Advanced search functionality for the Newspaper Search
Please provide advanced search functionality for the Newspaper Search. Users would like to limit searches by criteria such as publication name.
Jane F commented
I agree with Nancy. We launched our separate Newspaper search Dec 2022 and are still finding that it doesn't work as well as our library staff would like (for information literacy, assignments and tutorials)
Nancy Babb commented
I continue to support this Idea and would like to re-open it.
Anonymous commented
There should be functionality parity between regular Primo searches and newspaper searches.
Nancy Babb commented
It is also very difficult for users who may craft an Advanced Search in Primo blended scopes and then use the Newspapers Search facet expecting to send this Advanced Search into Newspapers -- who then find that their search terms have not been passed to Newspapers but instead lead to a blank search box in Newspapers. This illustrates for us that users are trying to accomplish Advanced Searches for Newspaper content, so it would be extremely helpful for this functionality to be supported.
Anonymous commented
Agreed. While it is possible to apply some limiters (such as subject, publication date, journal title) after entering search terms, it would be beneficial to be able to do a more focused search to begin with.