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7 results found

  1. Resource Recommender Statistics for Individual Items

    Primo Analytics for Resource Recommender analytics currently shows only number of selections by resource category but not for individual records within each category. We would like to use detailed statistics for annual usage review and and RR maintenance. Particularly for databases, we would like a more straightforward option to see clicks through RR.

    From two previous ideas that were both closed:{toggle_previous_statuses}

    22 votes
    1 comment  ·  Analytics  ·  Admin →
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  2. Fiscal/Calendar Year fields for Primo Analytics

    Please provide the fiscal year and calendar year fields for Primo Analytics. To show trends, it is helpful to compare by fiscal/calendar years.

    15 votes
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  3. Usage of the pre-filter options within Primo VE

    At the OU, we are interested in seeing the usage of the pre-filter options within Primo VE. While the 'basic search with pre-filter' option is counted, the individual pre-filter options are not. We need this data to better understand our user behaviour in order to make improvements to our service. We also want to see the usage of pre-filters to help us decide whether to go live with the new pre-filter options.

    3 votes
    1 comment  ·  Analytics  ·  Admin →
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  4. Primo Analytics - add the ability to monitor availability link clicks by availability category

    Currently usage statistics may be generated using the "Click on availability statement" Analytics action, however there is no way to differentiate clicks on say, "Available at" (for physical resources) and "Check online access".

    We would like the ability to extract availability clicks by category:

    Check online access
    Available at
    No full text

    General use cases:

    To help us decide what types of links should display where and in what order in Primo.

    More specific use case:

    To help us understand how patrons are accessing electronic resources. For instance, we have added the BrowZine PDF fulltext link to Primo. We…

    72 votes
    1 comment  ·  Analytics  ·  Admin →
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  5. Primo Analytics - Ability to report on all search strings, not just Popular and Zero Results

    Primo Analytics currently only includes search string data for Popular and Zero Results subject areas. It would be a vast improvement to be able to see all search string results.
    Note: This functionality is available via BIRT, but only by individual reports by first letter of the alphabet, which are unwieldy and essentially unusable in loading so slowly (and often not at all).

    192 votes
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  6. Primo Analytics: extracts the usernames related to failed logins

    It would be great -with Primo analytics- building an analysis that extracts the usernames related to failed logins

    47 votes
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  7. Provide Statistics about use of Primo Central Collections

    It would be great if we can asses the usage of our licensed content via Primo. This will be valuable for our licensing decisions, as well it would be interesting for the hosts (Thomson Reuters, ProQuest...).

    For instance, we like to know:

    • how often users view metadata (i.e. open details tab) of records from ProQuest's Collection for Dissertations & Theses

    • what is the ratio of view metadata to request fulltexts from the collection?

    • which providers (Thomson Reuters, ProQuest, ...) are used most (view + download), what are the top collections of each provider?

    52 votes
    1 comment  ·  Analytics  ·  Admin →
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