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95 results found
Primo default language
When opening discovery, the language showed is the default one set in the Alma configuration. Many website today are capable to adapt the default language depending on the language set in the browser or the ip adress or other technologies.
The current idea propose to investigate and eventually apply the technologies that allows an automatic adjustment of the primo default language.1 vote -
Make "Subject is(exact)" a precision search that returns results based on exact subjects
Currently in legacy Primo, a Subject is(exact) search returns items that do not have the specified terms in the visible records, but returns matches from the CDI metadata that is not presented in the record. For clarity of functionality, returning only results that include the specified terms would be preferable. (Similar to NERS 8871 which was focused on the Title fields.)
(An alternative would be to increase transparency of results so that the CDI metadata that constitutes a match is visible to end users.)
1 vote -
Display only the last entered Date Range facet
When a person refines a date a second time in Primo, Primo simply displays an additional date facet in the Active Filters area. For example, a person initially filters a search to Years: 1919-2025 and then decides to filter again by Years: 2024-2025. Instead of removing the first date facet and replacing it with the second, Primo simply adds the second facet underneath the first facet. This does not make sense and presents a usability problem for the end user. In all other cases, when two facets are used within the same category, they are to be regarded as having…
4 votes -
Resource Type Filter Bar buttons: users expect them to unclick if they change the search scope dropdown
Users raised that they would like the Resource Type Filter Bar buttons to reset themselves to "All" when they repeat their search in a different dropdown scope.
This is especially relevant when the new combination of search scope and resource type doesn't give any hits, e.g. searching the print catalogue scope with the button clicked to see only electronic articles.
1 vote -
Being able to choose "emailing and printing exporting actions" fields
The print and export options are currently limited.
It would be a lot of help if we could choose the fields that are being exported to excel (or at least add the location field there), and which are being printed. Currently, in the print version there a lot of fields (all of the get it fields) and it takes a lot of space in a printed list for a patron. 4-5 pages for 15 results. The minimum is that there will be a long version and a short one to print, but better of if we could choose which fields…11 votes -
Modernize purchase request from customisation
The Rialto purchase request form has a much improved user experience for requesters, a modern style and simpler, more flexible configuration. Its downfall is that it has NO authentication. The product team have reviewed this idea ( and advised that adding authentication does not fit with the Rialto roadmap.
There are some disappointed Rialto customers at this news. Libraries have indicated that they cannot use the Rialto form because it has no authentication.
However, providing an improved UX for the purchase request form used in Primo would benefit many more libraries and their thousands of customers - and…52 votes -
Ask for confirmation when deleting saved searches
In “Saved searches” and “Search history” sections, when clicking on remove icon, the query is deleted immediately.
A popup asking for confirmation could help preventing unwanted deletions
3 votes -
Enable person entity functionality at the view level
The new feature (May 2024) for person entities is either on or off for all views.
For some special-purpose views it may be inappropriate to display person entity cards. At present the library would have to deploy a customisation package to allow it to show on some views, but hide it on others. It would be simpler to enable via check boxes in a view's general tab.
Libraries should be able to configure whether or not the results returned in the carousels on a person entity page are controlled by the view's search scopes. e.g. titles that are excluded from…
61 votes -
Open Access articles to display in full text results
Currently, if only displaying CDI results with full text, articles tagged as open access aren't included. These are only displayed if the user toggles to show results with no full text.
Ideally, articles tagged Open Access would also be included when displaying results with full text. The tag would need to bypass the link resolver process so those results are also included.
This would reduce the number of users putting in ILL requests when they didn't realised the article was available OA.
20 votes -
FRBR generic: make display of the generic record customizable
We use FRBR generic (in Primo VE) because we deem FRBR preferred to be too confusing for our patrons.
We can't fix the duplicate display of contributors' names.
Example:,contains,Homer%27s%20Iliad%20translated%20by%20Richmond%20Lattimore&tab=UBS&search_scope=UBS&vid=41SLSP_UBS:live&lang=en&offset=0, see also screenshot.Lattimore is displayed three times, Martin twice.
As this is supposed to be a generic display, no contributors should be displayed here.
We got the following response from Ex Libris in our case:
With the 'Generic record' option enabled, when conducting a search in Primo, in the list of results for a FRBR group, you will see a very generic record which is hardcoded and…33 votes -
Create/add in the ability to show and filter ALL content by place of publication and other data point relevant for decolonising collections
With linked data being such a big part of what has being talked about so far in relation to NDE and AI being used in some new projects such as Primo:Research Assistant, we feel that it's the best time to think about using this data and the data in the CDI records to try and develop tools to identifying, show, filter place of publication or nationality of authors.
We have developed our own facet using local fields, regular expressions and information in the MARC 008 to display the place of publication for items in our collection and filter by facet…
5 votes -
Inform patrons about Pick from Shelf
This is something we are really missing since we switched to Primo VE.
I find a book I want to borrow, my library has it, but it's open stacks, which means I can't request it online to be picked up in the owning library.
In our older catalog we had a pop up message to inform the patrons that they can fetch the item from the shelf themselves.
DTU ( solves it like this, which is exactly what we need - see screenshot dtu1.png
Under B, we'd show the possible pickup locations, as we do now.
A is…
39 votes -
HTML Language Tag customizable for Screen Readers
In order to improve the accessibility of Primo, it would be helpful if one would be able to choose country-specific language settings for screen readers by the HTML language tag. We would be interested in the language setting “de-AT” to be available to recognize the Austrian variety of the German language. This could also be interesting for a lot of other languages.
64 votes -
Remove Pickup location entry from digitization entry in my requests
When digitization requests are in process, a pickup location is displayed. This doesn't make sense for something that is a digitization or document delivery request, since there is nothing to "pickup". I realize this is a holdover from the photocopy days, but perhaps it might make more sense if patrons had the option to request physical delivery for a digitization request ("request physical copy") and ask them to designate a pickup location rather than having users assign a pickup location for all digital requests.
1 vote -
Add document delivery transactions to Requests tab in 'My Account'
Current digitization (document delivery/digitization) requests are shown when requests are in process. I would like docdel and digitization requests to be available in the Requests tab until they are expired.
Ideally, a download button would be available while the document is available ( before the doc expires or max views has been exceeded) and the number of remaining views is displayed (see image).
2 votes -
Improve resource accessibility with a new field «Request accessible document» in “Digitization optional parameters”
To provide better access to resources for users with disabilities, ETH Library would like to offer its users accessible digital copies. This service requires an additional field in the digitization request form in Primo VE, in which users can indicate if they would like to request an accessible document. This field could be named “Request accessible document” and be added to Discovery > Configuration > GetIt > Digitization optional parameters, so that libraries can enable and disable the field as they like. We think that it would be best if there was a dropdown list available for this field with…
53 votes -
Resource type filter bar: after a search, terms with no hits should be inactive or a counter should be visible
The resource type filter bar under the search field will remind patrons of Google. Which is good, because they know how that works.
But: there is no indication in Primo VE that the filters are also visible and clickable if there are no hits behind them.
Please either add a counter (which would be consistent with the facets in the side column), or deactivate the terms that don't have hits, so that they are not clickable.
Clicking on something and landing on an empty page is frustrating.
-> Book chapters and Music scores have no hits, but the…
2 votes -
Language field in Brief Record Display ought to use the Language codes Labels (VE)
For institutions with multi-lingual collections, the out-of-the-box Language field can be a useful addition to the record display. When Language is added to the Full Record display, the "Language codes Labels" code table is used to convert the abbreviated codes used in metadata records into generally understood language names–e.g. the code 'gle' displays as 'Irish'.
When the Language field is added to the Brief Record display, however, the labels are NOT used and the code is displayed as-is. Ex Libris recognizes this as a defect (case #06659538) but a solution is not part of the current development work plan. We…
14 votes -
Display Licenses for Results from CDI if holdings are associated with a license
For Primo VE search results, display the license for results obtained from the CDI. Primo already displays the license terms of results obtained from Alma holdings. License terms are displayed next to a Primo VE result that is from an institution’s Alma holding if the Alma holding has a license assigned to it (shown in the Electronic Collection Editor’s General tab in Alma), but the license is not currently displayed when Primo VE search results are obtained from the CDI for the same holding (that does have a license assigned to it.). This would benefit ILL staff who rely on…
19 votes -
Share on social media: add Mastodon and Bluesky
Share on social media from full title display:
Please add Mastodon and Bluesky as options.
Can't speak for Threads as that's blocked in Europe, but would probably make sense to add it at the same time.
166 votes
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