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17 results found
Author/Title Index in Browse Search
Author/Title Index in Browse Search
Please include an Author/Title index which searches headings combining author/creator name and uniform title. The index usually includes:
* 100/240
* 110/240
* 111/240
* 700 where $$t is present
* 710 where $$t is present
* 711 where $$t is present
* 800 where $$t is present
* 810 where $$t is present; and
* 811 where $$t is present59 votes -
full text
Currently "full text" is limited to first 65K characters of an article or of a complete [!] book (along with chapter abstracts only) from CDI, or even less from Alma, and not from all sources (e.g., not from JSTOR). Thus tweak results to full text is misleading. For articles, entering from google scholar may circumvent the problem partially. For books, true research now requires search full text (possibly not available or only available in snippet view) in google books for finding the required source and pages, then searching the discovery for the book for electronic access, similar to finding a…
3 votes -
"Peer reviewed" for academic books
Currently, there is a limiter in discovery to "Peer-reviewed articles" but using this limiter does not bring results from books even by the most celebrated academic publishers. While this information arrives from vendors, there should be a way to search peer-reviewed publications that would exclude magazines but include both peer-reviewed journals and books (or book chpaters) by any academic press.
5 votes -
Interaction between Unpaywall and View-it Section
In some cases the Unpaywall API returns a link but the View-it section of the record shows "No full text available". Customer support explained the beahviour as follows:
"Currently the Unpaywall API used by the Alma ViewIt checks for a direct link to the PDF of the article. In some cases, Unpaywall's API might return a link to a landing page - a webpage in which details on the resource appear as well as option for download. In that case, the ViewIt will not present a link.
The Primo 'Get PDF' link uses a different mechanism, which does support links…0 votes -
unpaywall - collection separation
in the webinar : Yes, We’re Open! Open Access in Knowledgebases and Discovery 20231211 1501 1 1 ( Christine Stohn mentioned that Ex Libribs we interested in feedback to find out how people wanted UnPaywall content to be available, e.g. split up by version.
I would therefore like to proposed that the UnPaywall Collection be split into 3 separate collections, Submitted version, author accepted versions and Version of Record/Published version.
This would not only enable us to only enable the versions we want and avoid those we don't, but also allow us to potentially signpost the version types…
10 votes -
Allow fields available in the CTO to be used in General Electronic Services (GES)
Fields found in the CTO should be available to use in url templates and service availability rules within General Electronic Services (GES).
We use some GES's to link out to our resource sharing system that uses OpenUrl parameters in the url template. We've discovered that many books only have editors and don't include that information in the general author attributes within the CTO. Instead, the editor gets added to rft.sau in the CTO and it is the only field in the record that contains editor information. If you add this field to the url template in the GES and you…
26 votes -
Include Citation type as a configurable field in Purchase request form
When a purchase request is made from Primo selected in Citation type: Book, the order line that is created is of type Physical-One time, and cannot be modified.
It would be nice to modify this default configuration.
1 vote -
Link generic checkbox in purchase request form to hold item function
We are using the purchase request form in PrimoVE. Is there a way to link the generic checkbox to the hold item function in the associated po line? So the hold item checkbox in the associated PO line is activated when the user checks the generic checkbox in the purchase request form? This would make it easier for us to manage purchase requests.
3 votes -
CDI records: please provide us the ORCIDs in the PNX record in a usable form
Unfortunately, we have received the following case response: "We have reviewed your request with our content operations team and determined that our system is currently not designed to provide the functionality you requested, so the next step is to pursue this as an enhancement."
So we hope to get support for our proposal in the Alma community.We are currently working on making the ORCID more visible in our Primo (incl. linking to the ORCID entry of an author).
We are glad to see that CDI records already contain the ORCIDs in the PNX record.
Unfortunately, they cannot be used…59 votes -
Fix the CDI's match and merge process
The CDI's match and merge rules/filters need to be adjusted to prevent multiple ISBNs/EISBNs/DOIs from previous e-book editions from being added to the current edition's record, which frequently breaks OpenURL linking to the correct edition. This particularly affects targets like OREILLYONLINELEARNINGACADEMICPUBLICLIBRARYEDITION in SFX.
1 vote -
Enable the Hebrew Acronym file in CDI
I would like the Hebrew Acronym file to work in the same manner for local and remote records and enable the correct retrieval of records with any of the many Hebrew words that are comprised of initials (eg פלמ"ח, תנ"ך, תשנ"א, אדמו"ר, בג"ץ, רמב"ם, מפא"י…….).
Currently, searching a term either with or without the " sign will retrieve the term both with and without the quotation sign (") but ONLY for local records. Until this will work in CDI, many remote records will not be retrievable when searching terms that can be written in both ways (with or without the…
167 votes -
Advanced search functionality for the Newspaper Search
Please provide advanced search functionality for the Newspaper Search. Users would like to limit searches by criteria such as publication name.
36 votes -
Increase Primo search capability to support major common search expansions on synonyms.
Salesforce case #00583901 refers (unpublished)
Ex Libris advises that, due to performance considerations, Primo search is unable to support the search expansion for the spelling variants that include the use of 's' or 'z' within a word. This is a common trans-Atlantic spelling variation, and omitting it has a significant impact on search results.
Example: a search for the terms “practice globalisation” produces 441,248 results, but by changing the 's' in globalisation to a 'z', Primo produces an additional 12,000 search results.
212 votes -
Embargoed resources displaying in Primo
Currently records from within an embargo period are discover-able to end-users via Primo.
The user then thinks we have access to the records and selects it only to be presented with No full text available.
Embargoed records are outside of our coverage range and should not display in our discovery interface.60 votes -
Primo Central Index ( PCI ) - more granularity in excluding content from activated resources - e.g. exclude from index by resource type
Right now in Primo Central Index the customer can either activate or not a resource. But sometimes more granularity would be appreciated. Namely adding a filter by resource type allowing inclusion or exclusion in the index would be very useful. Please note: it's not a matter of adding a resource type in PCI. It's a matter of excluding records with a specific resource type from activated resources.
For example, some resources/data sources contains not only articles, but also journals and other resource types we actually catalogue. Since right now dedup does not work between local records and PCI, this ends…
103 votes -
Add an Abstract resource type for the Primo Central Index
Primo Central Index contains many records for abstracts of conference papers that have been published in journal issues/supplements.
These records are given the Article resource type in Primo. This confuses users, who when they find these items expect a full-length article instead of a short abstract.
It also creates problems with link resolvers, which attempt to generate article-level links and fail (publishers usually do not provide these abstracts as individual articles).
To fix this, Primo Central should be given a new resource type for abstracts.
The sources for these records are usually large indexes such as Scopus or Web of…
171 votes -
[Primo] - frbr - improve algorythm - consider all keys and not only the first matching key
In Primo FRBR documentation is explained that (I added ** signs):
In the FRBRization process, the keys are compared. If a record has a matching key with another record, it is added to the same FRBR group. Once a match is found, the system does not continue searching for matches since a record can belong to one FRBR group only.
In our experience this may lead to false positives. When comparing keys between frbr candidates, the system should consider instead the whole set of matching keys, not just the first matching one. And for example do not group…115 votes
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