionality of "did you mean..." is a good
    direction to go in, but there needs to be an option to respond to that question, especially when what the catalog is guessing is wrong. Overall, this isn't a helpful implementation as it currently works."

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  10. Set default encoding level for Export RIS in New UI

    In the New Primo User Interface the Export RIS functionality requires users to select an encoding level.
    In the classic UI UTF-8 was selected by default.
    Can the default encoding level please be an option in the New UI.
    Many of our users are confused by which encoding level to select, and we would like to present them with a default option selected to help ease the confusion.

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  11. My Account - Loans & Requests: Bibliographical Details of ILL article requests

    Currently, users cannot see the full bibliographical details of their Resource Sharing "Article" Requests in their account,. Although all the details appear in Alma, in Primo the Journal Title, Year, Volume, Issue and Pages are missing - so in fact they can only see the Article Title and Author in the Full View mode.

    Obviously, this is not very helpful for citation purposes or even for tracking orders - especially if there are many similar requests.


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  12. new option/checkbox: "expand my results with synonyms"

    The Primo Search Engine includes synonyms by default to expand the result list. This often leads to results which are fuzzy and hardly explainable.

    Instead of including synonyms by default we want to see an option to include synonyms by explicit user decision.

    This option ("expand my result using synonyms") could be included into the facets section or should be visible close to the search button.

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  13. Create link for patron to report issue with Primo Central Record

    This idea comes from a ticket submitted by a professor last week regarding a journal article resource that was marked as "peer reviewed" in PCI incorrectly. She reported it to us and we reported it to ExLibris, but it would seem more efficient to include a link that could report the problem directly to ExLibris for PCI content. I imagine something similar to the "report an issue" link found in google books:

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  14. Show the terms added to the patron's query by the linguistic features (i.e. stemming, synonyms etc.)

    As default behavior, Primo not only looks for the patron's query, but enriches the original keywords of the user with additional terms, in order to improve the performance.

    The system first tries to guess the language of the query, and then tries to enrich it, using a variety of steps described in the Linguistic Features section of the documentation:

    For example, a query for the string: Birne
    if recognised as German, is enriched with following synonyms (dictionary file as to March 2017):


    The point is that the whole thing is a blackbox for both the librarian and the…

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  15. Copy parts of Normalization Rules Sets to other fields in the same set

    It would be very useful to be able to copy subsets/blocks of a Normalization Rule Set to other blocks/fields in the same set, instead of manually copying very complicated rules. This was a NERS request from the Free University of Bozen (4440), but it did not receive enough votes.

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  16. Improve RTA Holdings status information for checked out / unavailable items for Alma consortiums

    For Alma / Primo customers in a consortial resource sharing network, when an item in an institutional view is checked out, in the brief results display, an RTA availability statement is replaced with a "Check Holdings" link. Upon clicking on the title and viewing the full display of the record, RTA is checked for all institutions, including the institution of the view the user is in, updating the RTA status. When the user clicks out of the full record, the correct status (e.g., Checked Out) displays in the RTA section of the brief record in the results list.

    Users should…

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  17. Improve Display Logic in Alma Uresolver to show all variant coverage statements in a collapsed menu

    Ideally, Alma should be able to display ALL unique variant coverage statements when showing a collapsed menu.

    If a library uses the Display Logic rules to for example show Proquest as an option only once in a services menu, this works very well where a journal may be in 12 Proquest databases with the same coverage.

    However, when the coverage varies significantly between these databases, Alma uresolver will still just show one of the coverage statements and a user will only see a subset of holdings and believe this is all the library has. (eg Nursing standard in Proquest is…

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  18. account request date

    Add the request's date on the user's account

    We would like that the user can see the date when he makes a request (hold or ILL) on his account.

    We think that's will be an improvement for the users.

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  19. • Records without a date at the bottom of results list when sorting on date oldest

    At this moment, the sort option “Date oldest” displays the records without a date on top of the results list. This is confusing and not relevant for users; when there are several records without a Creation Date they probably conclude that sorting on date oldest doesn’t work. Our request is to display the records without a date always at the bottom of the results list when a sort option on date is used (thus as well for date oldest as for date newest)

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    Hi all,

    This is to update that this is currently not planned to be developed. We might evaluate it again in the future.

    Therefore we are removing the "Under review" status for now.

    Best regards,


  20. Create a facet for Abstracts (or Conference Abstracts)

    Abstracts are currently classified as Journal Articles, which causes confusion as readers are expecting to be able to read the full text of a published article that does not exist. Creating a facet for Abstracts would allow them to be correctly classified and would improve the user experience

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