EZProxy (Primo institution wizard) more granular application against specific collections
Currently in Primo institution wizard (Primo Home > Ongoing Configuration Wizards > Institution Wizard > Delivery Base URLs) you can enter an EZProxy base URL. If a proxy is added it will be applied to all Link in Record type resources (though there is the option to exclude OA collections). I would like more granularity so that we could choose to apply the proxy to certain Link in Record type collections, but not to apply the proxy to others.

Mathias Kratzer commented
Great idea - but as far as I can see nothing specific to EZProxy. We are using HAN (Hidden Automatic Navigator) because we even need to emulate different access IPs for different groups of patrons (or more precisely: different types of subscriptions) and Ex Libris already added a way to control this in the proxy settings on the service level of any given collection. However, for the "link in record" cases all these setting are currently ignored by Primo :-(
So, please make Primo VE aware of the collection that provided the record in question and let it evaluate the proxy settings for that collection instead of applying a globally defined proxy setting. And please do not implement this enhancement for a specific type of proxy only but for all supported ones!
Ewa commented
We also need more granularity, we need to add Ez Proxy to some Open Access collections that have "link in record", because we have purchased some paid options - and we can't use it without Ez Proxy acces. Typically there is OpenEdition collections.
Fiona Tinto commented
*edit to above - I should have made this clearer that is is in relation to Primo Central. Adding the EZproxy base URL means it will be applied to all Link in Record type Primo Central resources. I would like more granularity so that we could choose to apply the proxy to specific Link in Record type Primo Central collections, but not others.