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22 results found
Remove resource sharing links from records for electronic and print books, but not chapters
It is currently not possible to create a GES or DLR that would prevent RapidILL resource sharing links from appearing on CDI records for electronic and print books. The only way to do so is by removing them from ALL books, which would also exclude the link from book chapters. "Exclude CDI ebooks" helps by removing some of these records from results, but there are exceptions with e-books in database type collections. This more granular functionality is highly needed, as requests for entire books cannot be granted through RapidILL and must be cancelled.
12 votes -
Add a job that can set the CDI option collectively
We would like you to add a job to set "Activate for search in CDI" collectively for the electronic collection set of CZ.
Also, please add a job to batch update the following CDI options for the electronic collection set of IZ.
- CDI Search activation status
- We subscribe to only some titles in this collection
- CDI-only full text activation
- Do not show as Full Text available in CDI even if active in Alma0 votes -
Show last edit date in Manage Customization Package tab for Primo VE View
Currently, the manage customization tab shows no information about when the package was last updated. I suggest adding information in the display area that shows "Package last updated: YYYY-MM-DD," preferably with the user's id.
2 votes -
Add to Primo Backend BE tools for counting and migrating (= export and reimport) user comments
As Primo administrator we have no tool
1) allowing us to know how many user comments are in the system (to have an idea on how this feature is used and therefore useful
2) allowing us to migrate user comments in case there is a change authentication system and metadata. For example, we switched from a case sensitive to a case unsensitive authentication platform and, since user comments in Primo are linked to user via the ID used for authentication, we could not export them, manipulate and fix the users, and reimport them.
Therefore a way to export / reimport…3 votes -
Make persistent search history opt-in instead of opt-out
Make Persistent search history an opt-in instead of opt-out when enabled by a library.
If a library enables the persistent search history in Primo VE, the feature is automatically turned on for all patron records. It would be helpful if patrons who would like to use the persistent search history feature could choose to opt-in to it instead of requiring users to opt-out of it.
4 votes -
"Feedback Tool" for the New Primo UI: Configuring the Feedback Letter - please support multilingualism
There are already pre-defined labels for the e-mail in different languages (e.g. but they are currently non-functional :-(
Configuring the Feedback Tool for the New Primo UI
"Note: Only the en_US descriptions are supported for email labels, and no translations are provided if configured in the table."According to Production Management, implementation is not planned for the time being and we should raise an idea.
So, please vote for this idea ;-)13 votes -
Send an automated confirmation email after a booking request has been successfully placed
Currently Primo has a nice feature that allows patrons to book items after they log in to their library account. It is called booking request in Alma and Request Item in Primo. We use it to let our patrons book equipment. However, it doesn't send out an automated confirmation email after a booking request has been successfully placed. We request to have this feature (i.e. the system sends out an automated confirmation email to the patron after a booking request has been successfully placed).
6 votes -
customization package API
Please add an API to deploy customization packages in Primo VE so that customers with many views can automate the cumbersome deployment process.
0 votes -
API for customization package deployment
Please add an API to deploy customization packages in Primo VE so that customers with many views can automate the cumbersome deployment process.
104 votes -
Remove the character limit for the Resource Recommender Description field
Currently, there is either no limit or a large limit on the Description field of the Resource Recommender when files are uploaded from Excel.
However, if you open an existing Recommender to edit something (fix a typo, add additional keywords, update a URL), you are not permitted to save unless the Description field has fewer than 300 characters. This means I opt not to fix my typos, and I have to spend the time to rewrite the description to fit into <= 300 characters in order to update a URL. I find this limitation very frustrating.
Please either remove or…
144 votes -
Determine source for Autocomplete-suggestions in a blended scope
In Primo you can activate autocomplete to get suggestions for search-queries based on what the end-user begins to type in the search-box.
We have tested the functionality and see that it could be useful for the end user to get these suggestions. However we see that the suggestions from the central index in some cases are a little strange and that you get suggestions from the entire index and not only the sources the institution has activated. This means that the end-user could get suggestions that gives 0 results.
The local index suggestions seems to be a lot more accurate…
135 votes -
We would like the ability to weight certain PCI results higher than others (ie. Hathitrust)
We have an example journal of Index Medicus. When we search this record in our blended local and PCI search the hathitrust PCI record does not display until the 3rd-4th page:,contains,index%20medicus&tab=default_tab&search_scope=everything&sortby=rank&vid=PURDUE&mode=Basic&offset=0
If we want to withdraw the print record, because it is available in hathitrust, having this on the 3rd-4th page is not acceptable. We would like the ability to boost or weight certain PCI resources, based on the collection name, higher within our results.
This request seems somewhat related to: this request to me is more generic than both of those, but seemingly related.
31 votes -
Dedup and FRBR cluster monitoring
Since BIRT reports in back office are being deprecated and they are not available in VE, those who implement Dedup or FRBR will have no way to monitor the clusters that goes beyond what's currently in analytics (just a report of cluster sizes). Size of clusters is important, but when "impossibly large" clusters form (we recently noticed many, up to 89 members!), we need to be able to see the records forming the cluster in order to diagnose problems. The BIRT tool is way too slow and unwieldly for this purpose but provides useful information: contents of the fields that…
34 votes -
View Primo as someone else / different types of users
View Primo as "someone else". It would be useful to view our Primo-page as different types of users. Being able to view Primo as an internal user, or a student, or staff member, or an external user, would help us troubleshoot configuration and settings in Alma. Have we activated the right functionality for the different user groups? Have we hidden what we want to hide?
tl;dr: Facebook's "View as" functionality in Primo.
56 votes -
Add MODS template as Date Source for OAI-PMH harvest
Currently, there is no MODS template for OAI-PMH harvesting of external collections. As an example, we have many collections in an Islandora repository and have very rich metadata in MODS format. We lose most of that metadata when the collection is harvested because we must use the DC template as the Source format.
60 votes -
Allow libraries to review PCI metadata in collections
We would like the ability to not only see more information about the collections (which is already another idea on here) but also the ability to see the metadata for each collection. For example, for Kanopy, we have loaded the MARC records into Alma, but would like to review what the metadata for the PCI collection looks like so we can make a decision about whether or not to enable it. We have no way to know what the PCI collection will add or do until we turn it on in production Primo.
50 votes -
Generate a report of the MMSID's harvested by Primo Back Office
We would like to be able to generate a report of the MMSID's harvested by Primo Back Office.
56 votes -
EZProxy (Primo institution wizard) more granular application against specific collections
Currently in Primo institution wizard (Primo Home > Ongoing Configuration Wizards > Institution Wizard > Delivery Base URLs) you can enter an EZProxy base URL. If a proxy is added it will be applied to all Link in Record type resources (though there is the option to exclude OA collections). I would like more granularity so that we could choose to apply the proxy to certain Link in Record type collections, but not to apply the proxy to others.
115 votes -
Allow to delete records in Primo BE ( included dedup records )
Right now the only way to delete a record in Primo is to refer to a KB Article [1] explaining how to write an xml OAI-PMH record with status 'deleted' and let the xml file to be ingested by a pipe. The procedure is cumbersome and error prone (e.g. issues with compression of the file on non linux machines etc.) and it does not always work properly. For example, dedup records are not properly deleted by this procedure.
It would be good to provide a feature in the Primo BE allowing to look for specific PNX and to delete it.…
44 votes -
Copy parts of Normalization Rules Sets to other fields in the same set
It would be very useful to be able to copy subsets/blocks of a Normalization Rule Set to other blocks/fields in the same set, instead of manually copying very complicated rules. This was a NERS request from the Free University of Bozen (4440), but it did not receive enough votes.
38 votes
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